The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

I think I've finally adjusted my alignment properly to get to neutral. It was such a hassle that I stopped playing for a while. Much more fun now that I don't have to worry about that, plus I can finally fuse those high rank and NG+ demons.
Just got the 3rd badge.

Quilladin (Hazelthorn) ♀ lv. 33
-Leech Seed
-Shadow Claw
-Needle Arm
-Pin Missile

Shadow Claw is for SE damage and for things that resist the other two attacks, it gets good neutral coverage. I guess Return would be more practical for that but Shadow Claw is cooler. Needle Arm is self explanatory, best physical grass STAB at this point in the game. Pin Missile is a bit of a dice role, but it offers nice coverage and has the potential to be either the weakest attack in her arsenal or the strongest. Leech Seed is for extra healing and wearing down annoying bulky Pokemon, though I haven't encountered many of those yet.

Ledian (Novaspex) ♂ lv. 34
Early Bird
-Light Screen
-Struggle Bug
-Baton Pass

Baton Pass is obviously useless now, but I kept it on in case I figured out a use for it. Looking at Ledian's movepool, the only options appear to be Swords Dance, Substitute, and Agility. Swords Dance is great but Ledian can't take advantage of it himself, making it a meh option for in game. Agility isn't that great since Ledian itself is fairly fast as it is, and the only slow thing on the team with any attack power is Quilladin. Well, not really yet, but whenever she evolves. Substitute might be a nice option, though. Struggle Bug is Ledian's strongest attack since it unfairly learns Bug Buzz at lv. 53. Since he's obviously not any sort of powerhouse, Infestation is there to do some extra damage, though I plan to replace it eventually. Still missing Reflect, still wish I hadn't accidentally deleted it, it's much more useful than Light Screen since Ledian actually has good special bulk.

Swalot (Grapedrink) ♂ lv. 33
-Body Slam

The bulkiest team member, at least all around. He hits hard enough with Venoshock (*glares at Ledian*), and the lack of poison chance means that there's no chance of accidentally poisoning somefin about to be put to sleep by Yawn. Body Slam is pretty much only for specially defensive Pokemon and poison-type resists, though even then it barely dents steel and rock types. It's honestly not that good. Earthquake would be nice, too bad that's obtained so friggin late. Maybe Bulldoze would be more useful until then, I have the Bulldoze TM. I'm actually torn between Sludge Bomb and Belch, when they become available as options. Sludge Bomb is undoubtedly the more practical choice, but Belch seems entertaining to use if I were to mass produce pinch and/or Sitrus berries, the former being especially viable (ingame) on Swalot due to Gluttony. Alternatively, I could mass produce Maranga and Kee berries, so he could take advantage of his low speed and retaliate harder after being attacked by special and physical attacks, respectively. The problem with Maranga, Kee, and Sitrus berries is the fact that none of them take advantage of Gluttony, although having to get down to 50% HP in every battle to even use a poison attack seems a bit ridiculous, I suppose. Granted, Petaya Berry sounds tasty combined with Substitute. Decisions, decisions...I'm also considering re-adding Protect.

Sigilyph (☼△♦#♢☂☼) ♀ lv. 32
Magic Guard
-Air Cutter

Newcomer, probably the MVP at the moment. Air Cutter and Psybeam have decent power at this point in the game. Tailwind is mostly filler. Reflect would be more useful if it were known by something else on the team.
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After fightin' off the urge for a few months, I've given in and started playin' Don't Starve again. It's been a good five months, and since I'm without a save file anymore, was forced to use Wilson... not that I can complain 'bout dat beard. Took a long while t' find some gold and even longer to locate a savanna with Beefalo. But that aside, I was off to a great start. Found a touchstone on Day 2, had plenty of berry bushes for plantin' a farm, and food wasn't in short supply. But my luck never runs good for too long, for when I planted and fertilized all 17 of the berry bushes, it started raining, an immediate flash of lightning blazing my entire farm to cinder literally seconds before I put down my Lightning Rod. wanted to ragequit so ****ing hard

