What's your pokemon team?

Don't think I've ever asked, so... Did ya play RSE at all competitively, Storm? Just outta curiosity.

Thinkin' on it, the team doesn't really have Gyara/Mence DD issues actually. Gyara has to come in on Swampert to pose any threat, and -1 full Atk investment Rock Slide still does nasty damage. Explosion Metagross takes care'a it even when switchin' in said Steel type anyways. 'Mence can't set up on any Poke. Clear Body allows Rock Slide to threaten 'Mence without needin' to Explode, Latios OHKOs 'n outspeeds and Swampert has dat iyce baem. Once they set up they'd be a threat, but settin' up is the nigh-impossible part for 'em.

Swampert really is a fantastic utility Poke back in Gen 3 that just-plain works when splashed on a team. Bloody Water types man. :lol:
dp dont care lol **** da [strike]polize[/strike] rulez

Decided on my in-game team, which ain't at all different from what I mentioned yesterday. I'll be usin' Emboar as my starter since I've used the other two starters already. Obviously I'm gonna use a ****in' Lucario since it's my favorite god damn 'mon. First time it's usable in-game without tradin' and such, so there's no reason I wouldn't. Been torn between Keldeo and Azumarill, but I decided on Keldeo since it's been impossible t' use a legendary in-game 'till the end game. I'll save Azumarill for my playthrough of the other version. Lastly, I'll raise a Sandslash 'cause I like it. It's been nigh-unusable in games previous, but now it learns moves that're actually better than utter **** via level up. Now that it's usable, I'm gonna damn-well use it.

mai teem is so bad lol

Timid - Leftovers - Levitate
4 HP - 252 SpAt - 252 Speed

Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

aaaggggghhh **** dis thing. Besides bein' a pain in the ass for balanced and stall teams, it's a real whore to trainers like me: aggrofaggots who love Choice items. With TSpikes and/or Spikes up, the amount of switches normally forced by usin' choice items only increases. It's a useful Poke in it's own right, and you're supporting it's strengths properly with entry hazards. No negative feedback t' be had.

Modest - Life Orb - Sheer Force
4 Def - 252 SpAt - 252 Speed

Earth Power
Fire Blast
Ice Beam
Toxic Spikes

The raw power behind this guy forces switches. A surprise TSpikes on one'a them switches becomes a very unpleasant surprise indeed. I can't be assed t' think whether or not Fire Blast would be better than T-bolt, so do it for me. >_> Do tell why ya put TSpikes over T-bolt instead'a Fire Blast.

Jolly - Choice Scarf - Sand Stream
4 HP - 252 At - 252 Speed

Stone Edge

Scarf TTar, copypasta indeed. It bloody works.

Jolly - Lum Berry - Multiscale
252 At - 4 SpDef - 252 Speed

Dragon Dance

Scary ol' ScaleNite. I agree with the choice of EQ over Fire Punch; the latter is more of a liability in rain, and while the old nemesis in Skarmory will come to haunt this set, EQ is simply more reliable.

Impish - Leftovers - Sturdy
252 HP - 232 Def - 24 Speed

Brave Bird

SkarmBli--... Chansey. blehhhhhhhh. It Spikes, it kills fightin' types, it does other generic things a stupid wall does. SkarmEgg (that's what I'm callin' it from now on) is even more of a dick move than it ever was previously. Mixed attackin' wall breakers or a mistake on your part are the only way this core will get broken thanks to Wish's broken new mechanics.

... It's effective, but ya won't be gettin' any respect for it.


Bold - Evolite - Natural Cure
252 HP - 252 Def - 4 Speed

Seismic Toss


Typing wise, the team definitely has a flaw I don't understand why everyone ain't coverin' properly; Rain teams. A Mixed Kingdra for example, goes to town once Rocks go up and so does a DD/Swift Swim. Ya won't be seein' hail any time soon, but Mamoswine can spam it's Ice STAB all day long. EQ threatens Skamory if it needs to Roost, and switchin' to Chansey to heal it with Wish instead ain't an option long as it's out. TTar is a risky dare to bring it in outside of a revenge kill too. In other words, your Water resists are lackin' and your outright lack of an Ice resist is very dangerous. If Chansey somehow manages to fall, you're really in a bad position against foes with said typed moves. 'Course, that's unlikely if ya play cautiously. Which ya should be if ya plan on usin' TSpikes on a balanced team.

