The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Missed a 1,625 point Acrobatic kill on a (bad) abuser of Tripwire and got stunned instead because Ubisoft thought it's a good idea to not have input delay in between actions. Which is t' say, double tapping inputs to ensure lag doesn't **** your input (specifically hanging from a ledge) is no longer a thing. This makes me very sad, as I'm sure I'll miss many a kill 'cause of this + lag... probably already have screwed up many a kill 'cause'a this, but haven't noticed.
A level 20 beat me (and two other 3+ prestiged players) in a game of Deathmatch. Legitimately. I am humbled... ... ...


Actually, he got a shitton of free stuns from this one n00b who kept running around and I joined late by two minutes and I don't really play Deathmatch and it was only by 325 points and johns johns johns johnny john johns WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY (lack of) LIFE

Not many people know this, but buses fly faster and higher than planes. Expect them to replace your local airliner this coming 2014.
Goldbeard was a disappointment.

... Alatreon was not. [STRIKE]Walking[/STRIKE] Flying natural disaster is right.
GGs to Mr. Rusty.

Stop bein' rusty so we can have epic Ganon dittos again.
635 in the Pokedex so far, not bad.

Victory Road is over!

Beat 3 of the elite 4. Dragon lady is left. I'll try that some other day.

I'd say "about time", but I haven't exactly been making great progress on Dual Destinies or Pandora's Tower....or any other game for that matter...
Oh god. The difficulty curve is ridiculous. The possibly penultimate law path boss is literally one-shotting me, with gun attacks. I'm several levels higher than him too. Dammit, now I have to fuse my party until I get something with debuff/buff moves. And more grinding for sources. The great thing about this game though is the password system, which lets you summon other players' demons. Kinda. Expensive as heck, but it's an alternate option.
Hehehe. Got myself a demon which reflects gun attacks, along with the 2 best buff moves in the game. Poor guy received an 800 damage finishing attack. Good thing too, I had run out of status removing items. now I have to float across the dungeon. I remember when the whole point of this level was to get the elevator working. Wonder what happened to that.