Wii has a lot of useless, extra junk!

I know I'll be using the 'fluff' I don't really keep up with news but I think I will a bit more now that it is there, same with the wheather. I also think that the Miis will be friggen awesome.
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  • #32
Big_Mill said:
I really do believe I will use the news section of the wii and probably the Opera browser,if I want to do any quick browsing so I dont have to boot up my laptop for about 2 minutes then switch it off again. THe Miis Im not all that bothered about, Ill make one or two but that will be about it, but im pretty sure my niece will love making them and playing as them in wii sports whenever she comes around.

On the whole wiiconnect subject its clear that any new console after the PS3 will have this as standard just because its far more efficient and quicker to do than the way the Xbox 360 does it.

The thing you have to remember is that Nintendo arent specifically aiming at the hardcore gamer with this console, they are going for the whole family so they need products that will attract this group. You come across as a pretty hardcore gamer which is why you see all this as fluff. Me? I do sometimes enjoy seeing the skin cells on the guy im fighting as, or the light glinting off the coke can on the side of the road that I am driving down, but I can also see the benefit of having a news channel and a quick access internet browser.

However I do believe Nintendo need to be very very careful they dont alienate their core audience with this console, but im pretty sure they will pull it off.

Hope that all amde some sort of sense. :D

Big Mill, I appreciate your post. Good stuff. I guess its true that if you're catering a system for an entire family, having that extra stuff comes in handy.

My whole thing is: I wouldn't consider myself to be a "hardcore gamer". I'd consider myself to be a gaming traditionalist. :lol: I believe that game systems should be for games, because that is what they do best. I don't necessarily believe they should be using resources to go on the web. Surfing the web doesn't seem all that efficient. You'll need a keyboard and I dont want to have pay for an extra accessory. Certain tasks are for certain tools. An all encompassing machine just doesn't work.
JVIPER82 said:
To set the record straight, I am a fan of Nintendo, have owned all of their systems at one point or another and intend on buying the Wii as well. However...

It seems to me that there is a lot of superfluous stuff incorporated in the Wii console that I just don't deem necessary. And I can't help but think that if those resources were used in different ways, we would have a much better machine to work with.

I know the point of the Wii is about the gameplay and not the graphics; and that is why I will be buying the system, but at the same time, graphics DO play an important role in gameplay and the enjoyment of that game. I personally think that having graphics that are only slightly better than the XBox isn't very impressive.

Some of the things that I feel are unneccesary that are included with the wii:

- The Opera internet browser (c'mon... computers are much better for surfing the net!)
- The Wii Channels (I don't need to turn on my game system to check the weather, news, etc. And who is gonna show photos on the Wii??)
- The Miis (does anyone really care about creating their own avatars? REALLY???)
- WiiConnect24 (why?? I don't need to constantly be connected to the internet for updates! The result of this is a smaller system that cannot consume enough power. I would not have included this unnecessary feature)
-The speaker in the Wiimote. (The sound quality is poor to begin with and I don't forsee this thing being used in a way that would enhance my gameplay!)

Imagine all of the time, energy and resources that were put into these projects. When instead, they could have boosted the graphical abilities of the machine. Without the WiiConnect24 feature, they could make the console slightly larger and include some additional technologies to close the gap between the Wii and the other two systems.

Finally, in the box, I would have included two wiimotes and nunckuck attachments instead of Wii Sports.

Tell if you guys think I'm off base. Let me know if you would prefer these other options built into the Wii. To me, it just seems like fluff, but that could only be me...

Thanks for your input!

Yup, you're off base.

Opera Internet Browser Sure, you can do the same thing on your computer. But, is your computer widescreen? Even a small TV is bigger than your computer, probably. So you can view videos and stuff in much nicer quality.

The Wii Channels Let's create a scenario. Joe wakes up late for his work and quickly has to get ready and eat breakfast. He quickly turns on the Wii, goes to the internet channel, checks the traffic on Google Maps, and leaves. Mary, his wife, goes to the Wii Message Boards leaves a note for the kids and leaves.

Bob, their son, gets up, looks at the message boards, and realizes he has to walk to school today.

Lucy, their daughter, gets up and looks at the forecast to see what she can wear today.