Those qualms aside, you've got answers to most everything offensive as far as I can tell. Smart playin' will lead this team to victory since it's the best of generic goodstuff, and there's also some synergy in there to boot. Of course, I said ya got answers to offensive. This team ain't much for wall breakin'. You lack raw power in your offensive Pokes in exchange for a variety of tools. That ain't a bad trade, it's simply the matter of fact that it's a trade. Stall teams that can stave off a D-Nite sweep will manhandle ya since you don't have a spinner, though Nidoking removing opposing TSpikes is at least somethin'.

If Gengar or SkarmEgg is removed from the equation, hyper offense with a proper mixed attacker is very dangerous to the team; 'specially if ya lose one or both halves of the latter core. No hyper offense team battles with Rocks and a mighty fast Scarfer, and both'a those factors threaten the team if the proper wall isn't there to soak up the hits. Cautious play, patience and proper foresight are really key in beatin' an offensive team that has the tools t' take out your walls since they'l likely have 'mons to easily take out everythin' else. Sweep before your walls are gone, or be swept.

Overall, smart play is absolutely necessary (WHO WOULD'A THUNK'IT?) if your team doesn't outright have a good match-up since you can't muscle through an opponent that ain't highly D-nite prone 'till late-game. Ya need to use your wits to scout as much info as possible before sacrificing anythin'. The team holds each other together very well, but begins to fall apart on the first KO. An improper sacrifice may heavily shift momentum in the foe's favor. Abusing Wish as much as possible and avoiding gettin' your Pokes KO'd is definitely important towards this team winnin'.

So yeah, I'd say this team is pretty damn good. It's solid and doesn't have any gigantic or easy to exploit weakness, just as any successful balanced team should be. Minus a few problem Pokes anyways, but no team in Gen 5 can cover every single threat, so what can ya do. This balanced team certainly is... uh, balanced. Well done bro. Makin' better teams than what these jokers are doin' lately, that's for sure. ¬_¬

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Froslass (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Cursed Body
EVs: 248 HP / 84 SAtk / 176 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Spikes
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Slowbro (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 SAtk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Slack Off
- Thunder Wave

Mienshao (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Hi Jump Kick
- U-turn
- Fake Out
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Houndoom (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Grass]

Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Toxic
- Earthquake

Togekiss (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Body Slam
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Aura Sphere

Just a UU team I threw together. Thoughts on who to switch?
You're playin' UU now? DA FUQ?! First Nick ropes me into it, then MR joins in on the "fun", now you too? :lol:

regenerater whore
I did it because Houndoom and Froslass are UU

I picked the Pokemon before I even knew their abilities. I didn't even know it existed until today :p
With both Spikes and Stealth Rock, you're going to be racking up a lot of damage, meaning a cleaner would be nice. And of course Sharpedo is the best cleaner in the UU tier....

I'd say scrap Togekiss or Meinshao for it.

Also, I notice that your team lacks a good counter to Electric types, mostly Raikou and Zapdos. You could scrap Togekiss for Snorlax, who's a beastly special tank that's not weak to Electric attacks. Also, whirlwind would be great for ranking up that entry hazard damage. As well as getting rid of Subs.
I have a valid comment on a UU team. ... For once. needz moar rapid spin

Namely in fear of stacked hazards. Regenerator won't save ya from bad poisoning via TSpikes. A Poison type, if one can be fit into the team (Toxicroak over Mienshao? iunno lawl), would suffice as well since it's not like you have to fear Rocks to Spikes terribly. Not 'less they're both together with the latter at three layers.

