The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Found a shiny Geodude in a horde. Was quite worried, with Magnitudes being thrown around, but luckily she didn't die to them.

Edit: Timid? Really? Whatever, I'm neutral on Golem anyways.

Working on catching all the Pokemon in the Kalos Dex. Should be able to get the Round Charm for that. I believe I have around 150 left to capture.
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waitwut? The charms make a return? ... Includin' the Shining Charm?

Took my first step int' AC:IV's single player. The beginning was not what I expected, in multiple ways... but in a good way.
Watch out bitches, it's hydreigon time <3's actually just some random Hydreigon I evolved for the dex, but I'm using it to level up other Pokemon in Victory Road now. Because it's bloody Hydreigon. Oughta train another one of these lovely bastards sometime soon.

waitwut? The charms make a return? ... Includin' the Shining Charm?

The round charm does, but I don't believe the shiny charm's been confirmed yet, with the national dex being obviously uncompletable at the moment.


In other related news, I've yet to beat those guys.
SWAMPS! Been having multiple goes at Don't Starve's adventures and I keep dying in bloody swamps or in winter conditions. Some of the winter mobs are just a ton harder during the Winter (McTusk anyone and his hounds anyone?).

I got to World 3 - Archipelago and died in a swamp. Three Tentacle deaths as Willow in Swamps. In better news though, I really like her Lighter. Free night time crutch anyone? I hardly use it and I under estimate it all the time except the moments where it saves my ass.
Enjoyin' AC:IV's single player immensely. Privateering is good fun. Pirate's life for me, 'n all that jazz.

... But I really hate that Edward's sword combo/counter kills are copypasta of Connor's Tomahawk combo/counter kills. Haytham and Connor both had unique animations in the same damn game for the same weapon, but Edward didn't get any? Ubisoft couldn't've been lazier. Could'a at least taken Connor's sword animations, as the Tomahawk animations look ****in' awful with blades. Even the ones that were modified slightly t' look better with swords (they don't).

Tentacle deaths

****in' tentacles, man... Hate 'em with a passion. Even when I've my walkin' cane equipped, and I'm walkin' on a road, swamps make me unbearably paranoid. I don't even travel through the biome anymore, the only reason I would ever visit one is t' get Reeds. Which has gotten me tentacle'd before... ... ... Playin' as Wickerbottom is gonna be the death of me. Literally. Multiple times.

I'm sure I'll also have a heart attack upon seein' the giant tentacles found in caves.

Some of the winter mobs are just a ton harder during the Winter (McTusk anyone and his hounds anyone?).

I feel MacTusk ain't worth much worry unless he either catches ya off guard and unprepared, or you're tryin' to hunt him while he's near his igloo. 'Cause then you've an endless swarm of hounds to deal with... speakin' of, I nearly died once when I hunted down a MacTusk (needed me a stylish hat) and, unbeknownst to me, THREE igloo were right near by. ;_; After I killed 'em and a million hounds, another bloody MacTusk showed up. Ran away right-quickly 'fore his hounds went after me.
Found the mod responsible for the unbearable stuttering. It was a flora overhaul, or so it seems. I'll have to reactivate the rest and see if any problems arise. But yeah, it was playing smooth as butter after removing it. Even that colossal-sized storm atronarch wandering by Solitude's docks went down without trouble. Currently in the Wolf Queen's catacombs.
I am loving Super Meat Boy
Beat World 1 and 2 almost done with 3, all A+ too. Also tried a bit of the dark world and finished World 1 with A+'s. 1-15X Kick Machine was such a pain but it was so satisfying when I beat it with an A+

So far Alien Hominid is my favorite character other than Meat Boy. Tim is also pretty useful and it's funny because I am also playing Braid.
****in tricky-ass treasure maps

The only two maps I've bothered with so far (the rewards are generally end-game Jackdaw upgrades I couldn't make use of 'til recently; not that I'm anywhere close to end-game) both had a second location ridiculously similar to the landmarks that marked the actual treasure's location, in the exact same area. So I figured it was either a glitch or I needed t' progress the story more 'fore I could dig for pirate booty, but no. Ubisoft was actually bein' a tad clever in their level design. VERY unexpected.

Speakin' of end-game, I've a fleet of Man o' War and every non-elite upgrade for the Jackdaw, yet I'm not even far enough in t' have the diving bell. loladdictedtopirating/explorationratherthanprogessingstory

Also, mortars are broken. Apparently there's sneak attack bonus damage or somethin', 'cause I scuttled an anchored Man o' War in ONE barrage (and accidentally sunk it with a following broadside, 'cause holy 'Karp that was unexpected). Absolutely absurd. If they took longer t' hit your target and thus a small amount'a skill to lead the shot, maybe they wouldn't be broken... but yeah, too easy t' use. I could take on two Man o' War at once with just Magmortar shot I reckon, assumin' I avoid all'a their counter-mortaring.
****in' tentacles, man... Hate 'em with a passion. Even when I've my walkin' cane equipped, and I'm walkin' on a road, swamps make me unbearably paranoid. I don't even travel through the biome anymore, the only reason I would ever visit one is t' get Reeds. Which has gotten me tentacle'd before... ... ... Playin' as Wickerbottom is gonna be the death of me. Literally. Multiple times.

