The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

So Strange Journey's newest area is Deus Ex 3. There's the gold/black pallete, mythical characters, honeycombs, human-shaped logos, and even the large corporations and conspiracies. Now called Fornax.
the funniest experience i have ever had. when i was driving a car in Driver 3,the car was fully smashed which had resulted in :
1. a wheel to run off the vehicle.
2. vehicle door fell off.
3. the automobile roof was fully removed .

i am sorry if my english was bad.
Your English is just fine, bro.

Made a Templar, whom plays with a level of fervent douchebaggery I've rarely seen, instaragequit in a game of Manhunt. Dirge used Revenge! A critical hit! It's super effective!

Actually, quite a few prestiged players quit out t'day. Includin' a respectable player I encountered quite a bit back in AC:III, which made me sad. I'll never understand why everyone loves Artifact Assault, considerin' no other game mode causes players to rage moreso than it does. Even Domination doesn't really come close.
The story is actually going somewhere, and even managed to surprise me. Only took them 50 hours. Difficulty is steadily spiking, but with a bit of luck I've managed. Onward to the next area.
GGs t' Mr. Bored.

... But that lag during some'a those Roy dittos was on the verge'a breakin' me. Cleared up soon as someone switched to another character, so I'm wonderin' if Roy causes lag moar lag than other at-risk characters/alts. =/

I'm on a blimp.

Fun game so far. A shame there don't seem to be npc's in multiplayer though.
I didn't realize that it was such a cheap strategy to have a Pokemon use recovery moves a lot. I also didn't realize that it could cause people to remove me on Facebook.

im so sorry that i dont spam attacking moves every turn...
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Oh look, the main reason why Facebook sucks: the people.

... Don't think stall's ever been broken, has it?
Oh, that reminds me. Recently found out that this is a thing. It links to an example, pretty sure it goes to turn 160 or something before the opponent ragequits.

And no, not that I know of. SwagKey, SwagPard, etc, along with paraflinch, are strategies considered cheap by many, and they both are somewhat stallish. And Perish Trap MegaGengar, which is sort of stall. Besides that I'm unaware of there being controversy over any form of stall. So many people are just impatient little noobs.
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X/Y. I was just trading with someone earlier. They showed me a Shiny Clauncher/Clawitzer (I forget which) but didn't offer it.


They named it Zoidberg. I can see why.