The Rep (YOu Must Read)

Wow, you're full of deep posts today Ezek....

ahahaha, there are a lot of respectable people here who have no rep. it doesn't really do anything.

It's just

1. a fun little thing to screw around with if you have it
2. if you don't have it, something to complain about.

Gahh....just leave it if you hate it, and if you love it...then...uh.....use it?

I believe the most important 'rep' is the rep we hold within each of us, forged out of our experience with the individual members of and our experiences with them. I know who I respect and I don't need a system of rep to tell me that.

although it's good to hear it from those other members once in a while.
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so i have to stand there and take wii_cammy commernt?
nah dont think so everyone else said theres i simply said mine whats the problem>?
I can't be assed with this. This is the ****ing internet, there is no point arguing with pixels. I have learnt that now. Gawd's sake.
Hey, I don't care.

cronyism helps... But most comes from my tutorials.....

Like I said, I'm the rep leader.....rep is useless. Take it from me. I'm pretty sure #2 will agree with me for the most part as well.
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
yeah so why did he argue i dont take **** from no-one

You are following in my footsteps ;)
LOL joke man but yeah, it's good that you don't take **** from no-one, i respect you for that.
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  • #84
To Brendo

Just to let you know theres a thing called constructive criticism.
Rep, what a joke! who actually cares about a few green bars that much it's hilarious!:lol: people who r really desperate to get them shud get a life.
End of story.:yesnod:
Darkprinny said:

Might as well get rid of the post count as well

And the myspace shite

This is true as well. With a user based skewed so much towards younger ages, 'rep' and post counts are looked at too highly here. None of that is necessary to have a successful forum.
no, people who have more than 2 bars should get a life, I mean what the hell? and they think they are the big kahuna or something big, they believe themselves to be over those who have 1 or 2 bars, what the hell get a life and get outta the pc a little more
Axtlar said:
no, people who have more than 2 bars should get a life, I mean what the hell? and they think they are the big kahuna or something big, they believe themselves to be over those who have 1 or 2 bars, what the hell get a life and get outta the pc a little more
Not every person. I've never asked for rep myself, neither has Prinny, Gymdawg, etc.. nor have I been fussed if I got it or not. I don't think I'm better than you or anyone else, especially based on a community 'achievement' system.
I didn't say you guys asked for rep, I said you guys are in every thread you can and in the pc alot just for reps
Axtlar said:
no, people who have more than 2 bars should get a life, I mean what the hell? and they think they are the big kahuna or something big, they believe themselves to be over those who have 1 or 2 bars, what the hell get a life and get outta the pc a little more

It's not the person's decision to recieve rep, if a member gives another member some rep and the member they have given rep to now has 2 bars, it's not exactly their fault is it?

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