What's your pokemon team?

Recent NU team:

-252 HP, 252 Defense
-Thick Fat
~Stealth Rock
~Ice Shard

Piloswine is one bulky son of a *****. It's guaranteed to set up Stealth Rock unless the opponent is Samurott, and oftentimes it can severely damage frail/ground weak Pokemon with EQ. Toxic takes care of a lot of bulky Mons. Ice Shard is there for weakened fast Pokemon, Altaria, etc. It's funny because Thick Fat makes it Fire-neutral despite the Ice typing, but every opponent attacks it with Fire attacks regardless.

-Choice Scarf
-Shell Armor
-252 Attack, 252 Speed
~Rock Slide

NOBODY expects this thing to be Scarf'd, allowing it to revenge kill a lot of things by surprise. The main moves are Superpower and Crabhammer, the former having the unfortunate stat drop and the later having meh accuracy. Still, it's a great Cincinno counter for the most part. It usually has to switch out after killing something due to the Scarf, as well as the stat loss from Superpower. A good Pokemon regardless.

-Chesto Berry
-152 Defense, 252 Sp. Attack, 100 Speed
~Calm Mind
~Shadow Ball

The sweeper of the team. It comes into something it can set up on and spams Calm Mind. Oftentimes I have to switch it out if they send in a counter quickly, but if not, I can keep setting up Calm Mind. It doesn't care a whole lot about Poison or Burn, and Paralysis doesn't ruin it. It uses Rest to heal itself after boosting, and Chesto Berry wakes it up, and activates Unburden, doubling the speed. At this point we have a lightning fast special sweeper/special wall that has torn through teams.

-Life Orb
-252 Speed, 252 Attack
~Double Edge
~Fake Out
~Sucker Punch

A pretty fast hard hitter. It can destroy almost anything with Double Edge. Sucker Punch finishes off frail attacks, and can be used in combination with Fake Out to take out a threat with priority. Earthquake actually takes a lot of opponents by surprise for some reason.

-252 Attack, 252 HP
~Fire Fang
~Work Up

A bulky dragon used to hid hard and take a few hits. Sadly, although it has amazing power, it fails to hit a lot of the time. Also, Work Up is filler. I think I'm going to replace it with a good counter to Samurott, Amoongus, and Exeggutor, common Pokemon that give me trouble.

-Black Sludge
-Liquid Ooze
-252 Defense, 252 Sp. Defense
~Sludge Bomb
~Pain Split

A pretty bulky Pokemon used to be annoying and do multiple things. Counter surprises most physical attackers, as it isn't usually seen on Swalot. Yawn deals with set up Pokemon and forces switches/disables Pokemon. Pain Split is for recovery mostly, and Sludge Bomb is the attack move. Sludge Bomb is the only thing it can do against Substitute Pokemon, which it loathes with a passion.

So, opinions?
Hey MR, you should like... oh, I dunno, put your OU team(s?) in this thread for rating.

R(ate)M(y)T(eam) threads are some'a the best ways to learn 'n better yourself outside the battlefield.
Timid - Leftovers - Levitate
4 HP - 252 SpAt - 252 Speed

Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Modest - Life Orb - Sheer Force
4 Def - 252 SpAt - 252 Speed

Earth Power
Fire Blast
Ice Beam
Toxic Spikes

Jolly - Choice Scarf - Sand Stream
4 HP - 252 At - 252 Speed

Stone Edge

Jolly - Lum Berry - Multiscale
252 At - 4 SpDef - 252 Speed

Dragon Dance

Impish - Leftovers - Sturdy
252 HP - 232 Def - 24 Speed

Brave Bird


Bold - Evolite - Natural Cure
252 HP - 252 Def - 4 Speed

Seismic Toss
Jesus F*** you guys can raise the EV's pretty well, i got an Serperior lvl 64 and it only has got:

Attack 143
Defense 138
Sp.Atk 143
Sp.Def 131
Speed 172
^ "Raise EVs well"? How can ya not EV train well, 'sides from makin' a bad EV spread? :lol:

I will rate your team soon, MR. This post serves as a reminder to that. ... Hopefully.

