What do you think ganondorf role will be in TWILIGHT PRINCESS?

I like the theory about Ganon transforming when he enters the Twilight Realm........... Anyone curious as to who that strangely evil, "bird-like" creature is in the latest trailer? *wink wink* :wink:
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johno20 said:
I like the theory about Ganon transforming when he enters the Twilight Realm........... Anyone curious as to who that strangely evil, "bird-like" creature is in the latest trailer? *wink wink* :wink:

I don't know what the hell he/she is but I know one thing. He is not on Lnks side.
Zaine06 said:
Maybe in the next zelda game ganondorf will have to team up with link to take out the twilight king.
oh yeah thats a good idea yes being able to do the earthquake punch
but what about near the end the twlight absorbs the triforce of power and becomes two times as powerful an ganondorf helps link to get his triforce back and in the end link kills the twlight king and gets trapped in the twlight releam but then ganondorf gets his triforce back and turns into ganon zleda tries to stop him but gets striped of her triforce of wisdom and ganon dorf become even more powerful but the gods get links triforce and uses it to spilt the wisdom back into zelda and they trap ganondorfs evil in the castle and floods land in the end the gods split the triforce of courage for a rencarnation of the hero of time if the land was in trouble again
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in touch with the wii said:
oh yeah thats a good idea yes being able to do the earthquake punch
but what about near the end the twlight absorbs the triforce of power and becomes two times as powerful an ganondorf helps link to get his triforce back and in the end link kills the twlight king and gets trapped in the twlight releam but then ganondorf gets his triforce back and turns into ganon zleda tries to stop him but gets striped of her triforce of wisdom and ganon dorf become even more powerful but the gods get links triforce and uses it to spilt the wisdom back into zelda and they trap ganondorfs evil in the castle and floods land in the end the gods split the triforce of courage for a rencarnation of the hero of time if the land was in trouble again

as long as there is a legend the zelda series will never die. I think that ganondorf role is he was probably controlled by the twilight king since the beginning. And now the twilight king is fed up with ganondorf failing so he is going to take matters into his on hands.
I know exatly what he will do, is simple, he give is power to zant and convince him to help him to go out of the dark realm and at the end, you will have to beat him
I know what ganondorfs rols is but im not saying cuz ut will spoil the game for all of you as i have beaten it
Zant is intense, i figure Ganondorf has to play somewhere in there, ive only seen as far as the snow temple thats where my bro is up to in his game, im only in the water temple so ill have to wait and see.
Zaine06 said:
Well maybe zelda will be the one who stops ganon this time. Maybe she is sick and tired of link saving her so she once to be the hero and saves the land of hyrule. She will probably end up dead fighting ganon all by her selr.
Zaine...you dont happen to live in davis do you...

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