The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

In the fourth generation, a variety of things have changed in order to allow for the obtaining of Shiny Pokémon. First is a method commonly known as the Masuda Method, named after the game developer and the person who revealed it; Junichi Masuda. This method has you breed two Pokémon. However, one of the Pokémon must be of a different nationality than your game (such as a Japanese Pokémon on an English game). This will lower the chances of hatching a shiny Pokémon from 1 in 8,192 to 1 in 2,048 cutting it by 75% in Generation IV. However, in Generation V, it is boosted even further from 1 in 8,192 to 1 in 1,365.3. Generation VI has increased the likelihood even further, with the rate being reduced even further.
The Myrmecoleon: "A beast with the front of a lion and the back of an ant. It is the result of a lion and ant mating, but because the lion part eats meat and the ant part eats vegetables, it will die of starvation. It was born from a mistranslation of the Bible."

Favorite demon entry so far.
Risk of Rain is a fun game but the games spawn RNG needs to stop screwing me over when I play the Sniper. I'll play any other class and get the very few manageable mobs for the Sniper, play Sniper the game goes "Nope!" and gives me all the hard enemies, spawned as elites no doubt (especially the teleporting elites, hate those guys with a passion).

Over all once the games stops grinding your gears with awful items and mob spawns it's really fun, it's challenging for even experienced players because the mobs can hit some crazy numbers starting on Stage 3 and even then swarming is still a massive issue starting on the 2nd stage. It isn't embarrassingly awful to play like The Binding of Isaac and I can see the game having a long life time if the creators actually bother to maintain it with new characters, enemies and items (which actually killed The Binding of Isaac for me with the DLC).
I was playing the Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl demo. First-person, meh. Not my type of game, but it was still quite enjoyable.

Very stimulating of a game. I disliked the mapping part on the touch screen because I just don't like any sort of artwork. Other than that, the battle phase is interesting. The storyline is amazing yet easy to follow along and understand. Unlike Fire Emblem, characters don't just appear out of nowhere. All of them have a reason, and a good reason for the most part. When you're not adventuring and taking a break in a town or such, it resembles a PC game. (At least, some of the PC games I've played.....let's just say it doesn't look like what you would expect it to look like.) Weird seeing flat symbols in 3D, but I suppose it's not that bad. Dialogue is good but the sound in cutscenes is lower than what the game's default sound is. Probably a feature of the demo, since it said that music wasn't to its fullest in it.
Finally performed a successful solo Sniper run in Risk of Rain. Took a little bit of patience because I got some awful boss and mob spawns for solo sniper but I managed to clear the game none the less. Just wish I activated the final boss fight earlier, he had ~40K hp because I spent a lot of time messing around and trying to use my keycards. The Lantern fears him, which is hilarious IMO, never heard of a final boss that is affected by fear debuffs before.

I did. I fast fall B-air'd you even the first time ya did a wall cling... but my FF input was also flubbed every time. ._.; was so mad

Abusing CC is lame
Oh, I ain't complainin' 'bout 'er D-smash. I'm complainin' 'bout Peach bein' lame. Which is compounded by my lack of knowledge in regards t' how to play against her...
... I got 0-death'd by your Peach? ._.; Was too busy facepalming after said stitchface to notice. :lol:
Werewolves maintain that form for a short time, I've noticed. I was camping out for warmth at the top of a tower at Helgen, when I heard howling and was assaulted by bandits who were fighting said werewolf at the base at the tower. Killed the bandits, but was one-shotted by the werewolf and fell off the tower. Maybe the fall killed me? Anywho, I fusrodah'd him away instead of fighting and he started running away for some reason and eventually transformed back into a man, were he met his end by the end of my blade.

Also, getting sudden framerate issues. Will need to check that out.
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Killed the bandits, but was one-shotted by the werewolf and fell off the tower. Maybe the fall killed me?

Yep, the fall killed ya. Werewolves send ya flyin' in the same way high-level Draugr might use Unrelenting Force: which is to say, your HUD disappears 'til the "cinematic" rag-dolling through the air ends.
Too bad my cloning plan to create a Smash Doubles partner, created a not as skilled version Mr. MR.

I was Black Marth