What's your pokemon team?

Right now i'm training my 68 lvl Serperior and my 74 lvl Swampert (thx karp mod), planning to build my own team from the zero (for pokemon black 2), Gonna raise an lvl 1 Tepig, lvl 18 Dewott and a 58 lvl Zoroark.

So my team will be like this:


I can't count on the legendaries to save my ass online
Black and White 2 are coming out in just less than a week, very excited to post a team shortly after it is acquired.
I already got my White 2 team planned. The movesets are probably going to be similar or the same, but who knows.

-Ice Beam
-Aqua Jet

-Flame Charge
-Work up
-Stored Power
-Baton Pass

-Sludge Wave
-Giga Drain

-Grass Knot
-Drain Punch
-Double Team

Reuniclus (Magic Guard)
-Shadow Ball
-Calm Mind
-Focus Blast

Ditto (Imposter)
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Timid - Leftovers - Levitate
4 HP - 252 SpAt - 252 Speed

Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Modest - Life Orb - Sheer Force
4 Def - 252 SpAt - 252 Speed

Earth Power
Fire Blast
Ice Beam
Toxic Spikes

Jolly - Choice Scarf - Sand Stream
4 HP - 252 At - 252 Speed

Stone Edge

Jolly - Lum Berry - Multiscale
252 At - 4 SpDef - 252 Speed

Dragon Dance

Impish - Leftovers - Sturdy
252 HP - 232 Def - 24 Speed

Brave Bird


Bold - Evolite - Natural Cure
252 HP - 252 Def - 4 Speed

Seismic Toss


Later today when I'm awake, I review.

Right now i'm training my 68 lvl Serperior and my 74 lvl Swampert (thx karp mod), planning to build my own team from the zero (for pokemon black 2), Gonna raise an lvl 1 Tepig, lvl 18 Dewott and a 58 lvl Zoroark.

So my team will be like this:


I can't count on the legendaries to save my ass online

Five starters + Zoroark ain't gonna get ya anywhere fast on wi-fi, bro. Starters are rather average Pokes, above average for the best of 'em. Zoroark is pretty meh as well. I can see the advantages of one gigantic Fire/Water/Grass core makin' up the entire team, but... Pretty damn noticable disadvantage as well. Ya don't stand a chance against Dragons once your 'mon with an Ice move (if any) is done. Choice Band/Specs Dragon go to town and then retreat over 'n over as well without a Steel type to tank said highly-damaging moves.

There're some specific Pokes this team can't deal with at all either. Heatran with Hidden Power Grass lols at this team, as an example. Ya might be able t' fight fellow casual trainers and maybe even win with this team, but on random wi-fi, I'm pretty damn sure you'll get ripped apart. Sorry t' say.

Black and White 2 are coming out in just less than a week, very excited to post a team shortly after it is acquired.

Can't say I've decided my team yet, but I know it'l have an Emboar, Lucario, and Keldeo on it. fightin types yyyyeeeeaaaaahhhhh

Gonna needs me a Dark type... Bitches love Dark types.

I already got my White 2 team planned. The movesets are probably going to be similar or the same, but who knows.

-Ice Beam
-Aqua Jet

Samurott is godlike, there is no question. Best starter by far; in both battling and appearance I'd say. Since foes don't have EVs though, ya can do without Aqua Jet. Revenge, Aerial Ace, Dig... Anythin' would supply at least a tiny bit of extra (albeit inconsequential) coverage.

-Flame Charge
-Work up
-Stored Power
-Baton Pass

Poor Flareon... Baton Pass is completely garbage though, there's just no reason you'd need t' use it in-game. :lol: Instead, I say give it Bite for some extra neutral coverage for pre-Work Up sweepin'. 'Course, if ya wanna Baton Pass in-game for teh lulz, I certainly won't stop ya.

-Sludge Wave
-Giga Drain

Seviper is Unova-native in BW2? WIN

Moveset's fine.

-Grass Knot
-Drain Punch
-Double Team

doubl teem? srsly???

Wild Charge > T-Bolt. Attack EVs are much more common in-game than Sp.A, so it's always wiser to prefer Physical moves. I didn't mention this for Seviper due to Poison Jab and Sludge Wave's 22 BP difference and the fact he has the same base Atk and Sp.A, so it makes little difference for 'em. Eelektross has higher Atk than Sp.A though, so I think it'd be smart t' switch the moves.

