Wii has a lot of useless, extra junk!

JVIPER82 said:
To set the record straight, I am a fan of Nintendo, have owned all of their systems at one point or another and intend on buying the Wii as well. However...

It seems to me that there is a lot of superfluous stuff incorporated in the Wii console that I just don't deem necessary. And I can't help but think that if those resources were used in different ways, we would have a much better machine to work with.

I know the point of the Wii is about the gameplay and not the graphics; and that is why I will be buying the system, but at the same time, graphics DO play an important role in gameplay and the enjoyment of that game. I personally think that having graphics that are only slightly better than the XBox isn't very impressive.

Some of the things that I feel are unneccesary that are included with the wii:

- The Opera internet browser (c'mon... computers are much better for surfing the net!)
- The Wii Channels (I don't need to turn on my game system to check the weather, news, etc. And who is gonna show photos on the Wii??)
- The Miis (does anyone really care about creating their own avatars? REALLY???)
- WiiConnect24 (why?? I don't need to constantly be connected to the internet for updates! The result of this is a smaller system that cannot consume enough power. I would not have included this unnecessary feature)
-The speaker in the Wiimote. (The sound quality is poor to begin with and I don't forsee this thing being used in a way that would enhance my gameplay!)

Imagine all of the time, energy and resources that were put into these projects. When instead, they could have boosted the graphical abilities of the machine. Without the WiiConnect24 feature, they could make the console slightly larger and include some additional technologies to close the gap between the Wii and the other two systems.

Finally, in the box, I would have included two wiimotes and nunckuck attachments instead of Wii Sports.

Tell if you guys think I'm off base. Let me know if you would prefer these other options built into the Wii. To me, it just seems like fluff, but that could only be me...

Thanks for your input!
Seriously if you don't like it, don't buy it.
Are you serious? All these extras are great! Who is going to complain that you get MORE stuff for less? I mean come on it comes with a sports bundle, the Miis are a GREAT idea because people love customization, the Channels is great to check quick new/weather after having a game and before leaving the house.... Nintendo is doing something great here and YOU are complaining about it? :wtf: :ciappa:
about the wii being connected 24/7, i thinks its a good idea. right now i have my xbox on and it is downloading a new demo and 2 trailers. it would be awsome if it would just auto download them while im sleeping. also it can auto update games. say your playing SMG and you find a glitch that is causing you to not be able to finish the game. it would suck if there want anything for you to do. well with wiiconnect, nintendo can release a patch to fix that glitch. now about the Wii Channels. kinda useless but still, i have XBMC (Xbox Media Center) on my modded xbox and it has a whether feature on it. i dont have to tune into the wheather channel and wait for them to show the local wheater. i can just go to the Wii wheather channel and get it. now for the Mii's. its just something fun. i cant imagine that making the console any more expensive. they have chat programs on the net where you make your own 3D character and those are distributed free so even if that wasnt added, the price would still be $250. also everyone who is telling him to deal with it and to stop compaining, people are allowed to voice their opinions. jviper, i know what you are talking about but people today want extras. they want more for their money and if nintendo wants to stay alive in the console buisness, they need to give the customer what they want.
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All Out said:
Are you serious? All these extras are great! Who is going to complain that you get MORE stuff for less? I mean come on it comes with a sports bundle, the Miis are a GREAT idea because people love customization, the Channels is great to check quick new/weather after having a game and before leaving the house.... Nintendo is doing something great here and YOU are complaining about it? :wtf: :ciappa:

I can see from most of the responses on this board that you guys don't agree with my perception of the other stuff included with the Wii that I consider to be "fluff".

The new pictures of Red Steel DO look very good, and most likely when I buy the Wii, that will be the game I pick up.

Even though most of the people here don't agree with my opinion of the system's extra stuff, I gotta ask... Do you guys REALLY REALLY see yourselves making Miis and playing with them?? Do you really see yourself going on the Wii to check the News instead of reading a newspaper or going online?? or checking the weather instead of going to Weather.com?? It just doesn't make sense to me. It seems SO unnecessary when there are devices that are specifically designed for these tasks.

