What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

Bug: Scizor.

Dark: Zoroark.

Dragon: Latios.

Electric: Raichu.

Fighting: Lucario.

Fire: Ninetails.

Flying: Articuno.

Ghost: Froslass.

Grass: Whimsicott. <3

Ground: Tie between Sandslash and Marowak.

Ice: Glaceon.

Normal: Arceus.

Poison: Roserade.

Psychic: Latias.

Rock: Tyranitar.

Steel: Lucario again, since I don't really care for any Steel types.

Water: Magikarp, of course!
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  • #32
Bug: Galvantula (Others: Ledian, Ariados, Shuckle, Accelgor)

Dark: Sableye (Others: Honchcrow)

Dragon: Hydreigon (Others: Kyurem, Rayquaza)

Electric: Eelektross (Others: Electrode, Rotom)

Fighting: Hitmonchan (Others: Hitmontop, Primeape)

Fire: Magcargo (Others: Heatmor, Magmar)

Flying: Crobat (Others: Jumpluff, Archeops)

Ghost: Chandelure (Others: Drifblim, Gengar)

Grass: Victreebel (Others: Serperior, Ferrothorn)

Ground: Stunfisk (Others: Flygon, Krookodile, Golurk)

Ice: Vanilluxe (Others: Froslass, Beartic)

Normal: Porygon-Z (Others: Snorlax, Wigglytuff, Blissey, Delcatty)

Poison: Swalot (Others: Nidoking, Drapion)

Psychic: Reuniclus (Others: Gallade, Swoobat)

Rock: Omastar (Others: Rampardos, Cradily)

Steel: Steelix (Others: Mawile, Aggron)

Water: Sharpedo (Others: Feraliagtr, Cloyster, Male Jellicent, Slowbro)
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  • #34
*Heavily edited post*

Not a big Ice-type fan, Vanilluxe is too tasty not to be my favorite. :9

Why I oughta...

Er, that's not what's important. You like Vanilluxe because it's edible? ;______; My Glaceon sheds tears at such a taste in Pokes (BA-DUM TSH!).
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  • #36
Meh, probably one of my least favorite types. Funny, cause you and my best friend both consider it your favorite type.

It's just so funny. xD
You know what else is funny? A Vanilluxe fighting a million Fire-types inside a Volcano. Yeah, that's pretty funny.
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  • #38
You know what else is funny? A Vanilluxe fighting a million Fire-types inside a Volcano. Yeah, that's pretty funny.
It would be funny watching the ice cream cone kick all their asses.

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  • #40
Damn right. Never underestimate the power of a Derpsicle.
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  • #42
Of course, MR! You don't need to list multiple Pokemon like I did, through.
Bug: Scizor

Dark: Tyranitar

Dragon: Dragonite

Electric: Pichu

Fighting: Gallade

Fire: Arcanine

Flying: Dragonite

Ghost: Gengar

Grass: Celebi

Ground: Nidoking

Ice: Articuno

Normal: Igglybuff

Poison: Nidoking

Psychic: Celebi

Rock: Tyranitar

Steel: Scizor

Water: Lapras
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  • #44
Out of that bunch, Gallade is probably my favorite.

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