What's your pokemon team?

Oh thanks Esp, realize the idiotic contradiction in my post and revive the thread just t' make me look bad. You're a grand friend. ¬_¬

I keed. :lol: A valid correction, my bad. Sometimes I herp, sometimes I derp.
Oops, I wasn't paying any attention to the date of the last post.
Me (Feebas) (M) @ Eviolite
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Rain Dance
- Waterfall
- Splash
- Iron Tail
That Swift Swim is Crucial to the team's epicness

CK (Magikarp) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Splash
- Bounce
- Flail
- Tackle
The main sweeper. I don't know why I left him with 4 attacks, he only needs Splash

Nicky (Stunfisk) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Static
EVs: 156 Atk / 100 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
Mixed Sweeper. Also good to have variety.

Exor (Sharpedo) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Speed Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Surf
- Scald
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
Special Sweeper. Sweepers are pro.

Jose (Horsea) (M) @ Eviolite
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Rain Dance
Another Special Attack based Pokemon. Saw so many while fishing this morning, I just had to keep one.

Polly (Poliwrath) (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Work Up
- Brick Break
- Earthquake
- Giga Impactr
Muh Poliwhirl got too big, and turned inta dis monsta.
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Stunfisk and Sharpedo? =D

Though, Stunfisk is more of a tank/wall and Sharpedo would like physical attacks. But that's not a big deal, epic team. <3
Shell Armor
Red Card
EV's: 252 atk, 252 hp, 6 def
- Stealth Rock
- X-Scissor
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Sand Stream
Life Orb
EV's: 252 atk, 252 spatk, 6 hp
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Fighting Gem
EV's: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- ?

Flying Gem
EV's: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Acrobatics
- U-Turn
- Stone Edge
- Endeavor

Solid Rock
White Herb
EV's: 252 atk, 252 hp, 6 spd
- Waterfall
- Aqua Jet
- Stone Edge
- Shell Smash

EV's: 252 hp, 252 atk, 6 def
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Wood Hammer
- Leech Seed

Absolutely love this team. Works excellent. Crust le sets up SR while his held Red Card forces a switch. After he goes out, Ttar comes in and sets up Sandstorm while working with his surprise tricks in the form of Special Attack, making Dragons and Water types alike fear to take a super effective hit form him, while still backing up his physical prowess with STAB crunch and SE. Archeops works great to hit hard with flying gem boosted acrobatics along with a nice escape and scouting via U-Turn. Typically followed by switching to Torterra, he forces switches as well by abusing leech seed and leftover recovery, making him a huge annoyance that can still hit very hard with STAB. By this time, I have the opposing team scouted out and can switch to an appropriate sweeper via terrakion or carracosta with swords dance and shell smash, respectively. From what I've seen, this team is very hard to handle. It is an OU specific team, although I've ripped through a few Über teams by using the above strategy and having carracosta set up shell smash on an arceus, then proceed to sweep and one hit even the likes of the defensive Goliath known as Giratina.

Anyways, there it is. Thoughts, opinions, and overall synopsis is appreciated.
Thnx. I wanted it different from the norm, and definitely this team is a strange collaboration of different tier pokes. Yet... It works really really well.
I'm impressed, you're using low tier Pokemon rather well it looks like.

Such favoritism is palpable.

Shell Armor
Red Card
EV's: 252 atk, 252 hp, 6 def
- Stealth Rock
- X-Scissor
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

You love t' use pinch berries, yet neglect to use one on this Crustle in favor of a Red Card, a terribly unreliable item. If an opposing lead taunts you/sets up it's own hazard(s), what then? What if it's a Special attacker? Not only will the Red Card fail to be used, but Crustle probably won't be able t' take more than one neutral Special move anywho. Hell, it'l likely fall to a single boosted neutral Special move. If this set has performed consistently, ya ain't playin' opponents who're consistently good. :lol:

Crustle is slow as **** anyways, nor does it hit very hard. A suicide SR lead doesn't need t' be a rock type neither since this thing isn't even a back up sweeper. Replace this piece'a trash with somethin' good. Preferably a hazard lead that isn't suicidal, and actually gives somethin' to this team's awful type statistics.

