What do you think ganondorf role will be in TWILIGHT PRINCESS?

^ I like that idea. Midna helps him get to the Pedestal of Time and remove the master sword so that Ganondorf can escape. That could be why Midna helps you out from the start. I'm sure I heard somewhere that Midna only helps Link out for her own wellbeing. Maybe she doesn't know how evil Ganondorf is and when he returns Link is just like, "Hey, how's things". Then BANG, he is your next enemy.


Zelda is helping you out and she says "You can only defeat the Twilight King with the Master Sword but by taking it you will release an even greater evil. Then she's kidnapped, you get the master sword, kick the King's ass but... oh no, in comes Ganny.
this can be very true but how did ganondorf escape the water in ww i think tp is after ww because in a inteview it says hundreds of years after oot ww was only 100 years after oot so this is after ww i think that ganondorf was buried under the ground and when link pulls the sword out he actually pulls it out of gannondorfs head and ganondorf finds himself inthe forest and revies a plant boss
No no no. Twilight Princess is before WindWaker. First of all there is no massive ocean. Secondly... Nintendo already announced it is BEFORE WindWaker and thirdly, how does Twilight Princess being after WindWaker have any impact on how Ganon escapes the water? He's still stuck in Hyrule.
Good question. I'm guessing the same way he always is. Link will kill him and he'll be sealed away in the Seal of Time or something odd and unexplainable like that. It'd be cool if at the end of game there is a big "Final Cutscene" where everyone is smiling and happy and you see that previously pregnant woman walking around with a little baby but he is green with red hair. DUH Duh duh. Ganondorf is reborn but you never actually fight him.
this time I have to say no. lol, by's, I know that we're only speculating, but Link ain't gonna killed no more than Ganondorf is a pixie queen! Link is the hero of Hyrule (and Nintendo)...they aint killing him off...I'll be super sad if they kill him off, if by some odd twist they actually send him 6 feet under
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maxkhoward said:
Good question. I'm guessing the same way he always is. Link will kill him and he'll be sealed away in the Seal of Time or something odd and unexplainable like that. It'd be cool if at the end of game there is a big "Final Cutscene" where everyone is smiling and happy and you see that previously pregnant woman walking around with a little baby but he is green with red hair. DUH Duh duh. Ganondorf is reborn but you never actually fight him.

But I hope something bad happens at the end of TP. I hope something bad happen to zelda or link at the end of the game.
No that wouldn't be nice at all. You need a sense of reliability in Zelda games and a sense of surprise within the expected. That's what makes the titles great. Similar layout, different stories. Love it
btw im not wanting link to die im just saying he has to disapear sometime i think you have this twlight realm why not use it for something dramatic at the end like trapping link ganondorf and zelda in it
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Yeah. I love that idea. Maybe the Twilight king will trap them in there.
that would be good but although nintendo may use when a smaller evil is destoryed a bigger one will come but im rooting for the trap in the twlight realm
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Maybe in the next zelda game ganondorf will have to team up with link to take out the twilight king.

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