The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

One of these days I will figure out how to use magic in Dark Souls. Someday.

Miracles use Faith, Sorcery uses Intelligence. Okay! Just wanted you to know!

I've actually done a paladin build before (Melee fighter with miracles) and it was sweet. Perking magic is definitely worth it once you get the melee combat down.
Miracles use Faith, Sorcery uses Intelligence. Okay! Just wanted you to know!

I've actually done a paladin build before (Melee fighter with miracles) and it was sweet. Perking magic is definitely worth it once you get the melee combat down.

But how do I use pyromancy?! That's all I'll be happy with, since it doesn't need faith or intelligence. I've got about 10 attunement points and can't use the great chaos fireball. I've equipped the pyromancy hand as well.
But how do I use pyromancy?! That's all I'll be happy with, since it doesn't need faith or intelligence. I've got about 10 attunement points and can't use the great chaos fireball. I've equipped the pyromancy hand as well.

Have you attuned it at a bonfire? Pretty sure it doesn't use ten frikin attunement slots. Equip it at a bonfire and then it show up at the top of your equipment hud.
It won't let me equip the fireball at bonfires or anywhere.

Not enough attunement slots, Great Chaos fireball takes up 2 slots and you only have one. Just throw a point or two into Attunement when you have the souls and you should be able to equip it, just let me warn you that it has a really low amount of uses.
Warning contains LEEEEEWD content

(after when bouncing on a spring to complete a section)
Seriously Sega?
Pants would look better

How about a bit of RAGE!!

Every bloody time


I dont think I want to produce more metal a day
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Took me 12 attunement points to use the fireball. I had searched the internet, but had never found that bit of necessary info.

Seath is dead. I'm gonna try the lower demon ruins.

Made it to that fire fatty boss. That explosion attack is ridiculous.
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I played Kirby's Dream Land 3 for a while with some IRL friends today. Whenever we found a helper room, I would always insist on getting ChuChu, since she's simply the most kawaii octopus ever. I am really weird.
I really don't see a point to that fireball I invested so much into. Does little damage and leaves me open to attacks.

In Lost Izalith. Made it to where some hooded guy blasted me with an aoe fireball.
I really don't see a point to that fireball I invested so much into. Does little damage and leaves me open to attacks.

In Lost Izalith. Made it to where some hooded guy blasted me with an aoe fireball.

Combustion will probably be worth your time for enemies that block then since it does fire damage with decent melee reach.

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