I'm sure I'll also have a heart attack upon seein' the giant tentacles found in caves.

I feel MacTusk ain't worth much worry unless he either catches ya off guard and unprepared, or you're tryin' to hunt him while he's near his igloo. 'Cause then you've an endless swarm of hounds to deal with... speakin' of, I nearly died once when I hunted down a MacTusk (needed me a stylish hat) and, unbeknownst to me, THREE igloo were right near by. ;_; After I killed 'em and a million hounds, another bloody MacTusk showed up. Ran away right-quickly 'fore his hounds went after me.

Tentacles don't bother me as much knowing that if I keep moving I'll be fine. Recovering the spoils from a Merm/Spider and Tentacle fight is extremely risky though but it's decent once you get used to it. As for the reason I hate fighting the MacTusk family it's because the hounds are melee, I suck at kiting and MacTusk shooting darts is incredibly annoying. Also I can't manage health 99.9% of the time I need it.

So I had a bash at Adventure mode today, made it to Darkness (chapter 5) and quickly found out that there was literally no food drops, ever. So I struggled my way through the world for 2 or 3 laps finding all the parts of the teleportato only to find out that The Thing was through a Marble Biome and I had to make it through with an 8% log suit and 21 health. Needless to say 2 bishops quickly ended that run. I was so close too so I've just put the game down for now. Extremely frustrating to be that close only to be killed due to my own inexperience. Knew I should've kept my stupidly large stack of Spider Glands.
So gettin' a wanted level of 4 can cause hunters sailin' a supremely overleveled Man o' War as well as an overleveled Frigate to come after ya... well ain't that fun. Shame hunters never carry reales in their Men o' War. Would be a profitable way t' practice for those damnable legendary ships.

Also, was lootin' an uncharted isle of it's spoils when two water spouts spawned near by. After starin' at 'em for a few seconds in wonder, it was comically terrifyin' when I realized one'a them was headed straight towards me, and I proceeded t' try to out-sprint said water devil. Good thing the game isn't terribly realistic, as said Kyogre's attack did not tear me and the sandbar I was on int' pieces.

Vampirism finally makes sense now thanks to Better Vampires. Rather than becoming stronger due to starvation, the player needs to feed more often for power.

Always wondered why Bethesda made it like that. Genuinely curious.

Tentacles don't bother me as much knowing that if I keep moving I'll be fine.


Extremely frustrating to be that close only to be killed due to my own inexperience. Knew I should've kept my stupidly large stack of Spider Glands.

T'is the beauty and horror of Don't Starve: death is unforgiving. But 'ey, least in Adventure mode, when you die you're not losing a world you've spent 100 days exploring and terraforming.

As for healin' items, I always keep a stack of healing salves on me. Would regularly farm a spider nest I keep a short walk away from my base to keep a large supply (and monster meat is a fantastic bonus). One'a these days, when I go insane while hounds and a Deerclops attack me at the same time, I'll be thankful for it.
My only means of attacking is one-handed swords at the moment. I really should invest in some magic. I had fire damage for a while, but it does little damage. I'm still carrying a shield, but it's rarely used. Maybe dual wielding might work. Also, my vampirism recently kicked in, and it made me resistant to all weather exposure. That makes things a lot easier. I can finally go to the northern parts of Skyrim now, without freezing to death.

Always wondered why Bethesda made it like that. Genuinely curious.

Balance maybe? It seems the devs were more concerned with creating a better game than an immersive experience. I personally prefer the latter, even if it is overpowered mechanically.
S'pose that makes sense. 'Specially considerin' how much time passes from fast travel, vampires would be feedin' constantly... another example of Bethesda watering down Skyrim for the casuals, I reckon?

So apparently a vessel's level DOES influence it's stats in the Kenway's Fleet. That there level 50 Man o' War "Perseus" I stole from those hunters has absolutely ridiculous stats. More than triple the speed of other Men o' War in my fleet, 20 more cargo space (do trading missions even require a carryin' capacity of 90... ?), and just a bit more attack which lets it one-shot even frigates. Without the attack boost of center position. That's crazy. Two more of those and I'm set forever.

EDIT: Yup, just found a trading mission requiring 80 carrying capacity. What great timing.

EDIT EDIT: Two missions. **** damnit ****
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