And one little note to the person whose post I quoted: With the Wii, I wouldn't say you're getting more for less... You're getting more for more, like you usually do. You think Wii Sports is just "free"? We're being charged for it, unfortunately. Additionally, the technology involved here, while it's application is great, is clearly NOT costing Nintendo much money. Reggie stated that the Wii will make money out of the box. The other two companies are willing to take a loss on the technology incorporated in the system and make that back on game and accessory sales. And while I clearly understand the business aspect of their decision, you aren't getting more for less at all. The technology in the PS3, whether people dislike the price of the console or not, is SO advanced it is more than worth its price.

I'm not conplaining about the Wii sucking or anything. I was asking for people's opinions on the additional stuff. I'm still buying a Wii, because I think it will be a lot of fun to play! I'm waiting for a real baseball game. that will be a blast! So don't go thinking I'm hating on Nintendo or the System. I have some issues with them, but nothing more.
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JVIPER82 said:
I can see from most of the responses on this board that you guys don't agree with my perception of the other stuff included with the Wii that I consider to be "fluff".

The new pictures of Red Steel DO look very good, and most likely when I buy the Wii, that will be the game I pick up.

Even though most of the people here don't agree with my opinion of the system's extra stuff, I gotta ask... Do you guys REALLY REALLY see yourselves making Miis and playing with them?? Do you really see yourself going on the Wii to check the News instead of reading a newspaper or going online?? or checking the weather instead of going to Weather.com?? It just doesn't make sense to me. It seems SO unnecessary when there are devices that are specifically designed for these tasks.

And one little note to the person whose post I quoted: With the Wii, I wouldn't say you're getting more for less... You're getting more for more, like you usually do. You think Wii Sports is just "free"? We're being charged for it, unfortunately. Additionally, the technology involved here, while it's application is great, is clearly NOT costing Nintendo much money. Reggie stated that the Wii will make money out of the box. The other two companies are willing to take a loss on the technology incorporated in the system and make that back on game and accessory sales. And while I clearly understand the business aspect of their decision, you aren't getting more for less at all. The technology in the PS3, whether people dislike the price of the console or not, is SO advanced it is more than worth its price.

I'm not conplaining about the Wii sucking or anything. I was asking for people's opinions on the additional stuff. I'm still buying a Wii, because I think it will be a lot of fun to play! I'm waiting for a real baseball game. that will be a blast! So don't go thinking I'm hating on Nintendo or the System. I have some issues with them, but nothing more.

Actually, Nintendo didn't have to add all that extra, as you call it, "fluff" and would have still charged us the same price. So yes, I believe we are getting more for less.
So I see myself creating a Mii... hell yeah, I am going to make me and probably one for each of my family members for when they want to jump in and play a quick game of tennis (etc etc.) As for the channels... again YES. Let's say I jump in to play a quick game of bowling and I look at my watch, oh snap, it's almost time to catch my train into work. Oh wait, should I bring my unbrella? Boom, Wii Weather Channel. As for the news channel, I will most definitely look at it as this is the business I am in... so it will be interesting to see where Nintendo takes a stand on news. So yes, all that exrra "fluff" may be fluff to you but usefull to others.
Yes i see my self checking the news sometimes. And just now i could have used weather becuase i dont know any good weather websites (thanks for weather.com) and i was acutally thinking creating a Mii would be like the thing you do at first boot up, which i was looking forward to. Yes im going to create Miis i love customizaton and just creating avatars. My sisters will love it too! And hellz yah i seriously think putting Miis into Wii SPorts is so fun! I can use my sisters Mii and my Mii and i can beat the stuffing out of her! So to awnser your question: YES! I look totaly forward to all that you just said, you saying that makes me more pyched!
Will I be messing around with a Mii? I'm really unsure because I'm not sure how Nintendo will use them other than in games like Wii Sports. If their your online sort of gamer-tag ala Xbox Live, then yeah, I will because I want to look cool online, but otherwise, probably not a lot. I think they should have gone for a more artistic style for the Miis rather than cartooney.