Also, Wynaut use Coil instead of ****in' Double Team? Boosted Drain Punch (I assume a tutor teaches it mid-way through the game or somethin') is more than enough to destroy Ground types, 'specially if they're Ground/Rock or Excadrill. With Grass Knot unneeded, ya could throw on Crunch for perfect coverage alongside STAB.

Reuniclus (Magic Guard)
-Shadow Ball
-Calm Mind
-Focus Blast

so op

Ditto (Imposter)

so shitty

Better than your normal in-game teams, that's for sure. :lol:


Latios @ Soul Dew. Modest.

252 Sp.A/Spe, 6 Sp.D


Calm Mind
Dragon Claw

My lead, and my broken-ass sweeper. In Generation 3, havin' an Eon Ticket gives you a Soul Dew (still have my real Eon Ticket). The Eons @ Soul Dew are, as I said, completely ****in' broken sweepers. Only an idiot or a prideful fool won't use a Latios in nigh-every Battle Frontier challenge. Latios has the highest Sp.A in this generation thanks to it's signature held item. Yeah, even higher than Deoxys-A. And it's many times bulkier. Speakin' of bulk, it gets a Sp.D boost too.


It doesn't have Bolt-Beam as though that **** is incredible in Gen 3 and back, it's irrelevant to the team's best interests in terms of synergy. Dragon and Water are incredible coverage moves together in their own right. Since Dragon Claw gets STAB and therefore higher BP than both of BoltBeam's namesake moves, I roll with it. Surf still smashes various types like Ground, bypasses Steel types (though bulky Skarmory won't get 2HKO'd, woopee-****in'-doo), and also hits a notable type BoltBeam doesn't; Fire. The teammate paired with Latios as a core is the amazing Metagross, so handling both Ground and Fire Pokes for it is very important. Thus, Surf does the job while also achieving neutrality with STAB Dragon Claw.

Psychic is to smash Fighting types. I'm pretty sure a bulky Machamp can take a +1 Dragon Claw, and a Heracross most certainly can as such. The latter is very threatening to the team, so Psychic was an absolute must. Latios is my only Fighting resist as well, so it needs a way to dispatch 'em in one shot if I don't want my other team mates to waste HP tankin' when I can just outright break the threatening foe in one move.

Calm Mind is to set up on anythin' not very threatenin'. The CPU ain't much for switchin', so it's a must-have move for a Battle Tower-tailored Latios. I can tell ya right now that Latios 3-0's my opponents at least twice as often thanks to Calm Mind. All it takes is one non-threatening foe to lead my opponent's team, and that's game over.

The EVs are quite obviously straight forward. After years of Battle Frontier conquest when I first entered the competitive scene, I discovered Battle Frontier Pokes almost never use +Speed natures, if even at all. As such, Modest is the nature of choice. ... I've somehow outsped Aerodactyl and Alakazam (Macho Brace-Trick moveset???). The increase in power is ridiculously useful, and since I've almost always used Timid Latios previously, I can damn-well tell the extra Sp.A has had a huge effect on my many wins. This beauty works wonders.

Metagross @ Choice Band. Adamant

252 HP, 236 Atk, 12 Def, 8 Spe


Meteor Mash
Rock Slide

ohai copypasta from smogon. 2 Steel 4 Drag, anyone? When ya use a Dragon type, ya also have a Steel type since the latter is so damn important to any metagame, whether you're usin' a Dragon type or not. Thanks to Levitate, their synergy is pretty damn good. Latios takes special hits (especially boosted Water moves), Fire, and Ground attacks that Metagross wouldn't like. Metagross takes Ice, Dragon, and physical moves Latios would hate to attempt tanking. I picked Metagross not only because it's deadly, but it's synergy with Latios is immense. There're better Steel types out there for synergy; namely ones that resist Ghost and Dark; but if I lose Latios to hax or a mistake, Metagross won't depend on it for victory. It'l smash teams in it's own right.

Smogon didn't offer an EV explanation for the somewhat-specific spread actually. However, I recalled readin' a similar spread for Gen 4 which was tailored to important stuff, so I just rolled with it. That aside, I love Choice items. Anyone who's ever battled me knows this. :lol: I'm obviously gonna have a Bander on my Gen 3 teams. Meteor Mash? Nah, Meteor Smash now.

STAB/QuakeSlide/Explosion. Bread 'n butter Band set t' say the least, and damn is it tasty.