Now, the Mii-It's not neccesary, but its fun and free. We don't pay extra money for it, but creating your own avatar for games is just cool. Photo channel is like another Photoshop. So yeah.

WiiConnect24 Do you even know what the hell is WiiConnect24? It's basiaclly a free Wi-Fi.

The Speaker Man, get your freakin' facts straight! How do you know the speaker quality is bad? Have you tested it? Doubt it. We don't know if it's good or not, and it's good for hearing-impaired people.
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  • #34
Kunu said:
Yup, you're off base.

Opera Internet Browser Sure, you can do the same thing on your computer. But, is your computer widescreen? Even a small TV is bigger than your computer, probably. So you can view videos and stuff in much nicer quality.

The Wii Channels Let's create a scenario. Joe wakes up late for his work and quickly has to get ready and eat breakfast. He quickly turns on the Wii, goes to the internet channel, checks the traffic on Google Maps, and leaves. Mary, his wife, goes to the Wii Message Boards leaves a note for the kids and leaves.

Bob, their son, gets up, looks at the message boards, and realizes he has to walk to school today.

Lucy, their daughter, gets up and looks at the forecast to see what she can wear today.

Now, the Mii-It's not neccesary, but its fun and free. We don't pay extra money for it, but creating your own avatar for games is just cool. Photo channel is like another Photoshop. So yeah.

WiiConnect24 Do you even know what the hell is WiiConnect24? It's basiaclly a free Wi-Fi.

The Speaker Man, get your freakin' facts straight! How do you know the speaker quality is bad? Have you tested it? Doubt it. We don't know if it's good or not, and it's good for hearing-impaired people.

To clarify:

WiiConnect24 encompasses more than just "free wi-fi". The concept of WiiConnect24 is that it stays on ALL THE TIME. The problem I have with this is not the automatic access to patches and what not. The problem is they made the system small, with the ability to run on a very small amount of power even when it seems like the system is off for JUST THIS PURPOSE. In and of itself, I don't have a problem with that. But based on what I said in my original post, I would have preferred leaving this option out, making the system slightly larger and more power-needy and boost the graphic capabilities.

As far as the speaker is concerned, you're right, I haven't tested it. But I did read an article in which people testing the sounds coming from the wiimote were not thrilled with the sound quality. That is really all I have to base it on. It is a small device that can not possibly create authentic depth of sound. But even if it did, while it's a neat feature, I don't think it will sufficiently improve my gaming experience as opposed to those funds being used on graphic enhancements.

And just one other thing: in your scenario that you set up with the family, I can understand that it MIGHT work in such a fashion? But how did people go about their day before the Wii came along? Were family members wandering around aimlessly wondering where everyone is? I don't see someone waking up in the morning and turning on their Wii for weather. I also don't see how leaving a message for children on a Wii Message board is any better than leaving a note on the kitchen table like most people do. That's one of the reasons why I'm not crazy about all this stuff. It has NOTHING to do with games.
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Kunu said:
WiiConnect24 Do you even know what the hell is WiiConnect24? It's basiaclly a free Wi-Fi.
do you realize you first need a wifi connection (I.E. highspeed internet connection with wireless router) in your house before you can connect?
JVIPER82 said:
To clarify:

WiiConnect24 encompasses more than just "free wi-fi". The concept of WiiConnect24 is that it stays on ALL THE TIME. The problem I have with this is not the automatic access to patches and what not. The problem is they made the system small, with the ability to run on a very small amount of power even when it seems like the system is off for JUST THIS PURPOSE. In and of itself, I don't have a problem with that. But based on what I said in my original post, I would have preferred leaving this option out, making the system slightly larger and more power-needy and boost the graphic capabilities.

As far as the speaker is concerned, you're right, I haven't tested it. But I did read an article in which people testing the sounds coming from the wiimote were not thrilled with the sound quality. That is really all I have to base it on. It is a small device that can not possibly create authentic depth of sound. But even if it did, while it's a neat feature, I don't think it will sufficiently improve my gaming experience as opposed to those funds being used on graphic enhancements.

And just one other thing: in your scenario that you set up with the family, I can understand that it MIGHT work in such a fashion? But how did people go about their day before the Wii came along? Were family members wandering around aimlessly wondering where everyone is? I don't see someone waking up in the morning and turning on their Wii for weather. I also don't see how leaving a message for children on a Wii Message board is any better than leaving a note on the kitchen table like most people do. That's one of the reasons why I'm not crazy about all this stuff. It has NOTHING to do with games.

