What's your pokemon team?

Unless they hit you with Feint. Some teams do that just to break the common Toxic stall. I did.
Endure & protect...
can they work no fail back to back... to back?

Because, use toxic, wish, protect, endure, protect, then wish comes in...

Cute. But according to Smogon, Endure has a 50% chance to work after Protect/Detect/Endure has been used. Same rules applies to Protect, and Detect.

Nice try though, although you could still try it. Your banking it on 50-50 chance.
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You're banking it on a worse chance than 50 50. Endure/Protect/Detect all work on the same "wavelength", so to speak. If one is used, any of the other two or same move have a 50% chance of working again. After that, if any of the moves are used AGAIN, it's a 25% chance. I'm pretty sure after that it automatically fails. If you think it'l work, you're quite wrong. :p Endure's a waste of a moveslot, trust me.

... If that did work, it'd be the most broken strategy ever. .-. Counterable with some fast priority users (Lucario, etc.) or pokes with high attack and feint, but it'd ruin the metagame... It'd be as centralized as RBY or GSC.

Beginning work on Shadow's team advice now.

i need help now. i've been avoiding the Battle Fronteir cause i wanted to raise some strong pokes first, but now i think i'm ready. i just need item help and possible moveset help.

Flame Wheel
Close Combat
???(Rock Climb currently)

Meteor Mash
???(currently Agility)

→Latios with Soul Dew
Dragon Claw
Draco Meteor
???(currently Psychic)
???(currently Dragon Dance)

For Infernape, if you want a physical variant, you'll definatly need a Choice Band, otherwise it hits far too weakly. For his moveset, you'll want something along these lines.

Infernape @ CB, 252 Atk/Spe, 4 HP, Jolly (this nature is necesarry)

Flare Blitz
Stone Edge

The issue I have with this set is Stone Edge; it's paltry accuracy could get you killed in a few matches. It's necesarry for the moveset though; so something like a physically based, but not 100% physical Infernape may be desired. However, even more unfortunatly, a mixed 'Ape (physical) needs a specialized EV spread, so that idea's probably out the window. ... Mixed > Special > Physical IMO.

For Metagross, drop Psychic. Just tack on Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, or Explosion over Psychic, and you have a perfect Metagross. I would personally recommend Explosion, since Latios would normally cover Thunderbolt, and Dragon moves also from Latios can take out dragons just like Ice can, so Explosion is probably superior. Explosion also has great utility with Metagross' heightened speed after an agility, almost ensuring he can pull it off on something.

For Latios, I highly recommend you get a new one; Latios needs max speed and Sp. atk, with a speed + nature to function correctly in a place like the Battle Frontier, or even in general competitive battling (uber or OU; even though he's an uber). Could you tell me it's stats? I'll try figuring out his EVs and tell you whether or not he's useful.

If he's EV trained correctly or you plan on getting a new Latios, this is a moveset you should use.

Latios @ Soul Dew, Timid, 252 Spe/SpA, 4 HP


Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse

Surf and Thunderbolt give great coverage in OU, better than Ice/Electric. Dragon Pulse is for a safe STAB, while Draco Meteor is for the finishing blow/take out something Dragon Pulse just barely manages to fail on. Simple moveset, really.
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i'm kinda lucky i guess. My infernape i did my best to raise for physical power and hes the right nature.

Latios has the right nature but i'll get back to you on stats

and i forget, is there an Explosion tutor in Platinum?
@ CK: Dont forget my team! :lol: Btw, Endure does indeed suck. The only use I have ever seen with it is in a team that has a lead Stealth Rock, then a poke comes in that is reaaaally fast, reaaaaally high attack, and decent enough defenses to at least take a hit while surviving. Then, a pump up for attack or speed is used while taking the first hit. Then, endure is used, assuming the chosen poke is weak enough to be left with only 1 HP. Then, execute the fully pumped Flail. The Stealth Rock support plus the status support move should = death for most pokes. My team got sweeped this way by an Eevee. It was... disgraceful...
In my Emarald: Sceptile, Salamence, Flygon, Golduck, Raichu, and Aggron
In my Fire Red: Venasaur, NidoKing, Vaporeon, Scizor, Dragonite, and Arcanine.
I didnt get any in trading
And apparently are nothing more than a casual player.
Looks like there isnt any place to find a decent challange. Smogon's too uptight, WiiChat is baren, nobody's up for it or capable. WTH?

@CK-THAT! Don't do that! It keeps me from having fun!
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Ahh, leave the casual gamer in peace, Fox. Not everyone cares for competitive battling; or knows about it, for that matter.

... Try marriland or serebii (cue dramatic music here)?

Fox will murder you, Last. :p Just like I did. :thumbsup:


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