What's your pokemon team?

Another person who realizes the superiority of Sharpedos, CK.

But seriously dude, run.

You can never outrun the ban hammer. :p

I am too lazy to train my Pokémon competitively. Once in a while I will train obsessively.

You should check out Pokemon Online then. Just design the team and it's ready to be played; no horribly long training or obsessive breeding needed.

You've apparently never fought against a rattata in the top percentage of rattatas

Fear Joey's FEAR Rattata. x_x
Post it bro. You know ya wanna get your **** thrashed by my expertise. ;)
I get first licks, CK. Lol. Cant hog the fun all the time ya know... lol.

@ Nick: Ya know... Sharpedo are decent people... I'll agree with ya there... Just like Swablu and Altaria are decent people...-.- lol CK

We are all dead!!!!

CK just went psycho with the BAN HAMMER!!!!

I'd love to one of these days... But I'm not capable of such a horrendous thing, yeah? :lol:

I really am, though... Watch your back. ;D

You really need to learn how to use font 'n such correctly, MR. :lol:
Karp Karp Karp Karp

My god is 'Karp


So are we going to continue spamming this thread with idiocy, or does someone (MR...) have a team to post? :p

... Either way, there will be no more spam. ;)
Ok here it goes:
This was quickly put together
Oh and if it were Ubers I would add a Garchomp and an Exadrill


Choice Band
Sand Stream
180 HP / 252 Atk / 76 Spe
-Stone Edge

Iron Barbs
Rocky Helmet
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
-Leech Seed
-Power Whip
-Stealth Rocks

Life Orb
252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SpD
-Bullet Punch
-Bug Bite
-Swords Dance

Sheer Force
Life Orb
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Fire Blast
-Earth Power
-Thunder Bolt
-Ice Beam

Air Balloon
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Sacred Sword
-Stone Edge
-Close Combat
-Rock Polish

Sand Force
Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Hammer Arm
-Rock Slide
Sand Rush should be banned, not Excadrill... ;_; Blaziken agrees with me. =/

So then, let me formally welcome you to the competitive side of Wiichat's 'mon forum, MR. :D

Ok here it goes:
This was quickly put together
Oh and if it were Ubers I would add a Garchomp and an Exadrill


Choice Band
Sand Stream
180 HP / 252 Atk / 76 Spe
-Stone Edge

Good ol' CBTTar; er, BandTTar. Do tell what those 76 Spe EVs are for, though. Forgive me, as I forget my magic speed numbers. :p

Outrage is really worthless though, you're better off running Pursuit. The Lat@s, and other various psychics 'n ghosts won't appreciate it, which is a good thing for your Terrakion and your team as a whole, really. Earthquake also offers rather unnecessary coverage too, and you never know when an Air Balloon lead would **** you over, so Aqua Tail is a much better alternative. Not to mention it's a lot better to be locked into Water than it is to be locked into a Ground move. Tyranitar pretty much never run EQ these days for that reason; it's become a less common move each generaiton lol.

Iron Barbs
Rocky Helmet
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
-Leech Seed
-Power Whip
-Stealth Rocks

Barbs/Helmet Ferro blaaaaaaah.

I would recommend Gyro Ball over Leech Seed, but that's just my personal preference. I've never been one for mono-attacking anything, be it sweeper or wall. Leech Seed is fine (read: annoying) too.

Life Orb
252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SpD
-Bullet Punch
-Bug Bite
-Swords Dance

Good ol' SDScizor; though, this one is one of those bloody Specially bulky ones... Meh. Certainly works though. I would personally run the offensive set because you have ridiculous passive damage racking up every switch, but again, that's just my own personal preference.

Sheer Force
Life Orb
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Fire Blast
-Earth Power
-Thunder Bolt
-Ice Beam

You're lucky Nidoking is useful this gen. :p I'd really recommend Sludge Wave over Fire Blast, though. SW gets STAB, perfect accuracy, good neutral coverage for throwing it around randomly, and still hits non-poison Grass types super effectively. Fire Blast doesn't get any sort of useful coverage when you already have (STAB) Earth Power anywho; unless you want it to kill Ferrothorn of course, who Terrakion and Landorus already manhandle.

Might also be worth reconsidering to grab a Timid nature, since Nidoking isn't exactly bulky, and is pretty low on speed without it. 'Course, if you're not worried 'bout +Spe Heatran and attempting speed ties with opposing Nidoking, Modest is perfectly good too.

Air Balloon
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Sacred Sword
-Stone Edge
-Close Combat
-Rock Polish

Terrakion is already pretty fast... Unboosted Adamant CC is pretty powerful as is, but I think it's a great late-game sweeper WITHOUT Rock Polish.

... Not that it has any moves notably better than Rock Polish...

As I told another team builder recently, Sacred Sword is garbage. I know you want to utterly murder those Eviolite Chansey's even more, but slap on X-scissor for the random coverage instead. Those Reuniclus won't know what hit 'em!