Sand Stream
Life Orb
EV's: 252 atk, 252 spatk, 6 hp
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam


A TTar with no HP investment and an Orb ain't gonna last long. Once this thing is gone, say goodbye to Sandstorm and hello to a lost weather war. If your team was Sandstorm-reliant, I'd scold the hell outta ya for this set, but it ain't, so I won't moan too much 'bout this set. Not that it's very good anyways. Mixed TTar don't really need BoltBeam these days. You ain't gonna scare any bulky waters if they have a recovery move, minus Jellicent, 'specially not Swampert. A faster Water type will just bulldoze ya through with a Hydro Pump anyways. Against a rain team, they'l happily sacrifice one'a their sweepers to ensure Rain stays up permanently once this guy's down n out.

In short, you ain't playin' to TTar's strengths. It's bulky, it keeps weather up, and it hits hard physically. You should really consider makin' this your pseudo-lead and givin' it SR instead'a that hapless Crustle. That, or at least consider makin' this thing into a real BOAH. Bulkier, hits harder physically, wall breaks better.

Fighting Gem
EV's: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- ?

lol @ "?". Standard Terrakion, meh. This team aims to sweep at lightning speeds though, this thing needs an Orb instead of a Gem. If your strategy is t' just go for sweeps, Orbs are always superior.

Flying Gem
EV's: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Acrobatics
- U-Turn
- Stone Edge
- Endeavor

ugh archeops so bad. Endeavor sure is a bloody novelty, but once Archeops is nearly dead (an easily achieved feat), 'least it can do somethin' then. Ya may want to put EQ over U-turn though, seein' as your entire team is an unreliable blitzkrieg. Once SR goes up, Archeops literally gets but one move. They switch in a Steel, Archeops just became useless, minus one shot of Endeavor.

By the way, this bird is garbage. Switch it out for somethin' reliable. Somethin' that's more useful than "Acrobatics and die". ohai tornadus

Solid Rock
White Herb
EV's: 252 atk, 252 hp, 6 spd
- Waterfall
- Aqua Jet
- Stone Edge
- Shell Smash

Complete garbage in OU. If Shell Smash wasn't such a bloody broken move, anywho. If you don't get off your second Shell Smash, ya ain't gonna sweep, plain 'n simple. Not 'less the foe has a horrible team or until you've eliminated every single Poke of theirs that's faster than average.

This is even more true against a Rain team. If ya don't have +4 Atk, you ain't gonna sweep a bunch'a Water types. Not without Stone Edge missin' anywho. :lol: Since this guy's Adamant, he REALLY won't sweep without two Shell Smashes. For that reason I recommend Crustle's replacement (yes, I'm commanding you t' get rid of that piece'a trash, it's both that bad and that bad for the team) to be a Dual-Screener. A Shell Smasher protected by Screens is a load of bullshit, and this team needs to pull off all the bullshit it can t' win.

EV's: 252 hp, 252 atk, 6 def
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Wood Hammer
- Leech Seed

Torterra ain't gonna take any special attacks, so ya might as well shove those HP EVs into Defense, make it your wall of choice; not that it's typing will allow it to do a very good job anyways; and abuse that Leech Seed recovery. Crunch is a very unnecessary coverage move unless ya fear Gengar or somethin', and can be replaced with Stealth Rock or somethin'.

Absolutely love this team. Works excellent. Crust le sets up SR while his held Red Card forces a switch. After he goes out, Ttar comes in and sets up Sandstorm while working with his surprise tricks in the form of Special Attack, making Dragons and Water types alike fear to take a super effective hit form him, while still backing up his physical prowess with STAB crunch and SE. Archeops works great to hit hard with flying gem boosted acrobatics along with a nice escape and scouting via U-Turn. Typically followed by switching to Torterra, he forces switches as well by abusing leech seed and leftover recovery, making him a huge annoyance that can still hit very hard with STAB. By this time, I have the opposing team scouted out and can switch to an appropriate sweeper via terrakion or carracosta with swords dance and shell smash, respectively. From what I've seen, this team is very hard to handle. It is an OU specific team, although I've ripped through a few Über teams by using the above strategy and having carracosta set up shell smash on an arceus, then proceed to sweep and one hit even the likes of the defensive Goliath known as Giratina.

