[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

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This is a Goldeneye match I recorded on my cell phone against some scrubs, which I'm sharing with you guys because I can :). Quality's terrible, I know, but I still think it turned out OK.
Haha nice vid Volc! Maybe I can top that? [video=youtube;BpuCI-jUPkQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpuCI-jUPkQ&feature=channel_video_title[/video]
hi. i was wondering if i could apply here just in case i don't get in this other clan. btw, i made a new clan too. it is called Dead Eye. thanks.
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  • #188
We've got a new member folks! Please welcome blotz (Roast) to the WC clan!

As always, you can get his info from the first post in our thread. Make sure to add him :D.
Well, seeing as I'm now leader, I'm changing this post to information about the clan.

Anyhoo... Welcome to the WC clan! We're a fairly new clan, but already we've got several great members, most of which are level 40+ and very skilled.

If you'd like to join our humble little clan, PM me about joining. Qualifications include that you must be at least level 35, and have a KDR no lower than 1.00. Upon PM'ing me, I'll give you the password to our chat room and my Friend Code, and we will set up a trial match to make sure you are skilled.

NO TOOBING (unless you've unlocked it at level 54) and NO HACKING.

If you'd like information on our members, I've got a list of them below, along with all their FC's. Keep in mind that this info is just at time-of-writing, so the levels may not be completely accurate.

Volcarona/WC (lv. 56) 1512-1772-5792
HQ [WC] (lv. 55) 1858-7219-2781
WC-Cerberus (lv. 49) 4347-1398-9303
WC-Zanapher (lv. 43) 4845-6236-5153
WC/Known (lv. 46) 0071-2502-7383
[WC] Bolrae (lv. 48) 3676-7207-8347
{WC/GH}YanniMB (lv. 45) 4887-1474-7429
[WC] R Y N O (lv. 44) 2927-0587-1926
[WC] AI (lv. 38) 1023-0034-2418
[WC] UNKNOWN (lv. 56) 1328-2546-1378
CUJO (lv. 56) 2474-2027-5470
[WC] ANDY (lv. 38) 5490-1208-2932
[WC] HOOT (lv. 42) 2871-3279-0214
[WC]MKFAN20 (lv, 36) 2968-7254-5546
Roast (lv. 46) 5428-7308-8720

To visit our OLD thread (this contains REALLY OLD info about the clan along with random posts that we don't even remember what they were about anymore), click the happy face below.


Oh yeah, and I'm keeping the aardvark picture from earlier.

btw, im @ level 38 now
And i'm 49^^ I'm pretty happy we got a new member - Welcome! I'll add you...It's nice to have another strata guy like me :)

Well folks, its that time again! MINITAGE!!! LIKE AND SUB TO IT <3 [video=youtube;1fLG9FzXCtw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fLG9FzXCtw[/video]

thats cool Chino, i havent seen him around :(

Unknown thats brink go troll some other brink forum :p plus ive been playign like all day this month so no surprise lol 1k+ exp a match :D
hey guys. i started a new clan and was wondering if anyone would be intersted in joining. Dead Eye accepts dual clanners as well. my info is in sig. and DE's info is on the website (that is on my sig. ) check it out and tell me if ur interested. thanks. btw, WC is doing pretty good.
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