What's your pokemon team?

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  • #692
Go to Pokechat, Storm. :p

Well, almost all pokes in the battle frontier have a + atk/Sp. atk nature if they're offensive, if your Garchomp has a +Spe nature (Jolly) and has been EV trained in speed, then yes, it'l be outspeeding the common Modest Starmie.
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  • #694
... ... ... *facepalm*

To the "What's your team?" thread you dumbass. :lol:
You want me to post my team there?



.... [/epic facepalm]
good thing my 'Chomp be jolly...

what's a good Torterra moveset? he's the only one I use that I haven't asked about. Here's his current:
Adamant Nature
Wood Hammer
Ok i just got platinum the other day. Last night at like 11, i was comparing a few pokes on serebii. I quickly picked out a few pokemon that i liked.


any decent?
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  • #700
Lapras is the only poke you'll want to definatly avoid, there's a lot better water types like Starmie, Empoleon, or Gyarados.

Arcanine isn't all that good, but it's not bad either. If you're a fan of it, you're certainly free to have it on your team. There are better pokemon, but certainly it's not as bad as Lapras.

The other 3 are great pokes to have, they're very good at what they do best.
yeah, soon or later i wanna get into completive battling. Still got to finish the game 1st haha, and try to get goddam ds wifi working with the new wireless :mad:. The wii is working fine but for some reason ds wifi wont :S.
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  • #702
Ah, I see. Competitive battling takes a lot of work and dedication, so if you think you're up to the task, you've got my respect. :)

The Wii can use multiple kinds of "wi-fi", so it's usually compatible with routers. The DS is a lot more limited, sadly. So you'll probably need to buy a DS-compatible router, in short. Just like me; except I won't be coughing up money any time soon. I have to put up with my Wi-fi USB Adapter... it's a piece of junk. -.-;
Why is it that whenever we get somebody to get into competative battling, it's someone who is wi-fi compromised or someone who won't battle?
I'm sooo itching for a battle.

@CK: Why you hatin' on Lapras? His movepool is HUGE and he has decent stats.
Strype, massi4h, and Ayo have beaten me with DD sub Lapras.
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im working on it, should have it up and running by tonight, but then i need to get the pokemon and the levels and all that haha, which will take awhile.
Why is it that whenever we get somebody to get into competative battling, it's someone who is wi-fi compromised or someone who won't battle?
I'm sooo itching for a battle.

@CK: Why you hatin' on Lapras? His movepool is HUGE and he has decent stats.
Strype, massi4h, and Ayo have beaten me with DD sub Lapras.

Ant it amazeing?

DDlapras is my hero, still. The only problem is I can RARELY ever find a spot for it on my teams....but I digress. Lapras is a "can you handle this threat" type of pokemon. The bulky defenses, and water absorb make it EASY to get in, and subbed. It also is sortof a nub killer. Against fox, I can get off, one dragon dance, at best. Against more nobish victims, I have gotten off, 2,3, and a few times, even 4 dances, and yes Virgina there is a Santa clause, I have gotten off 6 dances before. From there waterfall flinchhax your way to victory.

Or we can mention other random sets that lapras is good at...
Oh, wait
that must mean, lapras is just good.

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