Yeah, Carracosta will OHKO a 252/252 Giratina. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. :lol:

Anyways, there it is. Thoughts, opinions, and overall synopsis is appreciated.

No. Just no. I hate this team bro, and I can't wrap my head 'round how it's gotten you consistent wins. Surprise factor from all the derpy moves 'n low tier Pokes? N00bs as foes? Or am I not seein' somethin' supremely magical 'bout the team? Either way, I am displeased. You've done far better than this time 'n time again. Can't say I've ever been so blunt nor open in how much I dislike a team; goes to show how much I dislike said team.

Your typing is a mess, it's like a newbie's first competitive team in which he decided would be Sandstorm-ish-but-not-really. All the foes has to do is spam potent Water or Steel (lolmeteormash? dunno) moves. Ya don't have a single Dragon resist, and since your TTar ain't a Pursuiter, even the Latis go to town. If ya don't risk Terrakion (give it X-scissor btw), they'l switch in, Draco Meteor, and switch out with impunity. That, or get in for a revenge kill over and over, always keepin' the pressure on in terms of damage output.

Your team doesn't have a Scarfer, and your fastest Poke pre-setup is a dedicated sweeper. Choice Scarf 'mons will give ya the run around constantly. 'Specially if they have a single move that neutrally hits your team... Which isn't that hard, since ya don't have a single resistance to the following types: Steel, Dragon (nononononono), Grass, and Water. Ya didn't do a thorough job of threat checkin' either; there're non-offensive Pokes that're threats to most, if not all the team for god's sake. Without Sub-Punching TyraniBOAH, Ferrothorn essentially laughs at your entire team. Terrakion and Carracosta are T-waved or smacked hard by Power Whip. It's hazards are a pain in the ass for ya.

I don't see any synergy between team mates either. Unless members of your team simply counter their team mate's counters (clearly not by switch in), there's certainly very little, if none at all. Ya need t' explain yourself, Storm. I really, really don't see how this team wins. It's win conditions are hard to achieve and few in number, it's match-ups with simple goodstuff or opposing weather aren't in your favor. Without a spinner, stall can definitely break ya. Especially since TTar, your only real wall breaker, has an Orb to kill itself with. Balanced teams with the right walls will break your slower offense, and stop your sweeps cold prior to ownin' ya.

Please do explain, in detail, how this team wins... ._.;
Honestly... I'm not sure why it works. It just works, incredibly well even. I have no clue why. It sets up every time the way I said, and somehow comes out on top every match. Lol. It is very strange, it doesn't make much sense on paper, but it has heart.,. And idk why, but it works really well. As for Giratina, that's a stone edge after two shell smash, stealth rock damage and sandstorm damage.
Oh, two smashes... Well that makes more sense. :lol:

Does Carracosta simply pummel everythin' into submission after two smashes? I don't see how you'd get a win any other way, not without playin' an impossibly bad newbie... I don't see how that'd work either, since Shell Smash is the most devastatin' set-up move in the game. Any team not prepared for it might as well not even try to ladder 'n such.
Pretty much dude. Crustle and Ttar are there only to set up and to scout. That's it. I could care less if they get wrecked. They scout, so does Torterra, then carracosta or terrakion come in and just blow the **** out of everything after setting up. Fighting gem on terrakion helps him score the necessary ohkos on nearly every steel type, bar steelix. Even skarmory falls to close combat after stealth rock damage. It is the surprise factor that makes this team work so well, cuz it seems like I'm being a noob by misusing pokes, but it's intentional, and somehow it works.
You're clearly battlin' n00bs if anyone in OU is usin' a ****in' Steelix...

What's the relevance of Steel types to Terrakion's sweep, exactly? :lol: Even with STAB, it ain't like Terrakion has zero bulk. Steels ain't gonna counter a bloody Fightin' type anyways.

That aside, it ain't surprise factor. It's "hope for a good sweeper match-up" factor, for lack of a better term. Once that White Herb is done, once Terrakion is shown whether it's usin' RP or SD, a check/counter can be identified and then stop almost any chance of your victory (if they have one; if they don't, ya just win). An all or nothin' strategy, basically. Even though the team is horrible, it doesn't matter if your sweeper can just up 'n destroy the foe through a lucky team match-up. A hilariously ass-backwards strategy indeed. :lol:

but srsly dis teem is bad

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