As for surfing the internet, it will depend on the loading speed of web pages. I'm guessing it will be decent and I wouldn't mind checking the latest news at IGN while sitting back on my couch. Being like less than a foot from the screen like I am right now from my computer's monitor gets tireing.

WiiConnect24 is great, although I don't see a big difference between it and Xbox Live. Don't both provide updates? Perhaps it's just that WiiConnect24 actually installs the updates and doesn't make you search for them, keeping you unaware while the Xbox makes you manually download game updates. If this is true, then WiiConnect24 will be quite nice.
you can use them in wario ware, wii play, and wii music i believe. and that is just what we know of right now. wait until the future they will come out with more stuff. dont judge a book by its cover!
JVIPER82 said:
Do you guys REALLY REALLY see yourselves making Miis and playing with them?? Do you really see yourself going on the Wii to check the News instead of reading a newspaper or going online?? or checking the weather instead of going to Weather.com?? It just doesn't make sense to me. It seems SO unnecessary when there are devices that are specifically designed for these tasks.

I really do believe I will use the news section of the wii and probably the Opera browser,if I want to do any quick browsing so I dont have to boot up my laptop for about 2 minutes then switch it off again. THe Miis Im not all that bothered about, Ill make one or two but that will be about it, but im pretty sure my niece will love making them and playing as them in wii sports whenever she comes around.

On the whole wiiconnect subject its clear that any new console after the PS3 will have this as standard just because its far more efficient and quicker to do than the way the Xbox 360 does it.

The thing you have to remember is that Nintendo arent specifically aiming at the hardcore gamer with this console, they are going for the whole family so they need products that will attract this group. You come across as a pretty hardcore gamer which is why you see all this as fluff. Me? I do sometimes enjoy seeing the skin cells on the guy im fighting as, or the light glinting off the coke can on the side of the road that I am driving down, but I can also see the benefit of having a news channel and a quick access internet browser.

However I do believe Nintendo need to be very very careful they dont alienate their core audience with this console, but im pretty sure they will pull it off.

Hope that all amde some sort of sense. :D
NateTheGreat said:
WiiConnect24 is great, although I don't see a big difference between it and Xbox Live. Don't both provide updates? Perhaps it's just that WiiConnect24 actually installs the updates and doesn't make you search for them, keeping you unaware while the Xbox makes you manually download game updates. If this is true, then WiiConnect24 will be quite nice.
xbox live auto downloads updates when you load up the game that needs updating. however it would be nice if as soon as the update was avalable for it to just go ahead and download it instead of waiting fo you to boot the game first
Oh aned I forgot to mention the browser... I really wish my 360 had a broswer. Kickin back and browsing on my 32" LCD is alot cooler than on my 20" iMac. SO yes, I will use the "fluff" alot too.
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Mitch2025 said:
xbox live auto downloads updates when you load up the game that needs updating. however it would be nice if as soon as the update was avalable for it to just go ahead and download it instead of waiting fo you to boot the game first
Ah, thanks. I have an Xbox, but haven't been on Xbox Live in a loooong time.

Well then, WiiConnect24 will really be cool. However, I wonder what will happen if you start up Wii while it's downloading an update. Will it slow down boot up? Or is the whole idea of Wii that it just goes into a sort of sleep-mode and when you press the power button, it's already on? I wonder if the first time you start of Wii is the only time you ever truly boot up and there after, it just goes into sleep mode?
I agree with you on the first two.....the other ones are necessary and not useless at all.....i mean wiiconnect is very necessary for updates and that....what if there is a horrible glitch online in SSBB then they send the patch to each and every system and there you go good as new.....completely necessary
It has to be on stand by mode for the updates to happen. So that shouldnt be a problem. When you bring it out of that it will probabaly just tell you what its doing. Uhh, im thinking where the updates are gonna be stored...o.0 does this kinda rule out an online patch for some games? since it would take quite a bit of memroy .

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