From what I hear, stall is much more viable the lower down ya go in tiers, so just somethin' t' keep in mind.
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Froslass (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Cursed Body
EVs: 248 HP / 84 SAtk / 176 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Spikes
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Milotic (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Marvel Scale
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Scald
- Recover
- Dragon Tail
- Toxic

Mienshao (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Hi Jump Kick
- U-turn
- Fake Out
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Houndoom (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Grass]

Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Toxic
- Earthquake

Claydol @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 96 SAtk / 160 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Rapid Spin
- Psychic
- Toxic
- Stone Edge

Some changes. Decided to keep Mienshao over Sharpedo. I don't know how I'd counter dark otherwise.
Holy pokeballs, you've got three Pokes with Toxic... How 'bout Hypnosis on either Milotic or Bronzong for Arceus' sake? :lol:
I just realized the Genesect from the event is only lv. Slappin' that onto my team just 'cause I can. :D Havin' two slow-growth legendaries will ensure my 5-man team is pretty much never overleveled, as well as prevent the two from gettin' unobedient due to said slow leveling. 'Sides, the more legendary Pokes, the merrier. :lol: Usin' a Giratina in one'a my HG/SS playthroughs was pretty interestin', and he was plenty stronger than these two.

That aside, I've made my Battle Dome team. Ain't too much different, but is specifically designed for the Dome's gimmick of only two Pokes per battle.

Latios @ Soul Dew, Modest

252 Sp.A/Spe, 6 Sp.D


Ice Beam

Oh look, another Latios. Who would'a thunk it. :lol: In a 2v2 singles environment, Calm Mind is irrelevant besides increasing Latios' longevity against opposing Special Attackers it can't OHKO. Thus, it's been replaced, alongside D-Claw, for more coverage. Psychic STAB ruins Fighting types without me needing to elect Heracross onto the team over Metagross, and is not bad neutral STAB regardless. Surf takes care of the Fire types the other team mates cannot, as well as Rock types (ohai Aggron). BoltBeam not only provides excellent neutral coverage, but more importantly rounds out super effective coverage without needin' to rely on a Hidden Power.

Obviously this Latios is even more offensive than my Battle Tower Latios. It aims to OHKO everything it possibly can and thanks to Soul Dew, easily best opposing special attackers. If need be, Latios can even break Ice types one on one. If there's somethin' Latios can't beat, the rest of the team sure as **** endeavors to back up my Eon.

Metagross @ Choice Band, Adamant

252 HP, 236 Atk, 12 Def, 8 Spe


Meteor Mash
Rock Slide

The very same set as in the Battle Tower. But hey, it's that good. I originally planned to put a CB on Hera over the fact that bein' locked into both Steel and Ground moves is just... bad, but Metagross won't be doin' most of the fighting anyways. Whether it's exploding on a Kingdra or mashing the entire team with the raw power of STAB Meteor Mash and a Choice Band, it really doesn't matter if it's locked into a move. ... Well, except for Earthquake. If Latios is felled and their second Poke is a Flyin' type, I'll die a little inside. Hopefully it won't come t' that... ... ...

Heracross @ Salac Berry, Guts, Adamant

252 Atk/Spe, 6 HP


Brick Break
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk

"Salac Berry, but no Reversal, Endure, or Swarm? lolwut" is what one might think. Think again then. Heracross is solely utility to stop nasty threats the rest of my team doesn't want to deal with. Bug types are just a pain; for example, Latios ain't gonna stay in on a Pinsir, and Metagross doesn't wanna take two STAB moves from one either. What if somethin' loves to use T-wave, but Latios can't OHKO it? Guts boosted Megahorn. Sleep-inducing moves? Sleep talk, good sir. What if Heracross simply can't beat out a faster threat? Salac Berry might just save the day.

Since the EVs ain't bulky, Leftovers is unlikely to impact the outcome of a match. Metagross already as a Choice Band, and while Brightpowder is haxtastic it's unlikely to help in that one scenario I really need it. A timely Salac on the other hand might save the day. Hera pummels dangerous foes thanks to key resistances and a bloody 120 STAB move. It counters status with raw strength. It might get a burst of speed to just barely clinch out a win. Salac aside, it's not half as sluggish as Swampert either. Sure, it won't kill opposing Metagross as well as Swampert did, but it'l kill threats such as Tyranitar all the easier. Just like that Ground/Water type, it's on the team solely because; plus a bit more thinkin' in terms of synergy. When the rare times I do use it come, hopefully this beetle comes through for me.

