What do you think will happen at the end of Twilight Princess?

Ok, 2 things:

1) Link can't die. The game's creators can't do that to us. It would be like reading a really long, good book only to find that the last two pages are missing....no resolution, no sense of accomplishment. I know that everyone is going to say, "But there's The Wind Waker," and that the two stories will really be more like one. Tragedy has its place, like in Shakespeare or something, but definitely not a Zelda game. I don't know about you, but I think that would be a great big load of dog crap.


2) Speaking of crap, if Link does die at the end I'll **** a golden brick....well, not a golden brick exactly, but that fourth piece of the tri-force that everyone was talking about a while ago. I'll call it the tri-force of utter incredulity.
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I reckon it'd be awesome if when Links battleing the final boss he was owning him then the boss used some trick that distracted link and stabbed a sword through him, Link falls to the ground bleeding from his chest......

The boss then goes over to zelda she casts a spell but he wacks it away....
He closes in........
Link starts to crawl....
The boss smacks zelda to the ground...
Link stumbles forward....
The boss lifts his sword....
Link begins to run....
The boss begins to bring down his sword...
Link jumps in the air...
zelda screams......
Link is ontop of the boss with his sword thorugh the top of his neck, the boss stumbles and falls over and Link jumps of him lands wobbles then collapses to the ground........
Not sure what should happen next though maybe he dies and goes and sees the angel of death or the sages or whatever and they say your time is not now and push him back into his body and he comes back... maybe but thats just another one of my cool ideas for the final battle
deity_link said:
I reckon it'd be awesome if when Links battleing the final boss he was owning him then the boss used some trick that distracted link and stabbed a sword through him, Link falls to the ground bleeding from his chest......

The boss then goes over to zelda she casts a spell but he wacks it away....
He closes in........
Link starts to crawl....
The boss smacks zelda to the ground...
Link stumbles forward....
The boss lifts his sword....
Link begins to run....
The boss begins to bring down his sword...
Link jumps in the air...
zelda screams......
Link is ontop of the boss with his sword thorugh the top of his neck, the boss stumbles and falls over and Link jumps of him lands wobbles then collapses to the ground........
Not sure what should happen next though maybe he dies and goes and sees the angel of death or the sages or whatever and they say your time is not now and push him back into his body and he comes back... maybe but thats just another one of my cool ideas for the final battle

I for one like your idea, and its ideas like these I wish people would share more on the forums. In general I like expressing my thoughts and ideas about games and possibile plots throughout them (even if they wont be in the final build), but because not many here are speaking and sharing in such a manner I dont feel inclined to do so myself.
woow i have'nt seen this post before! I don't have a clue how it's gonna end
. and i'm gonna wait and see! i looove tloz! so it's hard for me to talk about how it's gonna "end" ( tp )
Link dies in all other games except Ocarina of Time.It just doesn't show it. Different life adventures anyone?
I don't wanna know what happens at the end before I play it but I hope some cool Mad action and a Soundtrack like Sonic Adventure 2 Battle at the Final Boss where you are Super Sonic. Of course in a Style that fits the Zelda Game

BTW, maybe Link will be captured by Ganondorf and to make him confess where is the Triforce he will put Navi next to Him for 8 Days!


Link: Nooooooo :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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KaDee said:
I for one like your idea, and its ideas like these I wish people would share more on the forums. In general I like expressing my thoughts and ideas about games and possibile plots throughout them (even if they wont be in the final build), but because not many here are speaking and sharing in such a manner I dont feel inclined to do so myself.
I like the time period before game releases cause you can post your ides and no one can make a smart arse comment like "Its a good idea but it not in the game you stupid idiot" or something like that.
deity_link said:
I reckon it'd be awesome if when Links battleing the final boss he was owning him then the boss used some trick that distracted link and stabbed a sword through him, Link falls to the ground bleeding from his chest......

The boss then goes over to zelda she casts a spell but he wacks it away....
He closes in........
Link starts to crawl....
The boss smacks zelda to the ground...
Link stumbles forward....
The boss lifts his sword....
Link begins to run....
The boss begins to bring down his sword...
Link jumps in the air...
zelda screams......
Link is ontop of the boss with his sword thorugh the top of his neck, the boss stumbles and falls over and Link jumps of him lands wobbles then collapses to the ground........
Not sure what should happen next though maybe he dies and goes and sees the angel of death or the sages or whatever and they say your time is not now and push him back into his body and he comes back... maybe but thats just another one of my cool ideas for the final battle

Oh ****, I totally love that idea!:yikes: I mean, these are the kind of cutscenes that I look for!!! They should SO hire you as a writer!
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Niiice I like that idea. I just hope something interesting like that really happen in TP.
Mrjingles_23 said:
Oh ****, I totally love that idea!:yikes: I mean, these are the kind of cutscenes that I look for!!! They should SO hire you as a writer!
:blush2: nah I just write for the fun of it
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deity_link said:
:blush2: nah I just write for the fun of it
Hey can you tell me how to put a picture at the bottom of every post like yours. I will be very thankful if you told me how.

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