[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

Lol I thought he meant a type of fish, no actually I was being sarcastic considering we play GE :yesnod: and not Call of Duty


When I'm groaning and bitching about online communities for shootin' games, it's always been CoD. Natural reaction to say that, lol. My bad.

Cod is indeed delicious, though.
I am not really looking for a clan, but I am looking for good team mates... if anyone would like to be my golden eye friend send me a message and we´ll exchange FC...level 56
Hey im lookin for some people who dont suck to play with i would like to join the clan but im only a level 32 :( my kdr was 1.89 last i checked and my streak is 24 :D lemmy know if any of u wanna play sometime my name right now is angry ninja

My FC is - 5222 2919 8744

dont hate on my low level you see my skill if u play me :)
Hey guys, I don't know if I'll be making it to the war wih WB tonight. My friend was involved in a horrible accident last night, he lost his 1 year old daughter and might loose his girlfriend too. I need to be there for him and I'll be at the hospital.
wow john, im soo sorry to hear about that, i cant imagine that happening to me, his whole world is gone. you need to be there and be with him. my prayers are with him in this horrible situation.

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