The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

The goldenglow mission was pretty fun. If only there were more like it. Even the thieves nearby have more personality than mostly everyone else. That wereskeever in the sewers caught me off guard. Luckily, my stealth abilities are starting to show.
GGs to MR and Sundown (?). but the lag caused by the new characters/alts augh

Also, when 1v1ing Sundown, I picked up a Turbo Curry and did a "combo" (he had items on lawl), and for some reason shot straight int' the ****in' stratosphere to my death. Blasted off faster than Team Rocket... and lol'd hard. Sadly the replay is desynced for some reason, so I can't share my laughter.

Glitch must'a had somethin' to do with momentum, as I went flyin' faster than a Poison Mushroom'd 999% Jiggles bein' hit by Boozer's fully-charged F-Smash. That isn't really an exaggeration either.
What character were you? I've had that happen to me many times while playing Marth or Roy. Especially Marth. 3.0 is extremely buggy.
Finally in the top 1,000 most profitable AC:IV players... and I'm only 50% through the game. Reckon I'll at least be in the top 100 once I've fully completed the game.

What character were you? I've had that happen to me many times while playing Marth or Roy. Especially Marth. 3.0 is extremely buggy.

That sea captain from Windhelm seems to be running far, far away from his expected location. Maybe if I ignore the quest, he'll return. He seems to be heading northeast of Riften.
Fourth wall-breakin' stuff in AC:IV directly insinuates that future AC titles may take place during the French Revolution, and/or America's Wild West period (the former mentioned directly, the latter referenced by talk of Wyatt Earp 'n Billy the Kidd, also with an art of a road agent [?] assassin). dowant.jpeg

What is also insinuated is that yearly releases will never cease. donotwant.jpeg
They are bleeding its name dry till they get up to recent day and then......................................

Bar the present day part. Also mentioned in the fourth-wall breaking was that they've no intent to make any games set in a time period that involves vehicles, (complex) machinery, etc... unless there's retarded demand for it or somethin'.

My life>all
Finally got the Champion [STRIKE]Pack[/STRIKE] Costume after savin' a week's worth of credits. The cost of said costumes bein' increased by a third does not amuse me. On the topic of my disappointment in the Champion Costumes, most'a them don't look very good. Quite a few are just what appear to be dumbed down (and color swapped) Prestige Outfits, despite costin' five times said outfits.

Also, I keep runnin' into noobs who play around Tripwires and bait people with taunting. I just don't understand the mindset behind it. N00bs who fall for taunt bait would blindly run int' the Tripwire regardless, and the taunting does little more than alert experienced players like myself that there's a Tripwire. But the worst part is that no one understands how t' place a Tripwire properly these days...

Oh, and I need t' remember that at any time I can pay a few credits to swap Ability Sets at any time. Grab my one set with Animus Shield, wait for 'em to taunt, and humiliate the idiot. Though this is assumin' they place a Tripwire properly and I can't just walk past it. Which never happens lol.
Finally got the Champion [STRIKE]Pack[/STRIKE] Costume after savin' a week's worth of credits. The cost of said costumes bein' increased by a third does not amuse me. On the topic of my disappointment in the Champion Costumes, most'a them don't look very good. Quite a few are just what appear to be dumbed down (and color swapped) Prestige Outfits, despite costin' five times said outfits.

Also, I keep runnin' into noobs who play around Tripwires and bait people with taunting. I just don't understand the mindset behind it. N00bs who fall for taunt bait would blindly run int' the Tripwire regardless, and the taunting does little more than alert experienced players like myself that there's a Tripwire. But the worst part is that no one understands how t' place a Tripwire properly these days...

Oh, and I need t' remember that at any time I can pay a few credits to swap Ability Sets at any time. Grab my one set with Animus Shield, wait for 'em to taunt, and humiliate the idiot. Though this is assumin' they place a Tripwire properly and I can't just walk past it. Which never happens lol.

Trolling scrubs are we? Who do you think you are, me?

If you guys missed my KF rants here's a new one for ya, on the server I help maintain (not just sounds fancier when I say it that way.) I finally perked Commando to level 10 which required 3 Million damage from 10.5M. Now I need a whopping 5.5M just to level up to 11. Life sucks but the grind continues and it always will. If I get a good session with 6-7 players on one day I can score as much as 1M in a sitting no problem.

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