The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)


So many booby traps and warp points. I've spent the last couple of days here. And this was just the first floor. I do hope I've found all the items I need to progress.
Makin' progress in character customization after an age of not spendin' saved-up credits feels good. Think I'll nab the Cutthroat's Prestige Outfit next. After him, I really don't know who t' spend credits on next. Even the personas I don't particularly like have some nice customization options... most notably the Puppeteer, one'a my least favorite multiplayer personas.

Also, I finally figured out why I keep gettin' killed in a Morphed crowd by n00bs that blindly run into said crowd: the Vision loss streak. One'a the first you unlock, tells ya exactly where your targets are (even through walls) and highlights them in blue when they're in line of sight. In other words, it's a sign that I'm playin' well by activating their loss streaks so often lol. If it weren't for said loss streak, I'd have plenty of no-death Manhunt sessions...

Trolling scrubs are we?

Nah, it's moreso me ****in' up the plans of mid-level players tryin' to troll the scrubs. I definitely don't troll in AC multiplayer, 'specially not the newbies... 'less you count tauntin' someone after I poach their kill in a FFA mode (speakin' of, most-everyone taunts back when ya do lol). 'Sides that, I intentionally avoid trollish tactics, i.e. repeatedly corner-stunning n00bs 'til they learn better (my observations of other corner-stunners tells me that they usually don't), or the normal scrubby stuff like tauntin' after a kill or stun.
Some time I forgot to post about, I managed to battle Hector again. I won and we exchanged FCs.

So. His Friend Safari has Ivysaurs and Gogoats in it. YESSSSSSSSSSSS
Pokenames are both singular and plural. No need for an S on the end for plurals. /grammar Nazi
GGs to RockerJ (it belongs in this thread in the first place), 'Karp and MR. Decide I'll just leave now while I have the chance.
GGs to Trago and MR. Mewtwo is just too fun... and I don't really understand why since he's so campy. Maybe just 'cause it's mother 'Karpin' Mewtwo. dat melee/1st gen nostalgia

Also, I'm really startin' to hate Domination. I enjoyed it in AC:III, but now all it really is, is as I mentioned previous: Disguise and Time Phase/Smoke Bomb abuse. The only time it's fun for me is when you're... well, dominating and make players ragequit. But that's true for all games. Real shame since the Domination tunes for when dominating are awesome. Not as epic as AC:III's single one, but great none the less.

Speakin' of, AC:IV's multiplayer music ftw. The Manhunt themes for La Havana are 'Karptastical.
I beat the area boss. And soon afterwards it resurrected. And I'm now in the Chaos alignment because of some stupid question. The alignment isn't a bad thing, but all my monsters were neutral at the time so now I have to recruit/fuse chaos types. They do seem to be stronger, which is nice.


So I've gone back to neutral alignment. Apparently, the sidequests are responsible for that. Ouroboros is one of the most... frustrating bosses I've faced due to it's attacks.

Also, I'm either gonna restart Skyrim using Requiem, or play Morrowind with the Tamriel Rebuilt mod. Will try out Requiem first.
GGs to MR. Giga Boozer dittos are the best thing ever, that absurdity gave me a good chuckle or two. Hundred. :lol:
Had to go to a friends house to help him unlock the Necromancer in Castle Crashers, forgot how fun that game is...until you get ****ed over in the ass by Insane mode, it's not even the enemy health or the increased damage. On their own it would easy but it's the fact they get BOTH health and damage multiplied by 10.

So we spent the entire day struggling through the Factory Castle thing stage with my character being relatively under leveled and trying to guide my friend at the same time as he was practically clueless, when you can be one shotted it ain't fun. Difficulty curve is insanely steep in insane mode...guess that's why it's called "Insane mode".
Requiem makes everything so much better. Should've used this the first time. Sadly, arrows can't be blocked at the moment, and that scythe-bandit is ruthless me. I'll try going to Rorikstead for now.
Encountered more overly defensive-uber lamesauce-n00b abusing-scrubtastical prestiged players than ya can fire a Pistol at (literally, that thing has a 100 second cooldown). They absolutely refused t' ever cross the boundary in AA regardless of whether or not we had the lead, and played Domination as cowardly as possible. Only thing that irks me more than those sorts'a players are the ones who do it to grind n00b lobbies into the dirt, so I gave the uncivilized jerks a taste'a their own bitter medicine. Succeeded in makin' three of 'em ragequit, but the fourth was either too stubborn or too uncaring 'bout his team winnin' or losin' (assumin' the former, since he was scoring right-**** [overly defensive play is very unrewarding points wise]). Wasn't any reason I was gonna stick around for some lowly troll once I was gettin' bored, so he got off lucky.