The Rep (YOu Must Read)

Who cares.
This thread was obviously made to flame me, but to be honest. I just wanted two bars because I think they look cool.
This was unneccisary to be honest.

It wasn't that big a deal anyway.
Why does it matter to you what I do?

He was using your thread as an example...not necessarily trying to flame you. Also its not just you making threads....asking for rep... lots of people here do it which can be annoying at times. The only thing I don't like about this system is that too many people care about their rep...
It's not that I really care. I'm not trying to be mean about it or anything.
It was just totally directed at me.
And that was obvious.
Not a big deal though. It wasn't even the rep. I just like the little sayings on the green boxes.

Also, 17 points of the 20 needed were for helping people out around the forum.
So don't go saying stuff for no reason. I can't believe this spurred such a huge deal over a little green bar.
How ironic. I never thought that people would get mad over it. I honestly didn't mean anything by it.
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jesus people! It's just little green bars under your user name on webforums! WHO CARES! Rep is good and all, shows that you're helpful to the Wii_Chat community. But it sounds kinda pathetic begging for it all the time. If you want "rep" get out, get a job that's important and helpful to your community, or even just volunteer!

The rep you get in real life is what's important, because THAT'S what you're going to be remembered for. Not that you helped out a noob with a question on the internet. Thanks
pfft rep is over rated!

person 1: haha I got 422 bars of rep in your face
person 2: only fags have 422 bars of rep in your face!
person 1: aww damn

I mean look at that I have 11 points. BAM! your all jelous
tank said:
jesus people! It's just little green bars under your user name on webforums! WHO CARES! Rep is good and all, shows that you're helpful to the Wii_Chat community. But it sounds kinda pathetic begging for it all the time. If you want "rep" get out, get a job that's important and helpful to your community, or even just volunteer!

The rep you get in real life is what's important, because THAT'S what you're going to be remembered for. Not that you helped out a noob with a question on the internet. Thanks

rep in real life isnt important either. most people that get it arent looking for it. and the only people that do it in real life are stupid people. like that virginia tech dude. he will be remember as an ass hole who wanted to kill people cause he couldnt handle his own problems. why did he bother to send a movie and pics of himself. he wanted to be know. but people like MLK did what they did not for rep but for people. and he was famous for that. even though he wasnt lookin for that.
'Rep' is pointless, post counts are pointless.
'I see threads/posts stating "Look, I am at/near x posts" and wonder why anyone should care.

People needing to be popular on the internet is pointless as well.
Robertking1123 said:
rep in real life isnt important either. most people that get it arent looking for it. and the only people that do it in real life are stupid people. like that virginia tech dude. he will be remember as an ass hole who wanted to kill people cause he couldnt handle his own problems. why did he bother to send a movie and pics of himself. he wanted to be know. but people like MLK did what they did not for rep but for people. and he was famous for that. even though he wasnt lookin for that.

So your saying its not good to give back to the community, to volunteer and help out others in real life. Lets face it more people will remember you for what you did for your community/city compared to what you have accomplished online. I have to agree completely with Tank on this one. After all their just little green bars.


Robert has a good point...
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Hi :incazzato: im the local idiot in this town n i was just wndering...WTF IS REP EVEN 4
p.s. whats a sig ?

LOKIDIOT PKMN#349.....not really...

rep me n pm me n ill send u a mii with a upside down face!!!!!
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Rep is just a way of showing who are the good members/people who have contributed to the forum. However all because you may have 1 bar it doesn't make you a bad member.


A sig is usually an image you can find under a users post. For example my signature contains my username. To have a signature made for you I would suggest on requestion one in the graphics thread. If you have a image around 530x130 you would like to use just upload it on either or copy the img url and post it in your signature by going to user cp > edit signature. Post the img link and it will show up with your posts.

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