[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

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  • #31
Hey guys, I don't know if I'll be making it to the war wih WB tonight. My friend was involved in a horrible accident last night, he lost his 1 year old daughter and might loose his girlfriend too. I need to be there for him and I'll be at the hospital.
My thoughts go out to your friend and those involved. I'm so sorry for your friend's loss, I truly hope that his girlfriend makes it out of the hospital with a clean bill.
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  • #32
This is a message to all WC members. Regarding our war with the WB clan, some of our best members have had to miss the war due to recent circumstances. If you are level 45+, and a member of the clan, please offer to join in the war in their stead.
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  • #33
Ok, here's the pictures HQ wanted. 2011-07-21_01-05-30_797.jpg2011-07-21_01-12-57_159.jpg2011-07-21_01-39-29_535.jpg
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I know some of you have the abilities to make this loadout... i just want an opinion. Zach I know you use the Anova w/ Grenade Launcher already but I cant remember if you have the Masterton as Secondary...

But since I made it to 54 last night and unlocked to "Pro Toob" I made a new loadout....

Primary - Anova w/ Grenade Launcher
Secondary - Masterton
With Proxies and HH

I used HH cause I find no reason for Speed Loader, Reactive Armor or Light Foot.... Polarized lenses are just plain stupid.

Armor is kind of pointless cause I really dont need it. and I'd rather have HH over Light Foot.

Like Zach says why not take powerful Weapons, and make them even more powerful! So HH it is.

So back to my question... Is that a decent loadout? I know the Strata/Masty loadout was powerful, so using the Anova with "Pro Toob" should be a nice touch to add.
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  • #35
Personally, on the few occasions I use that loadout just to be a you-know-what to noobs, I stick with Reactive Armor. Not for defense against gunfire, but to lessen the chances of suiciding if I accidentally fire a 'nade up close.
And yes, I do have the Masterton as secondary.
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Congrats on 54 Boss man.

So if want some inner clan fun is there a better day then another for people? I was hoping we could all post our preferred days and times. Maybe we can find one that works well and we can do a weekly thing for those on. Obviously life can get hectic with many unexpected surprises, like Jr. having surgery to have his third nipple removed yesterday. Those of us with kids know that sometimes there is no good day, so I was looking for more often then not this day and time works best for me.

For me Sun/Tues/Wed/Thurs are usually pretty empty for me in the summer and after 9pm Atlantic (8 Est.) Like I said before stuff could come up on any night, those are just the ones that are not for sure filled up at that time.

If you wanted to PM me and I could put all the info together find some days and times and pass it along to John. This could also find us some good times when we want to war with other clans.

Cheers all
pat i was gonna tell unknown that gender reassignment surgery isnt a "minor" surgery, pretty serious stuff, i sure hope his new lady parts fit well :)

i have a toob loadout at well john, with anvoa, masty, HH and proxies,

and as for the inner clan matchups, we def. need to do that again and have some good matches, im usually good in the afternoons, today would be a decent day to get some people on. since i quit 3 of my ball leagues i have some more free time in the evenings, i have just sunday afternoons left between 1-4.
my surgery is actually minor, i just cant sit, i can only lay down or stand for the n ext 2 weeks
Hi HQ,

So I've been browsing around the internet and finally came across your clan. Most likely I don't 'qualify' since you are trying to recruit pure 45+'s but I do pack quite a punch and I know that I've played you and your team and have won on certain occasions, be it rare ones; seeing how riding solo with usually one or two scrubs never is easy to win against the WC's.

I play a good amount and I'm a good host. As I see things, I don't see how having me on your lower echelon of team members would be so awful, lol.

I'm almost always playing Heroes or team conflict so being part of an actual team would be really nice for a change.

I'm currently a level 33 and I'd say realistically I'm on par with a level 40 good player even without level 40 equipment. I'm mostly 1st place on my teams and never really have a funk. My KDR isn't astounding at 1.24 but I'm only human. My kill streak is 19...

I'm pretty sure you all won't be disappointed having me on your team.

Thanks for reading this, either way I'll be shooting...

My FC is 223523361055.

Hi HQ,So I've been browsing around the internet and finally came across your clan. Most likely I don't 'qualify' since you are trying to recruit pure 45+'s but I do pack quite a punch and I know that I've played you and your team and have won on certain occasions, be it rare ones; seeing how riding solo with usually one or two scrubs never is easy to win against the WC's.I play a good amount and I'm a good host. As I see things, I don't see how having me on your lower echelon of team members would be so awful, lol.I'm almost always playing Heroes or team conflict so being part of an actual team would be really nice for a change.I'm currently a level 33 and I'd say realistically I'm on par with a level 40 good player even without level 40 equipment. I'm mostly 1st place on my teams and never really have a funk. My KDR isn't astounding at 1.24 but I'm only human. My kill streak is 19...I'm pretty sure you all won't be disappointed having me on your team.Thanks for reading this, either way I'll be shooting...My FC is 223523361055.Joe
i think u should level up to 35 first then we can take u in because u need remote mine to be a good assasin but it all depends on HQ/John ill help u level up cuz i want u in our team add me my FC is 4887-1474-7429
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yanni slow down a bit, we have the lvl cap for a specific reason, eligible players for wars with other clans, you can all add each other and play and all that, but i think as far as the official member thing goes. not yet, i think it would be a more of a situation like mac.

a lvl 33 is just tooo low, its going to take a while to get lvl up to where we need, and experience.
i think u should level up to 35 first then we can take u in because u need remote mine to be a good assasin but it all depends on HQ/John ill help u level up cuz i want u in our team add me my FC is 4887-1474-7429

Well I guess Riordan shot down the offer in part, but that's okay, I'm still going to add you, and once my level is around a 40 I suppose I'll try out for you guys, though I've beaten entire clans of 45+ before so it is what it is, like I said, I really don't think I'd be a liability; but oh well.



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