What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

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  • #46
You troll. My favorites are just as good as anyone's, and I'm not biased against any generation either.

[/expects this to be yet another joke]
You troll. My favorites are just as good as anyone's, and I'm not biased against any generation either.

Nor am I biased. Very few of my favorite Pokes are in gens 2, 3, and 5 (I wonder why :lol: ), but it's not like half of my favorites are the original 151.

... MR. :p
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  • #48
lol, the only really cool generation one Pokemon is Victreebel, IMO. The other's are either cool, decent, or lame.
Pssh, my favorites are far more awesome.

Not to mention you list multiple Pokes twice. ¬_¬ You've got 600+ to chose from, but you've gotta list Nidoking twice?
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  • #56
Meh, I like Generation one a lot, but I still think it's very overrated.
Meh, I like Generation one a lot, but I still think it's very overrated.

Gen I is overrated in terms of being the nostalgia-guinea pig for gamers to scoff at the new Pogeymanz; but for them being regarded as awesome games (for more than nostalgia), hell, I'd say they're underrated.
The best part about the first 2 gens would have to be the music (not necessarily for nostalgia)

Lavender Town anyone?

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