The Scrubbiest of Hunters
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And also severely broken in doubles.
:lol: As for srsness, your team doesn't have a single resistance to Rock. While I doubt you're going to see +6 'Scarf Terrakion unless you're playing PO laddering, if you do, you're really ****ed. 100% ****ed. That alone is enough to say this team really does ****ing suck and won't succeed, but this isn't intended for VGC play, now is it?
You've got a nice bundle of resistances which make switching actually worth it if you predict properly, including key immunities to Ground, Fighting, and Water. Very good. Your team is really weak to Mach Punch spam though, so if you switch Gengar incorrectly, it'l probably be met with a move to OHKO it while it's team mate gets PAWNCH!'ed in the face, so Gengar with Psychic really doesn't cure your issue with Fighting types. Just like your Terra weakness, this is enough for you to scrap the team right here and now; if this were singles, anyways.
But your weakness to scarf'd fighting Pokemon is appaulingly bad. Sharpedo ain't going to save the day against Mach Punch, and Scarf'd CC will destroy the rest of your not-Gengar team.
If you miraculously are fighting a team without fighting types, however, this team definitely has room to succeed. You've got synergy, immunities, and the weather in your favor. If your Pokemon were of a higher quality, you'd certainly be taking even more victories...
So all things considered, it's a good team with a nasty and easily exploited weakness. Patch up that hole somehow though, and you've got a team of low tiers that are surprisingly deadly. Bang up job, bro. =)
... Did I mention that fighting weakness? ;_;
Pfft, school is for nerds.
And also severely broken in doubles.
Politoed (Drizzle, Modest) (255 Sp. Attack, 255 HP) (Item: ???)
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
Well, it's obviously mostly there for Drizzle, but it can hit really hard with its Water attacks. Surf and Hydro Pump are used in different situations, obviously.
I would of recommend a 'Scarf for Water move spam, but then you can't protect... So you could go lefties/mystic water/focus sash/whatever the **** you want. Instead of either Surf or Hydro Pump, you could run one of two things: Hypnosis, which just might shut down a serious threat to your team, or Counter to **** with a physical attacker that isn't a +6 Terrakion. If an EQ comes Politoed's way it should easily survive, and smack whatever hit it with some crazy damage since it has max HP. Of course, if your opponent has a weather Poke, you'll NEVER want to use Counter until it's KO'd, so there's always a risk there. Not to mention Counter is terribly unreliable in Doubles since you never know where you opponent is aiming, so it's just an option to consider; definitely not the best.
Armaldo (Swift Swim, Jolly) (255 Attack, 255 Speed) (Rock Gem)
-Rock Slide
-Brick Break
-Swords Dance
It uses Swift Swim to become really fast, and uses Swords Dance. If I see a Water attack coming, I can just switch Politoed out to Cradily to take it. It can use Protect for other things. Rock Slide is self explanatory, and hits big power the first time it's used thanks to Rock Gem. Brick Break is mainly for Steel types that resist Rock Slide.
Getting even a single boost in Doubles is not an easy task, even moreso when Armaldo isn't all-that bulky. A +2 Gem & STAB Rock Slide off of 383 Atk certainly hurts, but not attacking for a single Poke's turn in doubles can and will get you ****ed eventually. Needless to say, be careful.
Also, you're better off with X-scissor for STAB. Armaldo is going to do **** damage with or without the +2 with Brick Break, even when Super Effective. Type coverage ain't all-that important in doubles, after all.
Cradily (Storm Drain, Modest) (255 HP, 150 Defense, 105 Sp. Attack) (Chople Berry)
-Giga Drain
-Sludge Wave
A bulky Cradily that can take a fighting attack thanks to the berry. It protects the rest of the team from Water attacks with Storm Drain, namely Armaldo, and boosts its Special Attack. It can even take advantage of Hydreigon's and Politoed's Surf to boost it further. It can attack with Giga Drain, which also keeps it healthy. Sludge Wave is for attacking multiple targets at once, and Bulldoze is if a Pokemon that's out is in danger of being outsped and killed. It will slow the opponent down so they aren't as threatening. Protect is self explanatory.
Bulldoze hits your ally too, bro; I know, that's ****ing stupid and kills any merit the move has, but that's how it is. If you really want the ability to lower speed for some reason, String Shot hits two targets in Doubles (lulz will be had every time it's used lmao). It's a shame all it's other great options are suited for singles only.
Also, do NOT rely on Storm Drain to stop Surfs, since it only redirects and absorbs single-target water moves. Even moreso, don't use Hydro Pump or Waterfall when Cradily is out, otherwise you just wasted your other Poke's turn.
Hydreigon (Levitate, Modest) (255 Speed, 255 Sp. Attack) (Life Orb)
-Dragon Pulse
-Earth Power
A pretty normal Hydreigon. It can destroy things with its powerful attacks, and protect itself with....well, you know.
needz moar intimidate
Sharpedo (Speed Boost, Adamant) (255 Speed, 255 Attack) (Focus Sash)
-Earthquake/Ice Fang
A Sharpedo that has a Sash so it's almost guaranteed to last more than one turn. Under the rain, it can do great damage with Waterfall, and outspeed everything with Speed Boost. Can't decide if I wanna use Ice Fang or Earthquake...
An un-boosted EQ does little to your allies (particularly the ones levitating) and your foes, but a 2x Ice Fang isn't doing much either, and multi-scale Dragonite isn't exactly threatening in Doubles (as far as I know...). I'm not sure it'd matter much what move you choose. Damn shame Zen Headbutt ain't legal with Speed Boost.
Gengar (Levitate, Timid) (255 Speed, 255 Sp. Attack) (Life Orb)
-Sludge Wave
I forget what its 4th move was, damnitt. But anyways, it can do damage with Sludge Wave. It doesn't actually have Shadow Ball, but instead a 100% accurate Thunder. Psychic is for the Fighting-types that my team hates.
It makes me sad to see a Gengar with poison STAB over ghost... D:
:lol: As for srsness, your team doesn't have a single resistance to Rock. While I doubt you're going to see +6 'Scarf Terrakion unless you're playing PO laddering, if you do, you're really ****ed. 100% ****ed. That alone is enough to say this team really does ****ing suck and won't succeed, but this isn't intended for VGC play, now is it?
You've got a nice bundle of resistances which make switching actually worth it if you predict properly, including key immunities to Ground, Fighting, and Water. Very good. Your team is really weak to Mach Punch spam though, so if you switch Gengar incorrectly, it'l probably be met with a move to OHKO it while it's team mate gets PAWNCH!'ed in the face, so Gengar with Psychic really doesn't cure your issue with Fighting types. Just like your Terra weakness, this is enough for you to scrap the team right here and now; if this were singles, anyways.
But your weakness to scarf'd fighting Pokemon is appaulingly bad. Sharpedo ain't going to save the day against Mach Punch, and Scarf'd CC will destroy the rest of your not-Gengar team.
If you miraculously are fighting a team without fighting types, however, this team definitely has room to succeed. You've got synergy, immunities, and the weather in your favor. If your Pokemon were of a higher quality, you'd certainly be taking even more victories...
So all things considered, it's a good team with a nasty and easily exploited weakness. Patch up that hole somehow though, and you've got a team of low tiers that are surprisingly deadly. Bang up job, bro. =)
... Did I mention that fighting weakness? ;_;
Shouldn't you be in school right now?
Pfft, school is for nerds.