Issues didn't stop there. Unbeknownst to me, a Walrus Camp was right next to my base, and I planted my tree/grass/twig farm right on top of it... which I didn't discover 'til Winter came, meanin' it was far too late to move everythin'. This ended up bein' the death of me, as MacTusk decided that beings which chop down trees are his sort'a game, and he shot me dead. I wouldn't of risked bein' near the bastard if I wasn't gathering wood to make my ****ing meat effigy right then and there. First the Lightning Rod incident, then this... t'is the way of Don't Starve: really bad luck eventually catches up to you. Often infuriatingly so. Twice were my safety nets destroyed only seconds before they themselves had been secured.

o well time for round 2

Swalot (Grapedrink)

... Did I say five months? Been much longer, I meant five official updates.

Turns out I wasn't as doomed as I thought I was. I started freezin' to death instantly after respawnin' from the touchstone, as expected, but said touchstone was in a grassland biome. Bein' the most varied biome, I managed to quickly scavenge a twig 'n flint for making an axe, chopped down a tree, grabbed some grass, and created a campfire just in time to die of freezing literally milliseconds before the freezing damage stopped.

Yep. Three strikes (of bein' a moment late) and your out. Game over. **** everything. Bloody false hope...

... With that disastrously-depressing fail finished with, I made a new file (still with Wilson; 25 days wasn't enough XP to unlock Wendy...) and got to it. 'Least the last file proved t' be a warm up, so I was much more efficient with my time. My spawn was once again very good, but things were much better overall. I spawned right next to a swamp and had a front row seat to a Merm-Tentacle brawl, and got a shitton of free food 'n tentacle drops as a result... and with tentacles slain, I got enough Reeds (risk-free!) t' craft two Papyrus and eventually make a Bird Cage. I also found a Beefalo-yielding savanna a few days sooner than previous. A very large pig village was on the other side of said savanna, along with a touchstone. Multiple grasslands surrounded the outskirts, meanin' gathering plants for a berry farm would take very little of my time and resources. Lastly, I found Chester mighty quickly.

However, there's a significant issue of a complete 'n utter lack of Rocky biomes in the immediate area. I ran outta gold and rocks before Winter even started... but I built a fire pit and some other useful things 'fore that happened, so I wasn't outright screwed. Also couldn't find a level 3 Spider Den in time for Winter, so I've no source of silk currently...

All ain't lost though. I'm currently ten days into Winter, and while I could sorely use some sewing kits and a tent (my sanity is hurtin'), I'm survivin'. My 40~ plants strong berry farm ran dry early to keep me alive pre-Winter, but I shouldn't starve at this rate since I can go pillage some Tallbird nests I stumbled across in my travels if things get truly desperate.

Also, Don't Starve is the sole game that makes me hate Winter... said season causes unbearable frame rate issues. =/ I definitely wouldn't risk searchin' for a level 3 Spider Den in the coming days if I didn't have a meat effigy, 'cause these frame issues will most assuredly get me killed. I can't consistently stunlock even a SINGLE spider, none the less three normals and two warriors at the same time...
jfc ledian can't even 2HKO a trapinch 8 levels lower than himself ._.


Chesnaught (Hazelthorn) ♀ lv. 37
-Leech Seed
-Low Sweep
-Seed Bomb
-Pin Missile

Ledian (Novaspex) ♂ lv. 36
Early Bird
-Light Screen
-Struggle Bug
-Baton Pass (literally no better options atm...maybe Protect?)

Swalot (Grapedrink) ♂ lv. 36

Sigilyph (☼△♦#♢☂☼) ♀ lv. 36
Magic Guard
-Air Cutter
-Charge Beam

Crawdaunt (Caboil) ♀ lv. 36
Hyper Cutter
-Rock Tomb
-Aerial Ace
-Bubblebeam (would replace with Surf but I'll be replacing this slot with Crabhammer anyway)
-Knock Off
"Those archers are cutting us down! Mind those archers! Get those archers! Stop those worthless archers!"