I obviously didn't have enough info about Connect24, but I need the source for where it says anything about leaving it on all the time.

And sure, it has nothing to do with the games, but who said Wii is all about gaming? No one. It's a multi console. It has many features, and some might not use it and some might. However, if they hadn't implented these features, the power would be the same; I don't know if your technical or not, but IBM Broadways are powerful, and it doesn't matter about space.
u have to remember that the Wii is for everyone, not just fitting to YOUR needs...think about how many more sales they r getting with those extra features, and they make those sales by selling those features to the public, not by scams of how good they r when they really r not since ppl buy what they see is good; in addition, i guarentee u that some of the games for the Wii r going to have better graphics than games for the PS3 and vice versa, depending on how much effort was put into graphics...for example, take final fantasy tactics for the playstation and Super Mario64 for the N64...which graphics r better? no doubtedly super mario 64! in fact, final fantasy tactics was not even made withj good graphics on purpose to fit the game setting...it was actaully using animations and drawings, not realistic characters as in graphics-wise, except for the cut scenes... now take majoras mask and take final fantasy 9; final fantasy 9 is overall better in graphics on top of the great cut scenes and lots more;

anyways, u also have to take into consideration that a new console marks a new generation of gameplay, graphics, and much, much more...at one point, graphics will basically stop getting better--there is a limit to how realistic something can be, and if nintendo keeps their signiture graphics the way nintendo is instead of making everything so "realistic", well, thats there style and ppl like it; for example, mario will always look fake, he will have that spherical nose which, if u make it into realistic graphics, would look rediculous...think about wario and waluigi with PS3 graphics...they wont even look like Nintendo anymore! ppl have to grasp this idea of nintendo; they dont realize it right away, but thats actually what keeps Nintendo interesting and entertaining.

what i wrote just now will get u to think and u will be like "well, now that u think about it...he is right in many aspects and what he says is actually quite true, i never thought of it that way..."
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Mitch2025 said:
do you realize you first need a wifi connection (I.E. highspeed internet connection with wireless router) in your house before you can connect?

u also have to get a computer wire to connect it from the back of the Wii to the router IF u dont have the wireless connection since it can hold up to usually 3 or 4 connections wirelessly; but if u dont, then u have to use the wire.
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RPGMasterTurk91 said:
u have to remember that the Wii is for everyone, not just fitting to YOUR needs...think about how much more sales they r getting with those extra features, and they make those sales by selling those features to the public; in addition, i guarentee u that some of the games for the Wii r going to have better graphics than games for the PS3 and vice versa, depending on how much effort was puti nto graphics...for example. take final fantasy tactics for the playstation and Super Mario64 for the N64...which graphics r better? now take majoras mask and take final fantasy 9; final fantasy 9 is overall better in graphics since it has those great cut scenes and lots more; anyways, u also have to take into consideration that a new console marks a new generation of gameplay, graphics and much, much more...at one point, graphics will basically stop getting better--there is a limit to how realistic something can be, and if nintendo keeps their signiture graphics the way nintendo is instead of making everything so "realistic", well, thats there style and ppl like it; for example, mario will always look fake, he will have that spherical nose which, if u make it into realistic graphics, would look rediculous...think about wario and waluigi with PS3 graphics...they wont even look like Nintendo anymore! ppl have to grasp this idea of nintendo; they dont realize it right away, but thats actually what keeps Nintendo interesting and entertaining...what i wrote just now will get u think and u will be like "well, now that u think about it..."

What you said in your post is the reason why Nintendo is, potentially, in the best position of ANY console maker. They have all of these classic characters that people love, AND they have the potential to add other games from other consoles that people love. The problem is: as you pointed out, if the Wii is a system for everyone, then the graphical limitations of the Wii (no matter how you slice it, its severely underpowered compared to the other two) don't make the realistic games AS realistic as they could be on the other consoles.

Think about this: What if nintendo had a system where the graphics were closer to PS3 and Xbox360. They had the ability to reproduce the same games as those other two AND had exlusive rights to all of their titles like Mario and Zelda, etc. AND on top of that, had the exciting, inovative gameplay.