And yes, I'm very anti-sacred sword. There're very few situation one wouldn't want that extra 45 BP; especially when you're using an unboosted Terrakion set; and if there are, it's my opinion that you're probably playing Terrakion wrong. Take my opinion as you will, of course, but I really recommend X-scissor over Sacred Sword, and if not that, Rock Polish.

Sand Force
Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Hammer Arm
-Rock Slide

Good ol' Scarf Landorus. Real nasty thing. Too bad your Bander isn't Scizor so you can U-turn around with your entry hazards all day, and then when they get your stupid game, switch to Ferro to really piss 'em off. :lol:

I loves me some sandstorm team, been usin' said weather teams since the beginning of Gen 4. Their most notable benefit is the raw power they have; powerful pokes and that damn annoying Sandstorm. Their most notable weakness, can be huge collective weaknesses. Your team definitely embodies both.

Four Water weaknesses is just bad, particularly since your Ferro isn't the specially defensive variant. And once it dies, you WILL get swept, whether their team relies on Rain or not. You absolutely need moar Water resistance, and to take that 4x weakness down a notch. Three weakness and two resist is only bareable at best; four simply shouldn't be tolerated. This is a huge problem that needs fixing, otherwise random Starmies will have some lulz, and rain teams will have a walk in the park.

Your Fighting weakness is at 3x weak and 2x resist; pretty much every team throws around nasty STAB fighting attacks, and considering your main physical wall is WEAK to Fighting, this is a problem. Fighting is the most dominant type alongside Dragon in OU I'd say, so you'll need to be more prepared for it. Particularly since TTar is so important to your team. What happens when a rain team's Toxicroak ends your TTar, and permarain rains on your parade, eh?

Your Ground weakness is at three with one resist. That's relatively bad. Ground isn't the omnipotently common attack type it's almost always been since Fighting is almost the same and has replaced it in many ways, but being weak to both is just asking to get sweeped. It's not entirely necessary to patch this up, but if you swap out a poke to remedy your Water and Fighting problem, fixing your Ground problem at the same time would be smart (if possible...).

Aside from that though, you've got a great stock of resistances and some good immunities (your entire team resists or is immune to poison looool). Your team is made of some great pokes with some great moveset synergy, there's no doubt. But your weaknesses stack way too high. Because of this, I believe this team will end up as a "you win some, you lose some". If the opponent doesn't run Pokes that dominate your team (fat chance...), you're definitely giving 'em a run for their money. If they do, you'll probably get shut out right from the get-go, and your chances of winning take a nasty hit.

In other words, you need to patch up those weaknesses to make this team as viable as it can be. To be great, rather than just good. A word of advice in order to pursue this; the most successful Sandstorm teams don't limit themselves to Rock, Steel, and Ground pokes. Dual typing all of your Pokes to these types won't solve your problems. Sandstorm hurting one, two, or even three of your Pokes won't be the end of you, since it's guaranteed your opponent will be taking more damage from the said sandstorm than you will. Let the Sandstorm limit your choices, and your team is therefore limited.

If I had to list a Pokemon to replace, I'd go for Nidoking; but since he's there since you like 'em, I'd imagine that's out of the question, yeah? :lol: 'Least it's a lot better than that damn Sharpedo.

Though, really, this is a pretty good team for one hour's thought. Pretty good for your first post too. ;) It's got some holes to patch up, but once they're fixed, I'll certainly approve of it. Damn straight.
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Don't listen to CK, he's too lazy to actually use a Sharpedo and thus he doesn't realize its awesomeness.

And yes, I'm very anti-sacred sword. There're very few situation one wouldn't want that extra 45 BP; especially when you're using an unboosted Terrakion set; and if there are, it's my opinion that you're probably playing Terrakion wrong. Take my opinion as you will, of course, but I really recommend X-scissor over Sacred Sword, and if not that, Rock Polish.

In CK's mind, 120 - 90 = 45.
This was quickly run together

Tyranitar: He was more of a anti-setter being the lead and a hit and retreat guy. He can put a large dent in most things. Outrage is a more of an Uber precaution. His stats are last gen btw (one of my faves).

Ferrothorn: I created this one as an experiment. Switching to him when your sure the opponent will hit with a physical move. If the opposing poke is not dead then you can set up some hazards. If he switches to a fire type then I would switch him for a Terrakion or Tyranitar. The leach seed might help setting up a potential sweep.

Scizor: I chose this Scizor to stay alive and kick butt.

Nidoking: Fire blast is more for that Skarmory and Ice pokes. SW does not give that great of coverage. As you said Earth Power would be my stab 100% accuracy move.

Terrakion: Sacred Sword is more of a back-up Close Combat. If I can't risk the Close Combat then Sacred Sword would be a better choice. Rock Polish is more of a Close Combat defence.

