What's your pokemon team?

Yep, Trollfreak loves t' throw us competitive Pogeyman-ers a few bones here 'n there but still ignore some of the most practical applications we could use and rave about, like an in-game EV tracker. It's one'a the reasons why I hate EV trainin' so much; you've gotta pay attention or risk losin' count. Such a meticulous, boring task can't be done while multitaskin'... The things competitive trainers will go through in-game. :lol: Even with problems like these, we're all still dedicated t' the battlefield.

also, damn u new page

In preparation for gettin' them Subway medals, I've been brainstorming ideas for my team since last night (though not actually researchin' at all). After 20 minutes of half-asleep mental strain and herpaderpin', I bring you dis pear this rather simple 'n possibly bad Sandstorm team.

Tyranitar @ Life Orb/Sitrus Berry, Jolly

252 Atk/Spe, 6 Sp.D


Dragon Dance
Rock Slide
Fire Punch/Aqua Tail

It's DD TTar. I love DD TTar, always have. Against small teams of 3, stat boosting sweeps are oh-so plausible. It's bulky, it sets up sandstorm, and it has the possibility t' sweep my opponent's entire team without needin' to rely on the broken ubers sittin' in reserve. What's not t' love of it? It ain't no CMLatios with a Soul Dew, but it's still a beast.

I've yet to decide between Sitrus and a Life Orb. An extra 25% HP probably won't get it another DD, but LO won't be givin' it more HP neither. I'm definitely leanin' more towards the latter since Rock Slide isn't as powerful as Stone Miss, and will help it sweep cleaner after just a single DD. But I ain't completely decided, so I wouldn't mind hearin' y'all's opinions on the item choice.

And on the topic, move choice for the last slot as well. I'm leanin' towards Fire Punch so both Grass and Steel types won't stop it's sweep short if they're on the foe's team. 'Course Ground types are an annoyance for the entire team since there's not a single resist, so I'm highly considerin' Aqua Tail as well. Gimme some advice, yeah?

Excadrill @ Choice Band, Adamant, Sand Rush

252 Atk/HP, 6 Spe


Iron Head
Shadow Claw
Rock Slide

It spams ridiculously powerful EQs, is bulky thanks to that gigantic HP investment and it's great resistances, and simply outspeeds (99% of) all Pokes that don't have a Scarf. Only 15 Pokes outta 988 in the Subway have a Scarf. A bit more than half are threatening to Excadrill himself via Super effective STAB, but no issues for the rest of my team to achieve revenge kills on. This is why I threw on those HP EVs; so that it can tank if it doesn't OHKO the foe, or absolutely needs to switch in.

Since DW abilities are non-existant in the Subway (... hopefully this hasn't changed in BW2), the only thing that could change the weather is a bloody Abomasnow. Snow Warning could very easily result in a loss, but I doubt that I won't be able t' get a 49 streak by the time a team with Abomasnow and other Pokes dangerous to my team will show face by then.

Garchomp @ Brightpowder, Jolly, Sand Veil

252 Atk/Spe, 6 Def


Swords Dance

Haxchomp is a real dick. Sweep with SubSD, or just Outrage outright to clean up the last Poke. 'nuff said

This team really wasn't made to be a core at all, so if it's got some typing or synergy issues, I'm not surprised nor do I care too much. :lol: This team is meant t' be as aggrofaggot as ya can get. If Garchomp isn't switching in to tank/dodge moves, Excadrill or TTar are gonna be attackin' simply 'till they faint. It's a kill or be killed team meant to destroy the foe simply 'fore they destroy us. It's got bulk, speed, weather and stat up moves; I'm curious t' see if it'l be enough to ruin the Subway in Singles.

I won't be tacklin' the Subway immediately due to the fact I've yet t' even finish White 2, so any reviews or the simplest of advice is sorely appreciated. Since the team ain't made nor finalized yet, I'll therefore actually be makin' good use of any good tips y'all might come up with.
Soul Silver team: (just about to get to the 8th badge)

Feraligatr - LV 42
Gyarados (red) - LV33
Hunter - LV40
Pidgeot - LV39
Alakazam - LV42
Vulpix / celebi / Magmar / Togepi / HM slave. 'Pends what mood I'm in.
Celebi? orly

Gyarados is a bloody good HM slave. Strength, Surf, Whirlpool, Waterfall.
Feraligatr gets Ice Fang via level up too (somewhere between the level it evolves into Croconaw and before level 30, IIRC). Did ya not teach 'em it? :lol:
Why no, I'm not forgettin' it. :p This team is meant for the Battle Subway only, not the PWT. moar better review pl0x
Oh. I can see a select few Pokemon giving some real trouble. Mainly Pokemon that can take a hit and retaliate, such as Slowbro, Hippowdon, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Forretress, etc. I'd suggest a bulky special attacker that can counter physical tanks and such. Garchomp and Excadrill pretty much preform the same job, so I'd say replace one of them.
A valid point actually, I've no special attacker t' fall back on; however, I'm pretty sure Garchomp can handle said tanks regardless of their EV investments. If they focus on an attack stat, Outrage will just mow 'em down, resistance or not. If they're EVed solely for bulk, Garchomp can substitute up on 'em, grab an SD or two and ravage. Haxchomp is basically my tank killer thanks to that 30% evasion and SubSD.

Also, the reason I carry both Excadrill and Garchomp are because they perform the same duty of "spam physical STAB". Both of 'em are ridiculously scary when boosted. If they don't smash through the foe on their own, the other will clean up through brute force. Having a special attacker would obviously be more efficient and less risky, but the question is; what special attacker is as fast, bulky and strong as these two? The boosts from Sandstorm outweigh the disadvantages of goin' exclusively physical IMO.

'Less you've got an idea of some specially oriented Poke that is ridiculously synergistic with TTar and 'Chomp/'Drill and therefore worth the change from aggrofaggotry to a feasible core, I've no plans to change the team itself.

That aside... item/move recommendation pl0x?
Well you could sub one of them out for location instead, being able to mix it up and increase your coverage to take down defensive tanks of possibility in ferrothorn, skarmory, etc, while being able to hit on both the physical and special sides of the spectrum for maximum coverage along with a saving resistance for your slight weakness to a mamoswine sweep... Just an "out there" kinda thought, but could be worth considering, yeah?

Don't need coverage nor somethin' to break physical walls when I've got +1 EQ and +2 Outrage. Defensive Pokes are usually the least of one's worries in the Battle Tower/Subway.
Just spitballing is all. You come up with some good teams, in which the best I can critique to a point really is suggestions that are merely a matter of preference lol.

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