What do you think will happen at the end of Twilight Princess?

in touch with the wii said:
ther will be probaly be 2 new ones including tp the max per console is two so its not for nintendo to break tradtion

How many was there on Snes? I know about ALttP

And note that Gameboy has had several Zelda titles grace its life span, although they stretch across each different version of Gameboy.
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  • #49
trishj said:
Link will be victorious!!!!!! I hope they start working on another right away!!!!!

Link will die and everyone will be happy. It would be good for once to see the bad guy win. I am sick of the good guy getting all of the glory. So if ganondorf were to win somehow i would be amazed and satistified.
Uhh well either way is fine with me but I want some twists in this game!
Zaine06 said:
Link will die and everyone will be happy. It would be good for once to see the bad guy win. I am sick of the good guy getting all of the glory. So if ganondorf were to win somehow i would be amazed and satistified.
Good always wins over evil Ganon will be destroyed once again at the hands of LINK!!!!!!!!!!
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  • #56
Ladies please don't fight over me there is enough to go around.
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  • #57
Anyways we are suppose to be talking about zelda
How old are the ladies in question?
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  • #59
Beats me??? I do not know why they are fighting over me.
:lol: I'm not fighting over you. I just want to talk about zelda games and how link will beat ganon in the TP.:yesnod:
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