A word of advice in order to pursue this; the most successful Sandstorm teams don't limit themselves to Rock, Steel, and Ground pokes. Dual typing all of your Pokes to these types won't solve your problems. Sandstorm hurting one, two, or even three of your Pokes won't be the end of you, since it's guaranteed your opponent will be taking more damage from the said sandstorm than you will. Let the Sandstorm limit your choices, and your team is therefore limited.
I had a Dragonite in one of my past TTar teams

If I had to list a Pokémon to replace, I'd go for Nidoking; but since he's there since you like 'em, I'd imagine that's out of the question, yeah?
Yeah, he is my Special Sweeper
In CK's mind, 120 - 90 = 45.

STAB you idiot. :lol:

This was quickly run together

Tyranitar: He was more of a anti-setter being the lead and a hit and retreat guy. He can put a large dent in most things. Outrage is a more of an Uber precaution. His stats are last gen btw (one of my faves).

... This team isn't for Ubers, so you shouldn't run moves for Ubers.

Nidoking: Fire blast is more for that Skarmory and Ice pokes. SW does not give that great of coverage. As you said Earth Power would be my stab 100% accuracy move.

Thunderbolt smacks Skarmory anyways; no Skarmory is going to switch into Nido unless a n00b is running said Skarm. Nobody uses Physical Nidoking. :p Even if you're switching Nido into the Skarmory, and it uses Roost, T-bolt will still obviously be a 2HKO (unless they're using one of those weird special variants; in which case TTar and Terrakion will run Skarm through with brute force STABs).

... And what Ice types are ya aiming at in OU? :lol:

Two neutral coverage STAB moves are better than one, hence why I suggested SW. What few things Fire Blast hits notably harder than the rest of your moves aren't anything to be worried about; except Ferrothorn, as I mentioned.

Terrakion: Sacred Sword is more of a back-up Close Combat. If I can't risk the Close Combat then Sacred Sword would be a better choice. Rock Polish is more of a Close Combat defence.

Hence why I said X-scissor is the better choice. If you're not flinging around nasty CCs all over the place out of concern for the defense drops, you're better off running a bulkier fighting type like Conkeldurr or No Guard Machamp IMO.

I had a Dragonite in one of my past TTar teams

Too bad Multiscale is worthless because of Sandstorm...

Which also applies to the opponent. ;)

Haven't broke into Gen 5's competitive scene just yet, I've been a lot of talk and no walkin' the walk. :lol: Got plenty of team ideas for OU singles, though. Just gotta get 'em ironed out before I can jump on PO.

I'd imagine you do and are lookin' for opponents, yeah?

Opponents surely but more along the line of friends. I play with a lot of people on there and it's always a lot more fun when you're battling in a group withe friends you know..ya diglett?

Oh and Mr. MR, I would definitely take note in the suggestions that SSB made to your team. Definitely would go Pursuit over outrage as theres nothing better switching into a draco meteor from latios and pursuit trapping it to death. Outrage makes you stuck on that attack for 2-3 turns, which is enough time for the opponent to revenge kill you and win the "weather war" as thats what the OU tier has basically become these days. If you are playing Wifi OU, I would definitely watch out for trapper pokemon, specifically Magnezone in your case. Magnezone can come in on Ferrothorn and Scizor since it lacks Superpower, keep you locked in with Magnet Pull, and either proceed to either substitute and set up with charge beam or just go for a straight HP fire...which will wreck you immensely. I do like the the Bulky Scizor set alot, as I used to run one on my mono colour red team but I feel you are just risking a scald burn or will o wisp from something as you try to set up. I would personally go with a Choice Banded Scizor set with U-turn, Superpower, Bullet Punch, and Pursuit. If you're looking for a specially bulky steel type, Id go with Jirachi personally.

This way, you can come in on pokes like reuniclus and other opposing tyranitars and threaten them with a super effective U-turn while maintaining momentum. Consequently, I would put Rotom-W on your team as he counters the one pokemon that can wreck your whole team apart if given the opportunity..STARMIE!!! He is the bane of all sandstorm teams. And he works well in conjunction with scizor as he can spam volt switch to keep maintaining offensive pressure on your side of the field in tandem with Scizor.

I see Nasty Plot Celebi to be a reallly huge counter to your whole team, might even be able to sweep and nab a 6-0 off if played correctly. Especially since your ferrro doesnt have Gyro ball, it cant do anything to celebi, ttar isnt the standard specially defensive set so giga drain will eat him alive, scizor again doesnt hit hard enough with that set to kill off celebi with bp before it hp fires you, Terrakion could potentially kill it off with a stone edge but its shaky accuracy is a let down and you arent running a speed boosting nature so celebi can outspeed you with a timid nature I believe...not sure but Im too tired to check xD. Lando with u-turn could wreck celebi but a smart opponent will be sure to scout what set ur using before letting celebi set up.

Wow didn't mean to write this much. Just some suggestions to keep in mind while teambuilding.
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