The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

The X/Y thread was tl;dr for me and I thought charging blindly into the game would be more fun. (Turns out it was, too.)

However, Fairy type ****s my strategies up so many times. What is it weak to, anyway? Obviously not Dark, because I tested that.
Two types I almost never use. Great.

EDIT: Why does Malva rage so hard the second time you challenge her? I understand she's representing Fire,
What if I told you...

That Malva is a member of Team Flair
w00t i am prestige 2

Also gettin' familiar enough with the maps to kind'a sort'a play Artifact Assault like a not-scrub. But still rather shitty.
I've decided to trust Wonder Trade again. Got some nice **** yesterday, like an Adamant Mawile with Fire Fang, a Jolly Venipede with Speed Boost, and some other useful things. The Mawile will come in handy, especially if it has nice IV's.

Got a PP Max from the lotto today. Sweet.

Mega Pinsir enjoys eating most of the Battle Maison teams. I've got most of the TM's and items I need at this point.

I'll start AA5 when I feel like it.
What if I told you...

That Malva is a member of Team Flair
Malva's the best <3
So Hero Mode has become a staple in Zelda games. I approve.
Yes and unfortunately so have save points it seems. Present in Skyward Sword and now A Link Between Worlds. Hopefully this tread doesn't make it to ZeldaU.
Domination is still abuse of parkour shenanigans (jumping back and forth; it's even more effective than before since knives now have almost double cooldown) and Disguise. Time Phase replaces Smoke Bomb as bein' the second best ability for the mode... and boy is it broken when combined with Disguise. Only reason t' use any other set is if you're playin' competitively and intend to solely defend (which doesn't work in random lobbies) or have synergy with a fellow offensive teammates' abilities (Firecrackers & Disruption + Time Phase = an opponent's utterly ****ed screen).

Also, Teleport's activation time crafting took a blow: .5 seconds slower than previous. Looks like crafting for Distance (which has not been nerfed) will be the trend. Fine by me, makes Teleporting a stolen, rebounded artifact straight to your base all the easier. 'Sides, IIRC crafting for Distance is slightly more efficient in covering ground than crafting for Activation time back before the Activation time nerf. Even moreso now.
Got into the Dwemer museum. Poor guy. They'll never suspect a thing went missing. Dwemer armor itself has really changed over time. Whereas Morrowind suggests it's actually discarded junk used as armor (and looks the part), both Skyrim and Oblivion imply that it's true armor like any other.
Playing through Super Meat Boy, Braid, and Fez.
So far Super Meat Boy is the most fun, but Braid is probably the best idea.
Haven't tired Fez yet.
Completed every Wolfpack map on every difficulty. All'a that Xp and abstergo credits has left me with every ability, perk, and nearly every kill streak 'n loss bonus. Nearly third prestige as well. Finally gonna start customizing personas.

I'll definitely be customizing the Night Stalker first, but I ain't too sure who to go with second. IMO AC:IV's multiplayer has the best line-up of personas (though the Sentinel still trumps all). Probably gonna go with the Dandy second, or perhaps the Mercenary. Will definitely get to customizin' the Cutthroat once I'm 5th prestige and can get his epictacular prestige outfit, as he's my favorite new persona.

inb4 j likes this post cause its persona-related

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