The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

My hatred for Ubisoft is just slightly lessened since, unbeknownst t' me until recently, they fixed AC:III's problems (far to ****in' late, the corporate scum), and AC:IV seems to have the same connection issues III has (very few, most of which are generally cause'a bad internet). Not to mention I'm really invested in AC Multiplayer, and have been since Revelations.

'Sides, companies don't come into it. And one day Xenoblade will be free, whereas Wii U games will not. Keep it mind I'm a budget gamer, otherwise I'd also of had my bro grab Xenoblade and multiple other titles today. It has t' wait, along with a shitton of other fantastic Wii games I regret I can't be playin' right meow.

Speakin' of fantastic Wii (U) games... did a good deal more Wolfpack, and ran into a lobby of not-scrubs that I played with for awhile. They showed me the ropes for all'a the new stuff (most importantly that teamwork in the chest defense rounds is integral), so now I can most certainly confirm that Wolfpack is way more fun than it used to be. 'Specially since it gives better directions to nubs, though I still ran into plenty'a idiots that refused to get any kills better than Reckless.

Also got into a Pistolier Game Lab session by accident, still no idea how that happened. Was really fun though, can't wait t' delve into Game Lab once I've unlocked all'a the stuff I need. I can only imagine how much replay-ability Game Lab must offer.
Depends as to when I get 'round to playin' Single Player.

Oh, and it never came t' mind, but you should see if AC:III's multiplayer works for ya now since they did them fixes. You'll rarely find any players higher than first prestige, so as a bonus you'll probably reach the average skill level quite quickly. Multiplayer is much more fun when ya can consistently get a spot on the end-of-session pedestal.
Even if ya don't, it's still pretty damn fun. I was complete garbage at Brotherhood's Multiplayer even by the time I was level 50 (the maximum in said game) and didn't invest anythin' in it at all, but wholly enjoyed playin' it occasionally. You may not change your mind after playin' the Multiplayer, but I highly doubt you'd regret throwin' away just a few hours into the experience.
After my OCD search of baby maiamais and all heart pieces, I beat ALBW. Amazing game. Can't wait to beat hero mode.
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So Hero Mode has become a staple in Zelda games. I approve.

"Competitive" Manhunt has devolved into Tripwire baiting and relying on Smoke Bomb. I feel blessed t' be able to play with such clever, creative, not-at-all-boring-to-own Templars.

Also, AA offense at a glance seems harder than it used t' be (but not as bad as Revelations). Lack of chases means reliance on Sixth Sense (which isn't as effective as chase arrow indicators, and takes up a Perk). Furthermore, Booby Trap in tandem with Tripwire allows you to completely lock down your artifact without the aid of a team mate's abilities. I wouldn't say it's broken since replacing Teleport with Booby Trap isn't the best trade, but it's very bad news for offensive players.

Furthermore, I encountered literally the worst player ever. Not someone who didn't know the controls or how to use abilities etc., but someone who was literally incapable of gettin' anythin' better than chase kills. The idiocy of some players amuses me, but this level of stupidity is just... baffling. Sickening. It's like someone playin' CoD for the first time and intentionally avoiding usin' their weapons. But the worst part is that they never learned any better.
Started digging into Don't Starve.

I'm hooked! Someone help me! Keep making it as far as day 28-35 before either the Hounds hunt me down and I get bitten to death or something incredibly stupid and unfortunate happens. For example on my furthers run and after survive many run-in's with Hounds and having an untimely death in combat I respawned nearby my old camp from a stone tablet only to head back to said old camp and watch a Deerclops destroy the entire thing in front of me. Grabbed what I could and flee'd but never had any form of warming myself up or insulation so I froze to death shortly after. T'was a good run though for someone who is still relatively new to the game.

Need to start trying out other characters, Wilson's beard is just such a good form of protection against the cold winter days after Day 20 and combining that with other heat saving items he can go over a day without needing a heat source to warm him up. Course that is if you don't die and get resurrected or shave it off, then you lose the benefits of growing one.

I'm still a bit nervous about managing my resources underground in caves. I nearly died the first time I explored one and it was through the sheer lack of lighting that caused it. I suck at managing light sources and moving during the night/in dark areas.
Ya just started playin' and survived a bloody month? ... That's nothin' short of impressive. To give ya perspective, I knew a lot 'bout the game 'fore I got my hands on it and managed about the same on my first world.

didnt encounter a deerclops til third winter of second world lol

As for the hounds... **** 'em. The bloody worst. If things're the same as a few months ago, startin' around day 100 a gigantic pack of hounds will hunt ya down every three days. Gets pretty bad far earlier than that too. Only way to beat 'em without riskin' your life, once the packs are 5+ hounds, is to literally have a fortress infested with (tooth) traps and narrow corridors. 'Less there's way better armor nowadays. Once you manage to make it through your first Winter, I recommend ya prioritize a small trap-laden fortress 'fore the hounds get ya. Make sure you time your exploration so the hounds don't catch ya too far away from the fortress.

