The Rep (YOu Must Read)

Cpt.McCloud said:
No, i think i joined the early end of april.

are you confusing me with tails mccloud?
How could he confuse me with you...
Im nothing like you...
no, i ment as in confusing the name, he coulda saw the mccoud bit and got confused, thats what i assumed.

EDIT: whats wrong with being confused with me :p
the rep thing is dumb to me. i dont fully understand it. but i know i have done a few good post but dont get any rep. then you see people posting stupid stuff and they have bout "12" bars. some people dont know about it at all.
Meh, rep is alright.
The rep idea gets 3 mehs out of 5 from me.
wii_cammy said:
Hello all its wii_cammy
well lately i have seen an increase in rep being used but now it is being abused, People are now starting threads about wanting rep e.g. Please give me rep, i need 2 bars of rep please help. now i know we all want more bars of rep but begging isnt the answer, if you realluy want rep put in your sig or at the bottom of your post "Rep me if i wrote a good post".

Rep should only be used if you see either a detailed descriptive post or if is funny something along those lines.Please just use rep wisely and dont forget only rep a good post

yah lets all follow what you say
and lets all trust you magically changed your ways
LOL, it's worth the bump. Here is the CHANGED WII_CAMMY

Link to containing thread: it's in the first 5 posts...


Especially the timestamp...
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Brawny said:
nonetheless you admitted that you give rep to people and they give it back.
Also this thread is different, you're one teaches how it works, this shows how it should be treated (inwhich Cammy contradicts himself by failing to fulfill his own rule), and people's opinions on what they think the Reputation's effects are on WiiChat.
Wiired said:
nonetheless you admitted that you give rep to people and they give it back.
Also this thread is different, you're one teaches how it works, this shows how it should be treated (inwhich Cammy contradicts himself by failing to fulfill his own rule), and people's opinions on what they think the Reputation's effects are on WiiChat.

I did mention rep parameters in my tut too....

I'll be the first to admit my reps are more hypothetical than most. Meaning that I write the tuts, get rep for doing so. I still can't control the linkage though.
I don't really care about rep, even though it is fun to lead for a while.
Ha! I Just Do Normal Posting And I Get Rep... I help People, True... But I Don't Expect Rep All That Often.

SOmehow, I Got Two Bars... :tard:
yeh ive noticed this know what would clear things up if you gave ME some rep...that would sort things out...hehe jokinn :D
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Brawny said:
LOL, it's worth the bump. Here is the CHANGED WII_CAMMY

Link to containing thread: it's in the first 5 posts...


Especially the timestamp...

lol ii changed in a wondrous 2 minutes

Wiired said:
nonetheless you admitted that you give rep to people and they give it back.
Also this thread is different, you're one teaches how it works, this shows how it should be treated (inwhich Cammy contradicts himself by failing to fulfill his own rule), and people's opinions on what they think the Reputation's effects are on WiiChat.

Im still trying to change evryone work with me here
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Who cares.
This thread was obviously made to flame me, but to be honest. I just wanted two bars because I think they look cool.
This was unneccisary to be honest.

It wasn't that big a deal anyway.
Why does it matter to you what I do?
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