I think they've just slipped a little on the picture. I think they coulda had it all...
from what i noticed on this site, i would say a good 50% of the people made their decisions on NOT to or thought about NOT buying the Wii because of its uncomparable graphics to the other two consoles...the other half r the ppl who dont mind that much about graphics and actually know that the Wii graphics really rnt bad at all (and therefore does not bother them), even tho its slightly underminded compared to the PS3 and X-box360, but that doesnt make it BAD...these two groups of "opinions" for the most part share the same views with each other, justl ike how a democrat shares similar thoughts with another democrat about democratic views (like i said, for the most part); anyways, have different how could u even say that the grapichs for the Wii r gonna be bad? just because other consoles r coming out thas gonna have better graphics than it just means that they have better than awesome graphics, which the Wii is gonna have awesome graphics, better than the PS2 and X-box; is that not good? just cuz its slightly out of the league of the PS3 and X-box360 doesnt mean that the graphics r actaully BAD; ppl r expecting too much of graphics when better graphics r being enhanced TODAY and they want more of what didnt even come out, better graphics that dont exist...i remember when super mario64 was GREAT graphics; now, its bad graphics...really? the graphics r bad on that game? wat u c is wat u c...and the graphics r still good, but the current graphics we have today r even better, leading others to believe that all other games below them are weak and suck in graphics
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patrickj said:
how bout you stop complaining and enjoy it. :)
wow. someone cant post an opninon?

anyways RPGmaster, your correct. the gfx may not be as good as the PS3 or Xbox360 but they are damn good. look at those screens of Red Steel! those graphics compair to 360 gfx on a standard def. TV. and thats jsut a launch title. it is proven that the gfx get better during a consoles life because the developers find new ways to squeeze the last bit of power out of it in order to get the best looking games so just wait a year from now!
Big_Mill said:
I really do believe I will use the news section of the wii and probably the Opera browser,if I want to do any quick browsing so I dont have to boot up my laptop for about 2 minutes then switch it off again. THe Miis Im not all that bothered about, Ill make one or two but that will be about it, but im pretty sure my niece will love making them and playing as them in wii sports whenever she comes around.

On the whole wiiconnect subject its clear that any new console after the PS3 will have this as standard just because its far more efficient and quicker to do than the way the Xbox 360 does it.

The thing you have to remember is that Nintendo arent specifically aiming at the hardcore gamer with this console, they are going for the whole family so they need products that will attract this group. You come across as a pretty hardcore gamer which is why you see all this as fluff. Me? I do sometimes enjoy seeing the skin cells on the guy im fighting as, or the light glinting off the coke can on the side of the road that I am driving down, but I can also see the benefit of having a news channel and a quick access internet browser.

However I do believe Nintendo need to be very very careful they dont alienate their core audience with this console, but im pretty sure they will pull it off.

Hope that all amde some sort of sense. :D

This is probly the best post that really relates to your question.
Becuase you are asking why did they add in all the extra stuff instead off making the graphics just that much better.Well like he said its to bring in different crowds you have to remember there trying to get more people to be interested not just you and me.

Wiiconnect24 - Seems like they added it to bring more online players im really not sure on this one.

Opera Browser - For the kids/teens that love to surf the web

Mii - Some people dont wanna have the same thing as evryone else this lets them feel a bit more independent

Wii Channels - the more busy crowd that has to use drive throughs and evrything on the go.

Wii Mote Speaker - They just added this to seem more experience to the player ex. When you fire a gun it comes from the wii mote and not the TV.

So in summary for those who dont like to read alot, they did all this to bring in new crowds to play the Wii and bring in some extra money and hopefully more fans of Nintendo.

P.S. I like the topic,you seem to have got alot of people's opinions

Sorry I haven't read every post... still on the first page. I do somewhat agree with JVIPER82's first post, these features are just junk to me also. But, you must remember Nintendo are trying to attract non gamers, and all this junk will help do so.

Finally, personally I think the Wii's graphics are fine (I'm blown away just by what I've seen of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and that's just GameCube hardware).

Ohh and to anyone who even compares the Wii's graphical capabilities to the X360 or PS3... don't kid yourself... both the X360 and PS3 have way greater graphical capabilities than the Nintendo Wii... I think one day when you see both in action, you may see.

Anyhows I dunno...

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