What do you think will happen at the end of Twilight Princess?

Yeah you should be ashamed....HITTING ON NINE YEAR OLDS Zaine!:lol:
And MYAGIRL yes anybody is allowed to talk to anyone as long as they are a MEMBER and choose to participate in posting!

Anyways I am sticking with my old answer, link dies......although I doubt it. I wish it would happen....besides this Link probably isn't related to the other Links...he may just be an ordinary boy named named after the hero of time......trying to save Hyrule...but FAILS!!!!:lol:
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I don't understand why you like this game if you want link to fail at the end of the game? If you like evil to win play Fable you can make him the bad guy.
First of all I hate X Box...second Iwant Nintendo to put a major twist.
I like Link in all but I just want Nintendo to make it darker...and if link dies then that would MAKE IT DARK!:smilewinkgrin:
Joe said:
First of all I hate X Box...second Iwant Nintendo to put a major twist.
I like Link in all but I just want Nintendo to make it darker...and if link dies then that would MAKE IT DARK!:smilewinkgrin:
personally i like it the way it is. I'm not a big fan of xbox either, but fable was a great game. :yesnod:
In WW there is a flood and I remember Ganon saying it was the gods who killed everyone....so maybe Link dosn't die by Ganon but from the flood!
So maybe Link trys to kill Ganon but fails....and since all hope is lost the Gods flood Hyrule to keep Ganon trapped. The gods allow new life to begin above...but Ganon makes a portal to leave Hyrule (this was in in WW) ...and WW takes place from there!
Joe said:
In WW there is a flood and I remember Ganon saying it was the gods who killed everyone....so maybe Link dosn't die by Ganon but from the flood!
So maybe Link trys to kill Ganon but fails....and since all hope is lost the Gods flood Hyrule to keep Ganon trapped. The gods allow new life to begin above...but Ganon makes a portal to leave Hyrule (this was in in WW) ...and WW takes place from there!

WW doesnt specifically take place directly after this game. It hasn't been stated as such, and there will more then likely be games inbetween IF this game doesnt end in a way which depicts the intro to WW.
WW's intro didnt say Link was killed with the flood, it said the Hero of Time disappeared at the time when Hyrule needed him, and so the people prayed to the Gods to help them. The Gods protected Hyrule by causing the lands to flood.
maybe link leaves Hyrule and then gannon comes and traps link in the twilght zone and when gannon treis to reak havoc the gods seal him it makes sense that explains why the hero of time disapears he gets stuck in the twlight and link is rencatnated in to ww
TLOZ:TP is pretty much the only reason I'm getting a Wii. If Nintendo kills Link in the end of TP, I'm selling the Wii and Nintendo will forever be dead to me. If TP is going to be as big a game as everyone says it is, then I'd better get some satisfaction once I finally finish it. I think my head would explode if I played an epic game for 70+ hours only to have my character die at the end. Plus if you've seen any of the videos circulating the net of the TP previews, the guys at Nintendo love Link and the whole TLOZ saga more than we do......I just don't see them killing their hero. Of course stranger things have happened. Just look at the Matrix trilogy. The first one rocked, the second one was weird but that's ok because the last one was supposed to rock, and the third one sucked major ass. Let's all hope the Wachowski brothers haven't been hired to direct this game.
Well there are other great games for he Wii besides TP...like Red Steel!
also its around 80 hours if you don't take the time to explore the land and finnish mini games....then its 100. Anyways why does everyone not want link to die I just dont get it!
white89gt said:
TLOZ:TP is pretty much the only reason I'm getting a Wii. If Nintendo kills Link in the end of TP, I'm selling the Wii and Nintendo will forever be dead to me. If TP is going to be as big a game as everyone says it is, then I'd better get some satisfaction once I finally finish it. I think my head would explode if I played an epic game for 70+ hours only to have my character die at the end. Plus if you've seen any of the videos circulating the net of the TP previews, the guys at Nintendo love Link and the whole TLOZ saga more than we do......I just don't see them killing their hero. Of course stranger things have happened. Just look at the Matrix trilogy. The first one rocked, the second one was weird but that's ok because the last one was supposed to rock, and the third one sucked major ass. Let's all hope the Wachowski brothers haven't been hired to direct this game.
My sentiments exactly!!!!!!!!!:smilewinkgrin:
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I would be happy to see something bad happen to link for once. There should be this one time thing where link fails in his mission to stop ganondorf. Now that will be cool.
Link's going to die and Zelda get's sexually molested. The end of the series...

Hahaha J/K

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