I don't remember archers being this annoying. Even shields are nigh useless against them now.
'Fore Winter came to a close, I decided to indeed go lookin' for that level 3 spider den. Sadly, the only one left discovered on my map (I destroyed the rest to prevent nests from spreadin' like wildfire come Summer) was still level 2, so I left my trip with only a single piece of silk and one spider gland in my backpack. Took a bit of damage as well, so the trip wasn't at all profitable. As such, I decided to go North a bit and mine some boulders that were 'round spawn since it wasn't outta the way.

... Found a Deerclops when I arrived, and was forced to avert my exploration immediately. Joy. It eventually ended up closing in on my base, so I was forced t' either lead it away 'til Winter's end or fight it. Chose the latter since I had a Fire Staff, but I ended up bitin' the dust anyways; didn't realize my log suit was broken. Thought it had 70% durability, not 20%. whoops

But my meat effigy saved me from my idiocy, so I ran back up to continue challenging it; lo and behold, it turned to Summer that morning and the asshole despawns instantly. fml what a waste of a meat effigy

Derps aside, I got back to work and actually got a fair bit done. Immediately made another Meat Effigy, since it's quicker to do that than create a temporary, Winter-proof base around my touchstone. Also ventured North and found a (now deserted) Walrus Camp I'll be able t' hunt next Winter. Immediately after, I finally found a Rocky biome, cue immaculate, heavenly chorus. Got stacks of rocks 'n flint and RTB'd. After that, I checked on the spider den and found it was indeed level 3, allowin' me to transport it over to my base. Now I've silk for the Winter; thanks to this, I also just discoverd Tents apparently restore sanity AND health, which is bloody amazing. Don't think they had limited uses back when I last played all that time ago, but the health restoration bit is immensely useful. Tents seem pretty OP, I reckon... good thing I ain't playin' as Wickerbottom.

Lastly, 'fore Winter rolled in, I robbed some graves and got a single Gear to make myself an Ice Box, and also completed my apiary. Only four Bee Boxes, but that's a huge amount of honey. Combining that with a steady supply of monster meat and berries means I'm absolutely golden for next Winter.
'Fore Winter came to a close, I decided to indeed go lookin' for that level 3 spider den. Sadly, the only one left discovered on my map (I destroyed the rest to prevent nests from spreadin' like wildfire come Summer) was still level 2, so I left my trip with only a single piece of silk and one spider gland in my backpack. Took a bit of damage as well, so the trip wasn't at all profitable. As such, I decided to go North a bit and mine some boulders that were 'round spawn since it wasn't outta the way.

... Found a Deerclops when I arrived, and was forced to avert my exploration immediately. Joy. It eventually ended up closing in on my base, so I was forced t' either lead it away 'til Winter's end or fight it. Chose the latter since I had a Fire Staff, but I ended up bitin' the dust anyways; didn't realize my log suit was broken. Thought it had 70% durability, not 20%. whoops

But my meat effigy saved me from my idiocy, so I ran back up to continue challenging it; lo and behold, it turned to Summer that morning and the asshole despawns instantly. fml what a waste of a meat effigy

Derps aside, I got back to work and actually got a fair bit done. Immediately made another Meat Effigy, since it's quicker to do that than create a temporary, Winter-proof base around my touchstone. Also ventured North and found a (now deserted) Walrus Camp I'll be able t' hunt next Winter. Immediately after, I finally found a Rocky biome, cue immaculate, heavenly chorus. Got stacks of rocks 'n flint and RTB'd. After that, I checked on the spider den and found it was indeed level 3, allowin' me to transport it over to my base. Now I've silk for the Winter; thanks to this, I also just discoverd Tents apparently restore sanity AND health, which is bloody amazing. Don't think they had limited uses back when I last played all that time ago, but the health restoration bit is immensely useful. Tents seem pretty OP, I reckon... good thing I ain't playin' as Wickerbottom.