Timid - Leftovers - Levitate
4 HP - 252 SpAt - 252 Speed

Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Modest - Life Orb - Sheer Force
4 Def - 252 SpAt - 252 Speed

Earth Power
Fire Blast
Ice Beam
Toxic Spikes

Jolly - Choice Scarf - Sand Stream
4 HP - 252 At - 252 Speed

Stone Edge

Jolly - Lum Berry - Multiscale
252 At - 4 SpDef - 252 Speed

Dragon Dance

Impish - Leftovers - Sturdy
252 HP - 232 Def - 24 Speed

Brave Bird


Bold - Evolite - Natural Cure
252 HP - 252 Def - 4 Speed

Seismic Toss
I am re-playing through SoulSilver with this team:
-Jon Anderson the Typhlosion
-Syd Barrett the Slowking
-Robert Fripp the Machamp
-Don McLean the Tyranitar
-Michael Jackson the Electivire
-Tony Banks the Piloswine
So far, I have only beat the first gym and have acquired only Slowpoke and Quilava. I am also using Paul Simon the Geodude and Adele Adkins the Mareep as temporary team members until I reach the Safari Zone. For once, I did not plan my movesets ahead of time.
I demand a youtube poop with countless Electibuzz dancing to Beat It.

Once I'm to do my second playthrough of BW2, I've been thinkin' of rockin' a full-team of six Eeveelutions since... Well, Eeveelutions are boss. Also, their movepools are usable in-game since they learn moves literally twice as fast due to BW2's movepool updates. No longer does Leafeon have t' wait 'till level 71 for physical STAB better than Razor Leaf. :lol:

I'll probably leave out Umbreon since it's a defensive Poke... I'd use it if I wasn't gonna use a full-team, but not bein' overleveled means it'l just be borin' to use in battle.

inb4 "y so srs 'bout in-game 'mons?"
Here's my UU team on Pokemon showdown.

-Thick Fat
-200 HP, 128 defense, 180 sp. defense
~Sleep Talk
~Body Slam

Snorlax, the tank from hell. It takes hits like a boss and retaliates with Body Slam. It can also rack up entry hazard damage with Whirlwind, as well as phase out Substitutes and set up Pokemon. When it's taken a beating, it can use Rest to heal off the damage, and use Sleep Talk to cause some more chaos. Because of its bulk and Sleep Talk, it makes a great sleep absorber.

-Black Sludge
-Natural Cure
-252 HP, 120 defense, 136 Sp. defense
~Giga Drain

Roserade, the supporter. It tries to set up Spikes best it can, and its decent bulk helps. I often lead with it, and if there's something it can't handle, like Victini, I switch to Swampert to set up Stealth Rock. Rest is a great move due to Natural Cure, so the sleep condition is gone when it switches out. Aromatherapy clears the team of status, which is pretty useful if let's say, Sableye is poisoned.

-Choice Scarf
-252 Attack, 252 Speed
~Close Combat
~Stone Edge

Heracross, the fast hard hitter that sadly gets locked into moves due to Choice Scarf. It hits very hard due to those two powerful STAB moves, and when it gets a kill, Moxie boosts it's already sky high attack. Sadly, it often is forced to switch out after killing something, either due to Close Combat's defense drops or them sending in a good counter, such as Gligar.

-252 HP, 120 Defense, 132 Sp. Defense
~Will o wisp

Sableye, the troll. With Prankster, it almost always strikes first, allowing it to cripple foes with either Will o wisp or Toxic. I use both for two reasons. Will o wisp mainly because it cripples physical attackers, and Toxic because it cripples walls and Fire-types. If it's facing a set up Pokemon or something similar, it can simply use Taunt to force them to attack, and heal off any damage with Recover. It's also a good spinblocker. However, this Sableye has severe trouble with Guts Pokemon, Shed Skin Scrafty, etc.

-32 HP, 224 Defense, 252 Sp. Defense
~Stealth Rock

Swampert, another tank. I just noticed that it had a Calm nature (+ Sp. defense, -attack) which explains why it wasn't hitting as hard. Derp. Regardless of that, it still manages to hit fairly hard while taking hits and setting up rocks. Roar works like Snorlax's Whirlwind, racking up entry hazard damage and phazing out threats.

-Life Orb
-Speed Boost
-252 Attack, 252 Speed

And last but certainly not least, Sharpedo, the janitor. It cleans up the mess near the end of the battle with speed boost and high attack. Its frail defenses make it hard to get in, but this fish has saved me numerous times at the end of battle, so it can definitely do its job well. One problem is that it really can't be hit by Intimidate or Will o wisp due to reliance on physical attacks, which has made me consider putting Hydro Pump on this set.
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/hypocritical troll team review


ohai blocked video

dat lack of grammar

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