The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Small steps, Assasin. Maybe someday the curse that haunts you can finally be lifted completely.
Considerin' he only has four turns (five if his HP isn't divisible by 4), I don't think he'll lift said Curse in time.

GGs to J. we shuld hav matches on rainbow cruise next tiem lolololololololol
Small steps, Assasin. Maybe someday the curse that haunts you can finally be lifted completely.

The DLC case was just taken out of the finished product and sold seperately for the extra cash. I believe the pirate theme is a metaphor for Capcom's practices, for they are in particular attached to the DLC business.

Skyrim's 7.50 on Steam. Gotta love those sales.
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Shiny Boldore, yay. Ralts didn't work, and the nature is Careful (+Sp. defense, -sp. attack), which is still one of the better natures, at least. The HP and Defense IV's are lacking, which kind of bothers me, but I'll get over it.

I really wish it had Sand Force so I could viably run Sandstorm, but whatever. Sturdy has its merits, though admittedly I'm annoyed since the nature makes it even more situational. I guess the best way to go about this is to make a bulky set without Sandstorm, so I'm not missing out on the Sand force boost while also taking advantage of the nature. Perhaps Rock Blast/Earthquake/Toxic/Protect with Leftovers? Or somefin like that.

goddamnitt nicky it's for an in game team quit making it such a thing
Went to the dragon wall, and the damn ex-blades are too stupid to understand it, so I gotta go to the greybeards again. At least Molag Bal is back. I should visit Azuras Shrine as well, once I become cold-resistant enough.
Are the blades less dumb (and less jerk) back in the days when they served the emperor? Which is t' say, during Oblivion.

Scored many an artifact with my fancy footwork. One of which I had t' do without any support, every pursuer on me, straight from when I grabbed their artifact 'til the moment I scored it.
The blades were too busy babysitting the heir at their temple and didn't pay you much attention unless you did quests involving their future emperor. The place felt like a japanese fort. The blades in Morrowind were all undercover, only gave you info after doing dirty work for them, and never fight themselves.
'Least they were doin' their job.

AC:IV is mine. Completely ignorin' the Single Player 'til I feel like playin' it, as I'm rarin' to get int' the multiplayer... and speakin' of, holy 'Karp does multiplayer have some frame rate issues. A thousand times more bearable than the connection issues that plagued III for an entire year, but still annoyin'. After a multiple-hour session, I left with a lot of XP; as well as headache.

So far, it seems the maps are less streamlined with a lot more unique properties and nuances. More open. I reckon that's a good thing for non-Deathmatch FFA modes. On that note, I haven't really played any team modes at all yet. Nothin' but Deathmatch and Wanted so far (though my first two sessions were Manhunt [which I utterly dominated] and Artifact Assault [which I did awful in, since zero map knowledge + no abilities = guaranteed failure]). Plan t' change that and see if I can't find some Manhunt modes.

Oh, and I also noticed that FFA lobbies won't change to Team mode lobbies, and probably vice verse. A good change I reckon, as I missed it bein' like that as it was back in Revelations.

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