What's your pokemon team?

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I still don't see Lapras as an "omg wtf am I going to do" threat. If the enemy doesn't have a Jolteon, I see Gyarados superior as a DD threat.
Yes, Gyara is better. Havnt seen one in a while. It's like me with Aerodactyl. Just can't keep one alive.
As far as competitive gaming goes (all games I play competitive that is), I always play sort of a rogue styles, the idea is that you confuse your opponent into making poor choices.

Lapras is a perfect example.
Gyra is better at the job...
Lapras lives longer....

hows that looking?
comments on what need fixing :)
Luxray and Tangrowth out for better walls.
I suggest Blissey and Skarmory.
Also having Dragonite on the same team as Salamence is usually a nono unless Dragonite is filling a defensive role. Also having two 4X ice weaknesses is really bad.
Movesets? Natures? EVs?
hmmm ok.
im unsure on any of the movesets, natures and EV's yet.
but Tangrowth has pretty good stats apart from SD and Speed.
and Luxray stats to me look better then Skarmory.
but i guess your thinking more in depth, like using each pokemon for a certain positions in a team. Im still a bit cloudy on that, any sites you know that explain this?
so should i have Dragonite or Salamence, Dragonite seems to have better stats then Salamence, even though its very close.
smogon.com is the best. Skarmory >>> Luxray in terms of usefullness, Skarm doesnt has many more resistances. Salamence is better than Dragonite in terms of sweeping attack and brute force, but Dragonite lives longer and serves better as a barrier so, it depends what your using on your team.
Skarmory is one of the best OU physical walls around. You don't need Luxray because his movepool is pathetic and so is his speed. Skarmory isnt for attacking. He's for walling and support.
Tangrowth is kiiinda alright, but fills the same roll as Skarmory; a physical wall, but Skarm is faaaaaar superior.
On Dragonite/Salamence, it depends. In terms of attacking, Salamence does everything better except for punches, (fire/thunder/focus) but Dragonite can fill out as a defensive pokemon, but the thing is, you'll have better defensive pokes, and defensive Dnites are for experienced battlers as they are hard to keep alive without a great deal of skill, I find.
That last bit of info is very helpful fox :), ill go with Salamence.
And thanks for that site Storm!
Ok so that leaves
Kingdra (comments?)
What else should i consider?
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Taking out Ttar cuz Sand Stream doesn benefit your team, only punishes it. Hes a good poke, but the sandstorm can very much hurt your dragons. True it hinders the opponents team as well, but why have it when it provides no advantage to you but a disadvantage to both?
On Kingdra: Storm made my point before me. Sand Stream ruins much of what Kingdra does. Cant tell you much more about him untill I see what your whole team is.
If you're using Tyranitar as an attacker (I assume), you can replace him with Weavile or Mamoswine, anything physical.
I suggest you make your Salamence a specsmence since you really don't have any special attackers.
Your team could use some more support though. A Blissey is a great poke to start with too. Best special wall in the game hands down. That just leaves you with one more space to fill. I would suggest a fast starter. Infernape or Yanmega. Of course Azelf and Moltres are viable here as well.
So here's what I got.

If you liek, I'll draw up some spreads.
That would be awesome fox!!! :)

Ok so iv got
Weavile (I decided on this because he has a really strong attack and speed,(120 serebii puts him at 12th fastest in the game including legdens), do I still need another fast poke?)
If so how would an Aerodactyl look in my team?
Aerodactyl would be OK but you'd only be relying on Salamence for special attacks if you use him. I'd suggest Infernape or Yanmega. Personally I use a Yanmega.
OK, spreads.

Salamence @ Choice Specs
Modest nature
252 S.ATK/252 SPE/6 HP
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Hydro Pump (egg move)

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Impish nature
252 HP/64 ATK/176 DEF/16 SPE
Drill Peck/Brave Bird

(DD Rage)
Kingdra @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
252 ATK/232 SPE/24 DEF
Dragon Dance
Outrage (Platinum tutor)

There are other Kingdra spreads that can work with your team.

The standard Blissey is very hard to make since you need a GBA tutor move (Siesmic Toss) so I'll have CK clone my Blissey for you if that's OK with him.

(Revenge Killer)
Weavile @ Life Orb/Choice Band
Adamant/Jolly nature
252 ATK/252 SPE/ 6 HP
Ice Shard (egg move)
Brick Break
Pursuit (egg move)
Ice Punch (egg move)

This is my Weavile. If you want (and if it's OK with CK of course) this can be cloned for you as well since I know that three egg moves and perfect IVs in this sort of Weavile are hard to come by, buy t I did it, and am willing to share. ^^

Yanmega @ Focus Sash/Wide Lense/Life Orb
Modest/Timid nature
252 SPE/252 S.ATK/ 6 HP
Bug Buzz
Air Slash

Again, something of mine you may have a clone of.

Infernape @ Life Orb
Naive nature
26 ATK/252 S.ATK/138 SPE
Flamethrower/Fire Blast
Grass Knot
Close Combat
Nasty Plot/U-Turn/Thunderpunch(tutor)/Flare Blitz

Just choose between Infernape or Yanmega and let me know of any other questions or comments you have. On Skarmory, I have an EV trained one with that set, but his IVs arent that great, also I have a shiny Impish natured Skarm, but she's not EV trained yet, and her IVs arent great either. Clones can be made by asking CK, again.
Also, I don't recomend it, but if you still want Aerodactyl spreads, I can give a couple.
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Your a legend!

So with that shiny Skarm, can it still be EV trained?
If so and i could have it that would be awesome.

The Salamence should be good, how do i go about getting the egg move?
For Kingdra ill just catch a Horsea, evolve into Seadra and trade for Kingdra, or is there a better way?
Blissey ill get that way you said if alright with CK
Since your willing to share that Weavile of yours I will gracefully accept
Im still undeiced on Infernape or Yanmega, i think if i get the Yanmega of you half of my team will be your pokes.

So yeah how do i get the egg move for Salamence?
Yanmega ftw! I think yanmega over infernape cuz the ape is more common qnd mega will add some more diversity to your team. Like fox said aerosactyls good but there are better things for your team. I'm typing off my itouch sry for thetypos.LOL

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