Lastly, 'fore Winter rolled in, I robbed some graves and got a single Gear to make myself an Ice Box, and also completed my apiary. Only four Bee Boxes, but that's a huge amount of honey. Combining that with a steady supply of monster meat and berries means I'm absolutely golden for next Winter.

Your runs go A LOT better then my runs do when I play. Yet to top 40 days but I ain't played Don't Starve in a wee while. Been too absorbed by TF2 lately, just been zoning in when I play that.

I had a small session a couple days ago and my days, the stock shotgun feels weak in comparison to the Widowmaker now. Once you learn how to manage your metal supply (always have at least 50 so a weak-hit brings you up to 30) and ace your aim it becomes invaluable in gunplay. Taken down many a careless or cocky scout with the thing now and I've went from about 100-200 kills when I stopped using it to over 600 in less than a week of game time. I've even stopped building Sentry Guns for those "I feel like going ham" moments.
Your runs go A LOT better then my runs do when I play.

Don't know 'bout you, but I reckon my relatively consistent success is just 'cause I ain't afraid to pause and think 'bout my next move. Haste makes waste 'n all that jazz. I go so far as to plan things seasons in advance. If I end up havin' extra time, said plans move up. In the same vein, I also try to focus on doin' things as efficiently as possible.

That, and safety nets. Many safety nets. I've a Meat Effigy and a Touchstone to prevent death, overkill amounts of food, and two stacks of "the big five" crafting materials always in reserve (Wood [four stacks], Grass, Twigs, Flint 'n Rocks)... though I may not immediately replenish said storage in the Summer.

But don't ya worry, I'll struggle like hell once I jump into Caves 'n Adventure mode... I'm very familiarized with Sandbox survival on the surface, but I'm goin' in completely blind for both of those. \( ̄□ ̄)\
Don't know 'bout you, but I reckon my relatively consistent success is just 'cause I ain't afraid to pause and think 'bout my next move. Haste makes waste 'n all that jazz. I go so far as to plan things seasons in advance. If I end up havin' extra time, said plans move up. In the same vein, I also try to focus on doin' things as efficiently as possible.

That, and safety nets. Many safety nets. I've a Meat Effigy and a Touchstone to prevent death, overkill amounts of food, and two stacks of "the big five" crafting materials always in reserve (Wood [four stacks], Grass, Twigs, Flint 'n Rocks)... though I may not immediately replenish said storage in the Summer.

But don't ya worry, I'll struggle like hell once I jump into Caves 'n Adventure mode... I'm very familiarized with Sandbox survival on the surface, but I'm goin' in completely blind for both of those. \( ̄□ ̄)\

I'm actually fairly effective at maintaining an underground base. Not the first time I've set up shop underground. Just need to memorize all the green shroom locations, make sure you make the most of your light bulbs & Miner's hat and it's easy to maintain. Shame hounds are much easier to kill than the worms but killing them can cause them to drop their glow berry which can give a couple free minutes of exploration when eaten and it's also a good "Oh ****!" item if your light dies in the darkness. Basilisks can also be farmed for food and guano. Cooked Bat wings are a great source of food, good hunger boost and a small health boost. Biggest problem is sanity down there and sometimes there are nightmare cracks which can cause a headache if you aren't careful around them.

That and the underground spiders suck...a lot...
... I'll be sure to bring plenty'a Honey Poultice. (; ̄ェ ̄)





okay I've calmed down but seriously holy ****

Never thought I'd get to use a shiny in a friggin' playthrough, especially not the shiny of my third favorite Pokemon...

Edit: Pics


gotta think of a name...

Edit 2:

Named him Chunafisk <3
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