The Rep (YOu Must Read)

lol, nice bump lee.

I love looking back. Ahahahaha, Jill was angry because I had 3 bars... about 3 light greens for ya?
Wow a ****ing rep thread got bumped

More talk of it
The rep system is spoiled

People are give out rep for nothing
And im in a crappy mood anyway
Wiired said:
We were better off before the rep system was properly introduced. So much arguments and such since it has been, and people begging and moaning about how many bars they've got like. My vote = get rid of the system, it's screwing up WiiChat.

Amen to that, my friend.

The rep system makes Wiichat more of a popularity contest rather than a forum about (as the name suggests) Wii chat. I don't believe the rep system is nessacerry, especially when people take it as far as they have. Asking for rep defeats the whole purpose of the rep system, and true rep can never be bought or given - it is earned, just like respect.

But of course respect is an intangible virtue, and any attempt at materialising the factor of respect will ultimately result in corruption.

I believe the most important 'rep' is the rep we hold within each of us, forged out of our experience with the individual members of and our experiences with them. I know who I respect and I don't need a system of rep to tell me that.
Wiired said:
Get rid of the reputation system.
Nuff said.

Might as well get rid of the post count as well

And the myspace shite
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  • #71
Wow Why start this thread again
anyway brendo youre just trying to get repped so top it
I was searching and I found this, not realising how old it was :lol:
I don't even know how to rep...why do people want rep? it's not like it will give you real money or something like that..ah internet people of today, desperate for whatever attention
wii_cammy said:
Wow Why start this thread again
anyway brendo youre just trying to get repped so top it

erm wtf are you on everyone else is saying theres so why cant i go pick on somebody else loser

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