Child's Play


Sonic's Wifey
Mar 27, 2007
I go away and come back and already got a bad rep. I guess someone didnt like what I said or felt hurt by it that to mis-used the scale to get back on what little revenge they can get. Now thats "Pathetic"(you remember that word dont you...maybe because its one of them you sent to me.) I can see already I been judge on who I'am by a few post and gotten the wrong idea's in your heads. I say think what you will but if you really want to get to know the real me then talk to me and not to be so quick to judge. As a saying goes "Never judge a book by its cover." My addition: "Only by its words which combines together to its fate of bad or good taste." I dont care if my Rep. gets shot to hell if it happen because I was stating my opinion and how I see things (Free Voice). I will take your negative and use it as motivation to keep speaking.

~I did not want to really make this post but I thought it should be heard
it says i have 11 rep points, how do i see the comments and stuff? i cant find it on my control panel.
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ottoman said:
it says i have 11 rep points, how do i see the comments and stuff? i cant find it on my control panel.
That mean they didnt leave one. Basically tehy just gave you
i have 17 rep points. most are grey and a few are green

when i rep, i always sign my name. only ones who can view their reps by the people who give them are mods and supermods and of course i0n

dont let it get to you that you got a bad rep. people like to post the bad as opposed to the good first. i wouldnt let it bother you.

with good there always comes bad. its just life hun
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i have 17 rep points. most are grey and a few are green

when i rep, i always sign my name. only ones who can view their reps by the people who give them are mods and supermods and of course i0n

dont let it get to you that you got a bad rep. people like to post the bad as opposed to the good first. i wouldnt let it bother you.

with good there always comes bad. its just life hun

hmm.. what do the grey one's mean?
WiiWouldLike2Play said:
hmm.. what do the grey one's mean?

the grey mean that the person who gave it to you doesnt have enough "power" to make a difference and add to your rep

its neither good or bad and nothing happends. its just a comment basically. sometimes you can tell if its bad or good by the post they comment on
think of it as neutral. I don't mind rep at all, since people don't have the time to even take a glance at it. Also it'll never get to two bars ^ ^. Don't be down, there are some idoits who like to do some baddddddd things.

on your control panel/main profile when you log in. its below your daily subscriptions to threads. youll see what threads you were involved in and what, if any, rep points were given.

also, to give a person a rep- go to where you see the avatar that grey area next to where you read what the person wrote in the thread. then see where it says of the person is "online or off line"? and theirs 2 little icons of a cautions symbol (used for reporting spam/harassment) and a scale?

if you click on the scale, youll see that it says you can agree or dissagree with what the person says. the comment is optional but always prefferable :)

please use the system since it helps people out :)

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