What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

Those are Reshiram and Zekrom, the legendary mascots of Pokemon Black and White. While I'm disappointed with you for not knowing that, the awesomeness of the image more then makes up for it.

The guys did say something about Black and White now that you mentioned it.

Neosquid, is there any similarity between the Bionis/Mechonis and those 2? Don't really know the backstory behind those pokes.
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  • #287
They look pretty dang similar, for one, but that should be obvious just by looking at the picture. Zekrom is also an electric type with a few mechanical attributes, like Mechonis. Reshiram looks more organic, like Bionis.

Don't click on this if you haven't beaten Xenoblade, which means that only Assasin can click on it? How sad.

Zekrom and Reshiram are also similar in that they were being controlled (maybe "following" would be a better term for those two) by two people that believed in two different things. Zekrom sided with the Hero who fought for Ideals, while Reshiram fought for the Hero who fought for Truth.

The two dragons, and Kyurem, were apparently all one dragon at one point. This isn't really related to Xenoblade, but it felt important enough to be said.
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  • #289
Were you referring to the last sentence specifically, or the post as a whole?
Were you referring to the last sentence specifically, or the post as a whole?

'Karp Edit: Off-topic thread revive? I've got a ban with your name on it, son.
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  • #292
Absolute copypasta!

*Prepares to be trolled* >.>


Similar to my previous Top 60 Pokemon blog, only updated, and without descriptions. Because let's be honest, descriptions would take way too long. Also, I'm going to separate these into "tiers", the higher tiers being Pokemon I like more. With the exception of Sableye, Sharpedo, and Stunfisk, who are #1, #2, and #3 respectfully, assume I like every Pokemon in a tier the same amount.

Tier 1:

#1: Sableye
#2: Sharpedo
#3: Stunfisk
#4: Swalot
#5: Porygon-Z
#6: Hydreigon

Tier 2:

#7: Omastar
#8: Jigglypuff & Wigglytuff
#9: Galvantula
#10: Steelix
#11: Shuckle
#12: Feraligatr
#13: Crobat
#14: Slowbro
#15: Reuniclus
#16: Ledian
#17: Delcatty
#18: Aggron
#19: Ludicolo
#20: Vanilluxe
#21: Magcargo

Tier 3:

#22: Jumpluff
#23: Serperior
#24: Gallade
#25: Rotom
#26: Ditto
#27: Snorlax
#28: Tangrowth
#29: Drifblim
#30: Mawile
#31: Rampardos

Tier 4:

#32: Drapion
#33: Rayquaza
#34: Jellicent (Male)
#35: Eelektross
#36: Golurk
#37: Cradily
#38: Kingler

Tier 5:

#39: Accelgor
#40: Dunsparce
#41: Flareon

Tier 6:

#42: Victreebel
#43: Quagsire
#44: Metagross
#45: Krookodile
#46: Jirachi

Tier 7:

#47: Cacturne
#48: Misdreavus
#49: Corsola
#50: Parasect

Tier 8:

#51: Snover
#52: Swoobat
#53: Lunatone
#54: Blissey
#55: Gyarados
#56: Nidoking
#57: Hariyama
#58: Gardevoir
#59: Lanturn
#60: Sudowoodo

Tier 9:

#61: Hitmonchan
#62: Roselia
#63: Dusclops
#64: Lugia
#65: Flygon
#66: Kangaskhan
#67: Exploud
#68: Murkrow & Honchcrow
#69: Wynaut & Wobbuffet
#70: Electrode
#71: Magneton

Tier 10:

#72: Marowak
#73: Ariados
#74: Seviper
#75: Walrein
#76: Kricketot & Kricketune
#77: Cherrim
#78: Kyurem (Normal)
#79: Regice

Tier 11:

#80: Heatmor
#81: Beartic
#82: Swampert
#83: Azumarill
#84: Milotic

Tier 12:

#85: Mantine
#86: Chandelure
#87: Kecleon
#88: Primeape
#89: Poliwrath
#90: Umbreon
#91: Genesect
#92: Chingling & Chimecho
#93: Lickitung
#94: Beheeyem
#95: Liepard
#96: Toxicroak
#97: Heracross
#98: Crawdaunt
#99: Phione
#100: Scizor

Gosh, after Tier 11 I had trouble picking Pokemon. I do like all these Pokemon, though, obviously some a lot more then others. I'll most likely update this list after Generation VI comes out.
I've gotta check out these new pokemon sometime. I've seen some that look pretty cool. But then there's the X/Y pokes also coming out. Too much!
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  • #294
I've gotta check out these new pokemon sometime. I've seen some that look pretty cool. But then there's the X/Y pokes also coming out. Too much!
DO IT MAN. I adore the Generation V Pokemon, some of my favorites being Hydreigon, Galvantula, Reuniclus, obviously Stunfisk, etc....scroll up to see the vast majority of "etc". ^^;
DO IT MAN. I adore the Generation V Pokemon, some of my favorites being Hydreigon, Galvantula, Reuniclus, obviously Stunfisk, etc....scroll up to see the vast majority of "etc". ^^;

One that I liked from a glance at the new types was Sigilyph. Still, it's way too much. If I can't even keep track of the Touhou characters, it'll be harder to keep track of a series I no longer follow.
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  • #296
I find it really easy to keep track of them, but I tend to be good at this kind of stuff. That, and the fact that I'm bloody obsessed with Pokemon.
You 'n your ridiculous base stat knowledge. :lol:

Species are always easy t' keep track of if ya actually play the games. It comes naturally.

I've gotta check out these new pokemon sometime. I've seen some that look pretty cool.

Ya don't hear that too often from gamers who ain't in on the series no more, that's for damn sure. Ya don't hear it often enough from people who still play Pokemon neither... ... ...

I blame Stunfisk and the Vanilluxe evolution line.
Ya don't hear that too often from gamers who ain't in on the series no more, that's for damn sure. Ya don't hear it often enough from people who still play Pokemon neither... ... ...

I blame Stunfisk and the Vanilluxe evolution line.

I did say SOME.

Vanilluxe, what's that? *googles*


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