The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Finally found myself a Honedge. Trained it 56 levels and evolved it into an Aegislash. That should be enough for today.

What's the easiest, fastest way to train weak Pokemon? I went to Victory Road and just gave it a Lucky Egg to hold.
Post-game, it's Restaurant Le Yeah's Triple battles (though the most profitable in terms of Pokedollars is Double battles). Made a post about it a long while back 'fore you got your hands on XY. Lucky Egg + Exp. Power lv. 3 = shitton of Exp. The reason for this is 'cause I'm pretty sure these trainers have the highest level Pokes in the game, and trainer-owned Pokes give 1.5 times the experience wild Pokemon do. If they don't, it's still the most efficient method since O-powers don't run out for the entire string of fights, whereas after say, a single E4 battle, you've already run outta your Exp. Lv. 3.

Also, here're some grinding tips for ya. If you keep a Pokemon unevolved past the point it would evolve via level up, it gets bonus experience 'til you evolve it (said bonus can't be applied to somethin' like a Haunter or Eeveelution, sadly). Don't forget t' turn battle scene off and text speed to fast to really speed up grinding. Pokemon with a different ID from yours get 1.5 experience (and Pokes from a different country get 1.7), but that ain't really a bonus you can easily obtain... unless you're willing t' scrounge GTS for bottom-of-the-barrel stats.
Finished the Kalos Dex (about 450 Pokemon) today. Turns out I didn't even need Articuno to get the Oval Charm, so I essentially wasted the Master Ball holding Yvetal I put in the GTS. Oh well, realistically I never would have used either anyway (Yvetal has a Serious nature too, average at best). Nearly immediately traded the Articuno for a shiny Gulpin on the GTS. I would have hung onto it longer to give other people its Dex entry, but since the Oval Charm doesn't require it and completing the National Dex isn't possible until Pokebank (and by extension easy Articuno) is released. Adamant Articuno sucks anyway.
AC games have had various sorts'a cheats in 'em since III. Don't use 'em since I never play AC like GTA (****in' around with absolutely no aim what-so-ever), but one'a them, named "no quarter", has the following description:

Black Flag said:
This cheat activates Hardcore Mode: neither Edward nor the Jackdaw regenerate health.

Once activated the game will not be saved anymore.



What to stream tonight?Funny my hand is floating above Resident evil like theres NOTHING THERE!!
I just got a quad Grab Kill.


IN MANHUNT!! How can an entire team be that stupid?!
After doing some training in Le Yeah, I finally found out that connecting to the Internet isn't as pointless as I thought it was.

Fought against a passerby who went by the name Hector. I could tell he was competitive because his movesets always had a strategy behind them.
Well, I beat him by two Pokemon, both with Full HP. We had a good game, but the only thing that was flawed was his final Pokemon.
He had a Venusaur in which he sent out last, and used his Mega Ring on it. I had Aegislash out because it just KO'd the second-last of his team.

Here was his Venusaur's moveset:

Sludge Bomb
Sleep Powder

See anything wrong with that, guys? Poison-type moves don't affect Aegislash. And so the last part was campy, but my Aegislash eventually finished it.

Turns out one of my friends was online at that time too. Before I could even get out of the Restaurant Le Yeah, he challenged me to a Triple.
Went by the name Icemissile. He's a friend IRL, and he's barely active on his 3DS, so it was an honor battling against him.
... I still won. Put Tyrantrum in the middle (Yveltal and Charizard on the ends) and it swept with Earthquake and Rock Slide.
I have to say, though, his Sylveon caught me off-guard (Fairy types...) and he had a lot of his Pokemon using Substitute.
He used a Mega Gengar last, and I would've OHKO'd it with Yveltal first-turn if it hadn't used Substitute.
Luckily, it stalled long enough for me to kill his other Pokemon first. And so I had three Pokemon triple-team MGengar. Dark Pulse finisher.

I guess he wanted revenge, because right after he lost the Triple, he challenged me to a Single. He had all legendaries in his Singles team too.
The only thing interesting about the Singles was that we both had Yveltal out at one point. I started spamming Oblivion Wing for lack of a better move, and he started copying me. :lol: Eventually my Yveltal fainted because his knew Toxic, and put it to good use as soon as I sent mine out.
We "traded" HP back and forth for a good while, but my Yveltal couldn't handle the Poison for too long. It fainted when his had half HP left.
I kept my old Triples team and used that against him for Singles, so Aegislash was back. Man this guy really is boss.
Serving as a finisher yet again, Icemissile's Mega Mewtwo Y was nothing to my Aegislash. And I won again, against all of his legendaries. :lol:
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Fought against a passerby who went by the name Hector. I could tell he was competitive because his movesets always had a strategy behind them.
Well, I beat him



As if stealth is actually worthwhile in ACIII.

It's also wholly unrewarding in AC:IV (and strangely, more difficult than ever)... ... ... only reason t' stealth is because you want to/you're doing a mission where detection is a desync. Easily my biggest gripe with said game, one that makes me terribadly sadfaec.

No wonder I love multiplayer.
In the world of Strange Journey, the faceless U.N. members remind me that God is with us and the not-suspicious angels are helping me because they want to help mankind.


Sure, whatever you say game.

No wonder I love multiplayer.

I found randomly chasing people to be effective, although I haven't touched it in a while.
So I took today dedicated to Adventure mode and well, I did it without dying a single time, in other words being rezzed at a stone tablet due to an extremely stupid mistake. Trust me there were A LOT of mistakes made in that run but I somehow managed to keep things together, especially in chapter 5 I mean how in the world did I think taking one piece of food and no light source was a good idea? I managed to struggle together a Miner's hat after 3-4 days of using torches so whatever, things happen and the run went extremely smooth. Unlocked Maxwell and instantly miss Wilson's glorious and bearded face.

I used to hate Tallbirds but they've became a valuable source of food and I'll probably try and take advantage of every Koelaphant spawn I can find, the massive meat drops they give are life saving at times. As for long term plans for Survival, I ain't got any! So next run I'll give Maxwell a little chance as well as some of the other characters and probably **** myself in the ass through stupid decision making or by not keeping an eye on my equipment.
I found randomly chasing people to be effective, although I haven't touched it in a while.

Making other players that aren't your target or pursuer flinch and use an ability in reaction to you suddenly chargin' 'em is surprisingly satisfying. Newbies tend t' just run half the map away and forget their abilities exist, but that's funny too.

I'll probably try and take advantage of every Koelaphant spawn I can find, the massive meat drops they give are life saving at times.

I can't tell ya how many times I've extended an exploration by one entire week, solely thanks to a well-timed Koelaphant spawn. A source of Jerky without thinning the Beefalo herds is also lovely.

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