The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Looks like I'm stuck in Morthal until I find a axe for firewood. Or maybe some more effective clothing. Can't build a campfire without firewood, but I need an axe for that. And according to the crafting recipe, I need firewood to make the axe...?

... Oh right, GGs to Mr. Wavedash.

Looks like I'm stuck in Morthal until I find a axe for firewood. Or maybe some more effective clothing. Can't build a campfire without firewood, but I need an axe for that. And according to the crafting recipe, I need firewood to make the axe...?

Pretty sure they're found by chopping blocks in most-every settlement, though I can't remember if takin' one counts as stealing. Don't know whether or not blacksmiths or merchants sell 'em since... well, a woodcutter's axe ain't exactly useful in vSkyrim. If ya have no intent on usin' fast travel (assuming ya still have it), and can't find one lyin' about Morthal, shops reset their inventory every two full days. In vSkyrim.
Warioland shake dimension

two levels played, two levels enjoyed
Was playin' AC:III multiplayer earlier, and I got two animus hacks in a single Artifact Assault game. Twice. Despite constantly bein' on offense (which means you're gonna die a lot). i dont even

GGs to Tragofreeze. but lern 2 item
I haven't found info on CHIM in Skyrim. Maybe I need to keep playing. The whole streamlining thing for new players might have forced the devs to remove complex concepts from the game. But still, it's possible that they might've snuck something in. Maybe the Dragonborn expansion will help with that. And Vivec. Oh, that Vivec.

It's also funny that the High Elves became a threat. I've always thought of them to be the real-world equivalents of the French.
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Decided t' play Deathmatch even stealthier than usual (Disguise + Poison + Silent Morph killstreak). Had some bad luck and needed t' use Kill Buffer to get my Morph streak, but once it happened, lulz ensued. Some dude raged after I stunned 'em thrice in a row every time he killed a civilian, and decided t' tackle me into submission for the last two minutes of the game. Probably the most hilarious thing I've ever experienced in AC multiplayer. :lol:

But really, Silent Morph for New York Brewery's Deathmatch is too good. Animus Hacks are a waste of time in any score-based game mode. +250, normal or Silent, doesn't compare to Morph. +550 normal is also a waste of time, and +550 Silent is tough t' get outside of Deathmatch... in which case Silent Morph is better.
So I'm in Riverwood using the forge (never really bother with smithing) when I get punched by a "gibbering lunatic".

He then proceeds to shiver and shake and transform into a werewolf before my eyes. I run to the inn until things settle down. The werewolf was slain, but the guard who fought him went into a t-pose lying on his back. He's still alive, but alas, he may never recover.
High ranked players either hate my playstyle (I do play Assassinate as a vulture, but that's how ya have t' play it in AC:III... and I don't play like a jerk in any other modes =/), or flee in terror of me. Definitely the latter for a select few. Specifically a once low-level player I used t' encounter all the time way back last year. Said player is now high ranked and almost as high prestige as I am... but still wants nothin' to do with me. I don't know whether t' take the runnin' away from me as unintentional compliment, or insult.

The werewolf was slain, but the guard who fought him went into a t-pose lying on his back. He's still alive


Oh, and in regards t' your comment 'bout Dragonborn... if ya do get it, I'm curious how present Solstheim compares to Bloodmoon Solstheim (the island itself, not the expansions).
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Dwarven mechanical dragons, that was unexpected. Likely part of the Deadly Dragons overhaul. Had to turn off killmoves on my character to prevent him from being tossed like a ragdoll and dying. Actually, I've had to do that with all the dragons. I always have trouble with them.


Oh, and in regards t' your comment 'bout Dragonborn... if ya do get it, I'm curious how present Solstheim compares to Bloodmoon Solstheim (the island itself, not the expansions).

He said standard guard stuff and was still treated as alive. He just moves about by sliding on his face.

Any recommended levels for Dawnguard and Dragonborn? I've already been attacked by some guys wearing masks early on and was instructed to head to Solstheim.
Dwarven mechanical dragons, that was unexpected. Likely part of the Deadly Dragons overhaul. Had to turn off killmoves on my character to prevent him from being tossed like a ragdoll and dying. Actually, I've had to do that with all the dragons. I always have trouble with them.

He said standard guard stuff and was still treated as alive. He just moves about by sliding on his face.

Any recommended levels for Dawnguard and Dragonborn? I've already been attacked by some guys wearing masks early on and was instructed to head to Solstheim.

Executions are always a pain in the ass, I always like to save my healing items until the very last drop of HP, executions in Skyrim threw that out the window cuz I'm stingy. Also best werewolf guard ever.

Played through and beat Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time again. The bosses are pathetically easy in that game once you learn how stupidly broken a POW build is and that the Copy Flower and Mix Flower are the best boss killing items in a M&L game I've ever seen (exclude Dream Team, not played that one yet). Even the bosses before you obtain the Copy and Mix flower attack items can easily be taken care of with the basic attacks up until the final sections of the game, attack items just speed those bosses up since they're stupidly easy in the first place.

Morale of the story: SuperStar Saga is the only slightly difficult Mario & Luigi RPG game I have ever played, purely because you weren't given god like single target/AoE team attacks.
Executions are always a pain in the ass, I always like to save my healing items until the very last drop of HP, executions in Skyrim threw that out the window cuz I'm stingy.


Most-every fight I lose is 'cause I refuse t' use my healing potions when the opponent is one poke from death... despite the fact I'm also one poke from death, and thus an execution threatens t' troll me.

Any recommended levels for Dawnguard and Dragonborn? I've already been attacked by some guys wearing masks early on and was instructed to head to Solstheim.

I wouldn't know since vSkyrim 'n all, but if ya have intent to join the Dawnguard, you might want t' hold off 'til you're higher level. IIRC aggressive, high level vampires can often spawn for random encounters when you're part'a the Dawnguard... and they'l tear ya a new one. Randomly. I still remember my first encounter with an Ancient Vampire (uber high level ones). Was 'bout the same level, on Normal difficulty, and it actually managed t' kill me... bastard was literally more dangerous than an Elder Dragon, which I still find absurd.

'Course, that's a moot point if ya want t' fight with the vampires against the Dawnguard. crossbow > vampiric boons

As for Dragonborn, dunnolol. I wouldn't be surprised if the enemies in Apocrypha would end up incredibly high leveled via your mods 'n such, but that's a baseless assumption. I can however say that, from a plot standpoint, I feel it makes more sense t' go to Solstheim after finishing the main questline with that there world-eater anyways, high level foes or not.
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