Swampert @ Leftovers. Brave.

252 HP/Atk, 6 Def (should'a made it speed lawl...)


Rock Slide
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam

I never use defensive Pokes unless they need to be a part of a core and are required to be defensive in forming a proper pivot point within said core. I do use however, aggrofaggot offensive tactics where they shouldn't be applied. I was that oddball in Gen 4 who used CB Swampert. That "cheating ****in' gimmick-usin' moron" who OHKO'd your Metagross with EQ. Metagross is better suited to a Band since it's entire movepool is physical, so Swampert is just a bulky attacker. He's here simply t' be the token bulky(-ish) Water type. I was tired when I made this team, so I just slapped it on since I liek Mudkipz and STAB Earthquake/Hydro Pump is a beautiful think. There's definitely a better Poke for this team, but it held it's weight. There's definitely some sort'a synergy there with the rest of the team.

I considered a ResTalk set, but as everyone knows, I'm an aggrofaggot. QuakeBeam isn't very appealin' to me, nor is stall, so I'll save that sort'a set for the Battle Pyramid and Battle Pike. HydroBeam is there just to kill what QuakeSlide can't; and again, Water moves are godlike. If Latios falls to a Dragon type as well (ohai Flygon @ Brightpowder... T_T), Ice Beam will be there for revenge. Essentially, this guy is here simply 'cause he's got good bulk, great Attack, great typing, a great moveset, and with only one weakness he doesn't **** up the amazing typing synergy Latios and Metagross share. He's goodstuff I just slapped on in the end; and he performed somethin' good alright.

Critique all y'all want on this team, I'm sure ya's can find plenty'a error if you look hard enough.
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I like having pokemon of different types, water, fire, grass, ice and so on, all pokemons have disvantages, some starters are strong than others, serperior is based on speed, Emboar is based on strenght and Samurott on defense.

I dont have any useful dragon pokemons unless its Zekrom or Reshiram, which i can't use online but no big deal.

Zoroark is ok, i had an 68 lvl one and it saved my ass during elite four against psychic, dark and ghost types as well
At first glance, I'd say this is a very well put together team. The only thing you really need to fear that may be problematic is the ever present DD Salamence and DD Gyarados, the latter of which wouldn't really have much to fear after a DD.
I like having pokemon of different types

Then don't use two Fire 'n Water types. :p

And no, I won't accept the argument that one of each'a the above Pokes in question are dual-typed. It's better t' have one Fire and Fighting than two Fire types in which one is also Fighting via dual-typing. The same holds true for any other type. Overlapping on strengths is pointless, overlapping on weaknesses is harmful to your chances at winnin'.

I dont have any useful dragon pokemons unless its Zekrom or Reshiram, which i can't use online but no big deal.

Then trade for 'em over wi-fi lol. As always, I'm willin' to give ya eggs as well.

Oh, and I wasn't directly recommending a Dragon type to ya, typing is only as relevant as the quality of a team's Pokemon and how they work together with each other. Dragons certainly can work on pretty much any team that isn't suscceptible to Ice, but that's besides the point I s'pose.

Zoroark is ok, i had an 68 lvl one and it saved my ass during elite four against psychic, dark and ghost types as well

Aye, Zoroark is a pretty average Pokemon. Dark isn't really the best typing overall to have without Dual typing, it's kinda slow for how terribly frail it is; and that fraillity means it's Illusion ability isn't very useful unless you lead with it. Even then, a smart foe will just lead with a diverse moveset and hit your Pokemon with a move that hurts both Zoroark and whatever ya sent out. Besides the minor mind games Illusion offers, great Special Attack and good-but-not-good enough speed, it's got nothin' else goin' for it. If it was fast as say Gengar or around there, I think it'd be great, but it sadly ain't.

Oh, and as a general rule, don't compare battles in-game to battles with other players. Pokemon in-game are significantly weaker than ones you raise; it's literally easy mode the entire time. :lol: I've smashed my way through the story of multiple Pokemon games with utterly weak Pokes, namely unevolved ones. Many people do the same since the single player is so damn easy. Spice it up with some challenge.

... Hmmmmm... I wonder what person has the thread that has t' do with these "challenges". I hear he likes Magikarp and banhammers. Who could that be, I wonder?

At first glance, I'd say this is a very well put together team. The only thing you really need to fear that may be problematic is the ever present DD Salamence and DD Gyarados, the latter of which wouldn't really have much to fear after a DD.

