The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

I'd of said it's easy 'cause we're one in the same, but we've both become less... fishy, as'a late. You're even leanin' towards a complete opposite type now.

Still addicted to Don't Starve, it seems. Blew through nearly two seasons in one session; naturally, I got a shitton accomplished. Winter came immediately as I started, so I put aside whatever I was focused on in order to chase after MacTusk. First time I killed 'em, I didn't get a Tam o' Shanter... but I did at least get a Walrus Tusk, so I immediately RTB'd and got my favorite item in the game: the Walking Cane. In a game where time is your biggest enemy, a 25% speed bonus is a godsend. That, and I also use it in combat during kiting to narrowly avoid attacks.

After crafting said item, I explored about while waiting for MacTusk to respawn, filling out the map. I decided to brave a Killer Bee biome since the Walking Cane would allow me to dodge the bees much easier. Got through without gettin' stung, and I ended up finding the Wooden Thing. The first MacTusk fight caused me to take some damage (I tanked however many hits when initially killin' the hounds; quicker and easier that way), and since this would be my first time fightin' the Chess Monsters, I didn't dare go after 'em. Instead, I returned home to heal up via Tent and try again later. Chester actually died to the Killer Bees on the way back, and so did I tryin' to grab all'a the valuable loot I had in 'em... Killer Bees are bloody terrifying.

Fought MacTusk twice more that Winter, but he didn't drop his hat even once. Damn shame, but oh well. Towards the end of Winter I did indeed attack the Chess Monsters, and successfully killed 'em all off without too much trouble. On cue, 'fore I could finish off the last two, Deerclops decides to spawn. ._.; Wasn't 'bout to screw with a Deerclops if unneeded, so I ran off to my base ASAP: once again, on cue, Deerclops either ****in' teleported to me or another one literally spawned outside my base. Wasn't any runnin' from this bastard, I definitely had to fight it. But before that, I ran from it for literally an entire cycle (half the night, half the day) to keep it from destroyin' my base. One broken Prestihatitator and dead Chester later, I had a new Logsuit, fresh Tentacle Spike and Fire Staff ready for battle. Unlike my last Deerclops encounter, I actually won this one. Wasn't very difficult to kite, surprisingly.

Still annoyin' though, he destroyed my spider nest 'fore it was level three, and even worse, slaughtered the savanna's entire Beefalo herd. ¬_¬ Now I'm outta Beefalo Wool and Manure 'til I can find another herd in another savanna... which I may never, as there may not be one. But I should still be fine, I have my Bee Boxes, a Bird and the recent addition of four Drying Racks to keep me alive. Also got a stack of rot for the berry bushes and my eventually vegetable farms, so while the lack of Beefalo is annoyin', it won't really hamper me 'til hundreds of days later down the line. Assumin' I live that long.

Come Summer, I obtained a new Spider Den and got tons of Reeds for Honey Poultice... did plenty'a other less notable stuff, such as moar stacks of extra supplies, creatin' a small Evil Flower farm so I can get me some Nightmare Fuel risk-free, and crafting a Telelocator Staff + Focus. Just one Blue gem short of bein' able to use it. I hope it warps me outta caves just fine, 'cause once I do finish the Focus, it's gonna be my lifeline in there. Speakin' of, I'm about ready to venture into Caves. Got a few healing items, said Staff, and the ability to dry some long-lasting Jerky. Once I finish the Focus and make a Miner Hat, it's time to go spelunking.

/unnecessarily long post
Gimme all your stuff. All of it.

But yeah. I missed out on a couple generations, so this'll be a good way of becoming acquainted with them.
Think I'm done with Conquest for now. I enjoyed it while things were fresh, but now that I'm in the post-ending scenarios, these uninspired bits of playtime-extension just ain't doin' it for me. Difficulty is still a joke, the AI still hasn't improved at all, Dragon-types break the game if ya get one early in any scenario (many times, you can... quite easily), and the areas of battle have gotten old. Doesn't help that some scenarios are literally recycled and made into another.

I can't really see why Conquest got some of its highest rated reviews, as a simplified strategy game defeats the purpose of a strategy game.
Beat my evil karma play through of Infamous Second Son. F*** evil Delsin. He's a dick. I like hero Delsin way better.

V Actual spoiler V

Hero Delsin doesn't frickin kill his own entire tribe/family in the end.
Think I'm done with Conquest for now. I enjoyed it while things were fresh, but now that I'm in the post-ending scenarios, these uninspired bits of playtime-extension just ain't doin' it for me. Difficulty is still a joke, the AI still hasn't improved at all, Dragon-types break the game if ya get one early in any scenario (many times, you can... quite easily), and the areas of battle have gotten old. Doesn't help that some scenarios are literally recycled and made into another.

I can't really see why Conquest got some of its highest rated reviews, as a simplified strategy game defeats the purpose of a strategy game.

I thought it was good, but it's not my favorite spin off. It could have been better.
Aye, it was good... it's just that numerous flaws that took away from the experience. The developers definitely could've done better.
TSW is an interesting game. MMO with a modern setting as well as a strong conspiracy/supernatural influence. I joined the Templar faction, who I swear was directly influenced by the Assassin's Creed rendition of them. Currently running around in an Innsmouth-esque town populated by zombies and a few survivors. The quests are actually interesting and fun.
I recently got Pokemon Battle Trozei, and it's a lot of fun. I've never played the first Trozei game, so it's completely new to me. I like how distributed the Pokemon are, since you always feel motivated to play the levels for Pokemon like Charizard to Darkrai. The Pokemon that nobody really cares about are usually mooks in the levels, while the popular ones (or major ones) are the level bosses, which is good since I don't want to play levels for Pokemon I hate or don"t care about. The character's portraits are adorable and well done. I also like how you can take Pokemon that you caught with you into levels to give yourself a type (dis)advantage. There's also local co-op in the game, where you can team up with a friend to play through the levels, and the Pokemon that are caught get unlocked in both games. It's a shame there's no online, but it's better than nothing. I do have a couple of complaints however. First, the Streetpass feature is nearly useless. All it does is record who Streetpassed you, and what their play records are. Second, some Pokemon look really similar in their portraits, so matching them up to clear them gets really annoying. I know that the developers probably did some of this intentionally, but it's still an annoyance nonetheless. The game is definitely worth getting seeing how it's only $8 on the Nintendo 3DS eShop.