Slappin' Heracross on the team took more thought than Swampert, but I'm not sure if it'l be any more useful regardless. Puttin' this team to the test right this moment; let's see if I can't get gold symbol #2 on my first shot once more.
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Just finished my first play through of black 2. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Just restarted the game to take my time through it now. Lol
Fine, CK.
I beat White 2 today! It was a really fun game in my opinion, better than the original Black/White.

My end team was:

Samurott (Tidell)
-Ice Beam
-Aqua Jet

Flareon (Brenbren)
~Flash Fire
-Will o wisp

Reuniclus (Blobert)
~Magic Guard
-Hidden Power (Fighting) (60 or 70 Power)
-Shadow Ball

Ditto (Metamold)

Seviper (Vampray)
~Shed Skin

Eelektross (Thunter)
-Drain Punch
-Thunder Wave

Pretty slow team, but it was a fairly easy playthrough. Also, Imposter Ditto is a blast.
In preparation for gettin' them Subway medals, I've been brainstorming ideas for my team since last night (though not actually researchin' at all). After 20 minutes of half-asleep mental strain and herpaderpin', I bring you dis pear this rather simple 'n possibly bad Sandstorm team.

Tyranitar @ Life Orb/Sitrus Berry, Jolly

252 Atk/Spe, 6 Sp.D


Dragon Dance
Rock Slide
Fire Punch/Aqua Tail

It's DD TTar. I love DD TTar, always have. Against small teams of 3, stat boosting sweeps are oh-so plausible. It's bulky, it sets up sandstorm, and it has the possibility t' sweep my opponent's entire team without needin' to rely on the broken ubers sittin' in reserve. What's not t' love of it? It ain't no CMLatios with a Soul Dew, but it's still a beast.

I've yet to decide between Sitrus and a Life Orb. An extra 25% HP probably won't get it another DD, but LO won't be givin' it more HP neither. I'm definitely leanin' more towards the latter since Rock Slide isn't as powerful as Stone Miss, and will help it sweep cleaner after just a single DD. But I ain't completely decided, so I wouldn't mind hearin' y'all's opinions on the item choice.

And on the topic, move choice for the last slot as well. I'm leanin' towards Fire Punch so both Grass and Steel types won't stop it's sweep short if they're on the foe's team. 'Course Ground types are an annoyance for the entire team since there's not a single resist, so I'm highly considerin' Aqua Tail as well. Gimme some advice, yeah?

Excadrill @ Choice Band, Adamant, Sand Rush

252 Atk/HP, 6 Spe


Iron Head
Shadow Claw
Rock Slide

It spams ridiculously powerful EQs, is bulky thanks to that gigantic HP investment and it's great resistances, and simply outspeeds (99% of) all Pokes that don't have a Scarf. Only 15 Pokes outta 988 in the Subway have a Scarf. A bit more than half are threatening to Excadrill himself via Super effective STAB, but no issues for the rest of my team to achieve revenge kills on. This is why I threw on those HP EVs; so that it can tank if it doesn't OHKO the foe, or absolutely needs to switch in.

Since DW abilities are non-existant in the Subway (... hopefully this hasn't changed in BW2), the only thing that could change the weather is a bloody Abomasnow. Snow Warning could very easily result in a loss, but I doubt that I won't be able t' get a 49 streak by the time a team with Abomasnow and other Pokes dangerous to my team will show face by then.

Garchomp @ Brightpowder, Jolly, Sand Veil

252 Atk/Spe, 6 Def


Swords Dance

Haxchomp is a real dick. Sweep with SubSD, or just Outrage outright to clean up the last Poke. 'nuff said

This team really wasn't made to be a core at all, so if it's got some typing or synergy issues, I'm not surprised nor do I care too much. :lol: This team is meant t' be as aggrofaggot as ya can get. If Garchomp isn't switching in to tank/dodge moves, Excadrill or TTar are gonna be attackin' simply 'till they faint. It's a kill or be killed team meant to destroy the foe simply 'fore they destroy us. It's got bulk, speed, weather and stat up moves; I'm curious t' see if it'l be enough to ruin the Subway in Singles.

I won't be tacklin' the Subway immediately due to the fact I've yet t' even finish White 2, so any reviews or the simplest of advice is sorely appreciated. Since the team ain't made nor finalized yet, I'll therefore actually be makin' good use of any good tips y'all might come up with.

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