As for a more Templar-oriented game... finally prestiged. Slowly gettin' more familiar with the new jazz, as well as the maps. I can navigate 'em just fine now, but my high-profile footwork needs work. Don't know where t' run instinctively yet, and havin' to think where ya need to escape towards gets ya killed. Also, Wolfpack is actually quite fun now. Used t' play it exclusively to warm up, but now I'm inclined to play it every once in awhile, solo or not.
Beat the crimson peco, which seems to be easier than the normal high rank peco due to me having a big fire weakness. On to plesioth.

'Sides, companies don't come into it. And one day Xenoblade will be free, whereas Wii U games will not. Keep it mind I'm a budget gamer, otherwise I'd also of had my bro grab Xenoblade and multiple other titles today. It has t' wait, along with a shitton of other fantastic Wii games I regret I can't be playin' right meow.

A game that's very expensive being cheap once a year is a better deal than another yearly-released game that will only depreciate in value over time. I'm certain any budget gamer would come to that conclusion. Unless you mean piratry, which can also include WiiU games given enough time.
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Ya just started playin' and survived a bloody month? ... That's nothin' short of impressive. To give ya perspective, I knew a lot 'bout the game 'fore I got my hands on it and managed about the same on my first world.

didnt encounter a deerclops til third winter of second world lol

As for the hounds... **** 'em. The bloody worst. If things're the same as a few months ago, startin' around day 100 a gigantic pack of hounds will hunt ya down every three days. Gets pretty bad far earlier than that too. Only way to beat 'em without riskin' your life, once the packs are 5+ hounds, is to literally have a fortress infested with (tooth) traps and narrow corridors. 'Less there's way better armor nowadays. Once you manage to make it through your first Winter, I recommend ya prioritize a small trap-laden fortress 'fore the hounds get ya. Make sure you time your exploration so the hounds don't catch ya too far away from the fortress.

I just tend to wing it and take of things as they happen. I'd try the fortress idea again if my luck wasn'y good awful and every time I set one up it gets destroyed in some way. In other news, Bee Mines are my new incredibly entertaining toys for taking care of enemies.
I wish you the best'a luck, then. You'll need it after your second Winter, let me tell ya. Since you don't want t' build a fortress, make sure you've one'a these. That and a road will save your life from a hound attack when you're in an otherwise hopeless situation... without wastin' your precious bring-you-back-to-life items.



Underwater combat's slothful pace and lack of invincibility frames makes me want t' have a weapon that can block.

A game that's very expensive being cheap once a year is a better deal than another yearly-released game that will only depreciate in value over time. I'm certain any budget gamer would come to that conclusion.

As I mentioned in the Thread of Buying, I'm thoroughly invested in AC multiplayer. So rather than wait for the point where AC:IV is inevitably only $15 (mid 2014 I'd guess, since that's what yearly releases do t' used prices), I'm "wasting" $25 to get in on the fun early. Whereas if I bought Xenoblade, I'd be "wasting" $40.

Unless you mean piratry, which can also include WiiU games given enough time.

[STRIKE]Not somethin' I'm interested in 'til the homebrew scene is fleshed out and "safe".[/STRIKE] Pfft, only job-less losers with no life pirate games. *sob*


Hardcore Wolfpack is definitely more difficult than it was in III for the sole reason that hiding places don't decrease your ease of detection for the last 15 or so sequences. Makes approaches on targets inefficient and sometimes outright impossible t' get an optimal kill, severely cutting your time.

As a result of all'a the Wolfpack playin', I've also finally acquired enough credits t' get Abstergo +. Crafting and superawesomequick leveling, here I come.
Just beat Black Flag and I am kind of pissed. Spoiler-ish content ahead (no story spoilers but it can kinda spoil the fun and a MAJOR AC3 spoiler if you haven't played it yet)
IT DOES NOT PROGRESS THE MAIN STORY AT FUCKING ALL. FFS. I was interested to see what was going on with Desmond's old group and you learn almost nothing. They are going to bastardize the series even more by stretching the story out even more. I mean, it progressed the story a bit but nothing more than maybe 20 minutes of content. Gameplay-wise it was amazing but I was so excited from the story of 3 to see where it would go and it went just about no where. GAH.
Nothing good is ever going to come from 3's story. Unwarranted excitement in particular is bound to lead to disappointment.

Meh. AA5's DLC case is more pirate-worthy than Ubisoft's latest creation anyways. I'll still play ACIV eventually. I did hear that the gameplay is improved since the last game.

Also, Skyrim needs guilds. Actual ones.

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