The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Looks like Hardcore Wolfpack actually is efficient at credit-grinding, Contrary t' what I figured; but only if ya get fantastic times consistently. If I could replicate that 16 minute run repeatedly, I'd be golden. But it's of no concern regardless, Difficult difficulty got boring once I could manage great times when simultaneously half asleep and multi-tasking. 'Least Hardcore keeps things a bit moar interesting.

Also started playin' Pokemon Conquest, as I've always been a two-games-at-once sort'a gamer if I ain't playin' somethin' great enough to wholly keep both my attention and enthusiasm. It starts off slow with much hand-holding, as I would expect of a SRPG aimed at youngsters. Ah well, I reckon it'l pick up soon, perhaps even show some difficulty if I refrain from unnecessary leveling 'n such.
Just discovered the usefulness of collecting sticks and rocks, which I've used in making axes, campfires, and crossbows. And blocks, obviously.
Possibly 'bout to enter Conquest's post-game. It does indeed pick up a bit in difficulty, but not enough to make me love it like I do Fire Emblem (perhaps post-game gets a lot harder, I'd hope so). It's fun 'n fresh though, so I'm at least enjoyin' it. Reckon I'll have t' check out the proper Nobunaga's Ambition games at some not-so-near point in the future.
Ah, Pokemon Conquest... I still need to beat that game. I have been busy with Fire Emblem Awakening though. I won't talk much about it in respect for those who still haven't played the game who don't want spoilers.
w/e i do wut i waunt

When I said I'd get to Awakening soon, I meant it (... last time, at least). ¬_¬
Widowmaker, why are you so bad unless I'm in the zone? I was playing KOTH earlier and was just wrecking everyone with the Widowmaker and Mini-sentry. More the widowmaker than mini sentry do I did a match without building a single sentry and we won with me placing MVP with 20 points.

Widowmaker is so damn situational than anything else, I still think the stock Shotgun is the best Engineer primary.
Conquest's post-game is comprised of various scenarios with characters and 'mons not your own, as well as specific goals. I would hope that some'a these get really hard... gonna get boring fast otherwise. Also hoping that ya return to the overworld for moar post-game stuff, 'cause if there's never any situations where you'll have 100% links for the protagonist without pointless grinding (which I've no intent on doing), I'll be very disappoint.
Surrounded my small cabin with a wall of wooden spikes, which are very effective. Except that they seem to frequently kill deer instead of zombies. Also on a journey to salvage an iron pipe to build a forge in order to start mining that tunnel I've been working on.
Surrounded my small cabin with a wall of wooden spikes, which are very effective. Except that they seem to frequently kill deer instead of zombies. Also on a journey to salvage an iron pipe to build a forge in order to start mining that tunnel I've been working on.

Free food though.

Meh. I'll expand it for farming later. That, and I'm close by an actual farm. For now, the only way to go is downwards. A few broke through the front, so I'm trying out a metal door instead.
Playin' X. Team so far:

Quilladin (Hazelthorn) ♀ lv. 17
-Leech Seed
-Vine Whip

Ledyba (Novaspex) ♂ lv. 16
~Early Bird
-Light Screen

I said I would use Accelgor, but I decided on Ledian instead. Currently he is rather useless, and I'm waiting for him to evolve so he can become less useless. Not that Ledian is a spectacular Pokemon or anyfin.

I'm really tempted to use a Swalot but I've already used a lot of Swalot so I'm hesitant.

Just one shotted a Houndour. Felt good. sorry j

Quilladin (Hazelthorn) ♀ lv. 27
-Leech Seed
-Shadow Claw
-Needle Arm
-Pin Missile

Ledian (Novaspex) ♂ lv. 26
Early Bird
-Baton Pass
-Light Screen (meant to get rid of Light Screen for Baton Bass instead of Reflect, derped)

Swalot (Grapedrink) ♂ lv. 26
-Body Slam
-Poison Gas

Just got the 2nd badge, not sure who to add as the fourth team member. Decided against Heliolisk for now. I wanna use at least one water type, and at least one gen six Pokemon. Bibarel (Canada) is the HM slave, btw, and I'm using Oddish (The goods) for Sweet Scent.
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