... Who's team is this aimed at? Mine? >_>; I ain't gonna encounter DD 'Mence or DD Gyara in the Battle Frontier lol.
Samurott is godlike, there is no question. Best starter by far; in both battling and appearance I'd say. Since foes don't have EVs though, ya can do without Aqua Jet. Revenge, Aerial Ace, Dig... Anythin' would supply at least a tiny bit of extra (albeit inconsequential) coverage.
I guess.

Poor Flareon... Baton Pass is completely garbage though, there's just no reason you'd need t' use it in-game. Instead, I say give it Bite for some extra neutral coverage for pre-Work Up sweepin'. 'Course, if ya wanna Baton Pass in-game for teh lulz, I certainly won't stop ya.
No. The rest of my team is rather slow, so Flame Charge's Speed boost can be passed to speed them up, along with Work Up.

Seviper is Unova-native in BW2? WIN

Moveset's fine.

doubl teem? srsly???

Wild Charge > T-Bolt. Attack EVs are much more common in-game than Sp.A, so it's always wiser to prefer Physical moves. I didn't mention this for Seviper due to Poison Jab and Sludge Wave's 22 BP difference and the fact he has the same base Atk and Sp.A, so it makes little difference for 'em. Eelektross has higher Atk than Sp.A though, so I think it'd be smart t' switch the moves.

Also, Wynaut use Coil instead of ****in' Double Team? Boosted Drain Punch (I assume a tutor teaches it mid-way through the game or somethin') is more than enough to destroy Ground types, 'specially if they're Ground/Rock or Excadrill. With Grass Knot unneeded, ya could throw on Crunch for perfect coverage alongside STAB.
Double Team is moar fun, and I've never used it before, so wynaut. Besides, having the chance to call something an evasion tank in Pokemon sounds cool.

And I no liek pointless recoil. :c


so shitty
Clearly you have no taste of fun. Imposter Ditto is by no means shitty, and it actually sounds extremely fun to use. Being able to transform into opposing Pokemon at will sounds really fun. Also, due to Imposter I don't have to worry about PP that much.

My rating on your rating.

+Giving some Pokemon good ratings ( [noparse]:O[/noparse] )
-Calling Flareon's Baton Passing useless
-Not understanding that Ditto is good
-Not wanting me to have an evasion tank :c

Can't say I've decided my team yet, but I know it'l have an Emboar, Lucario, and Keldeo on it. fightin types yyyyeeeeaaaaahhhhh

Gonna needs me a Dark type... Bitches love Dark types.
*Ahem* =D

I'd gladly trade you one of two Pokemon. ;3

Better than your normal in-game teams, that's for sure.
Only pre Soul Silver.
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I guess.

No. The rest of my team is rather slow, so Flame Charge's Speed boost can be passed to speed them up, along with Work Up.

y so srs w/ in-game teems competitive fag?

Double Team is moar fun, and I've never used it before, so wynaut. Besides, having the chance to call something an evasion tank in Pokemon sounds cool.

And I no liek pointless recoil. :c

... I thought you were ****in' with me when ya gave Kesumayat bloody Double Team. ._.; I don't see how that's any fun since it's horrid overkill (and stall blehhhhhhh), but then again I ain't you. Whatever floats your boat. :lol:


Clearly you have no taste of fun. Imposter Ditto is by no means shitty, and it actually sounds extremely fun to use. Being able to transform into opposing Pokemon at will sounds really fun. Also, due to Imposter I don't have to worry about PP that much.

Says the man usin' Double team. ;D

I exaggerated my "opinion" on Reuniclus 'n Ditto 'cause the former is quite good, while the latter is quite gimmicky outside'a competitive battlin'. I don't care for gimmicks, unless they're extremely lulzy Magikarp sweeps 'n such things. Ya think I don't like t' have fun, but you've got the wrong idea. Rather, our ideas of fun in battlin' are simply entirely different.



nothnx ill catch one

Gonna go after them Gold symbols by how the facilities are ordered on my Frontier Pass, so I'll be tacklin' the Battle Dome next. My team won't be much different from this one, albeit a Poke better suited for synergy than Swampert and possibly no choice band on Metagross. Maybe a different Steel type entirely. Either way, I'm developin' the team now.
@ CK: lol, I was just saying in general cuz in battle frontier terms I don't really see anything wrong with it.

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