The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Don't believe that's been confirmed as'a yet. If that ain't the case, show me ya [STRIKE]moves[/STRIKE] source!
I don't see why it would reset, so I'm merely assuming. I do think my assumption is probably correct, but it's called an assumption for a reason.

Edit: Chain broke 30 minutes into another shiny Carvanha attempt. foswa
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The Argosy's Captain srsly said "a winner is you". i lol'd

And the fishin' fleet wench said "mother of carp". i lol'd. And then she said "put the 'leet' back in our Fleet". i lol'd again. And then proceeded to break the forth wall. Where'd all this particularly amusin' dialogue come from so suddenly?

Also, a surprise G-rank mission. ffs game
Surprised at the pirate's melee viability. Managed to fend off a group off 4 ninjas with my hatchet. I then did the reverse playing ninja and taking out the pirates. Throwing stars are handy for closing in on 'em. Duel mode really helped me improve.
Rock Slide's imperfect accuracy of 90 can ironically be useful when trying to catch horde Pokemon (assuming you don't care about certain visible specifics, ie gender). Oftentimes it will hit all but one or two of them, which is faster than spending four turns killing them off one by one.
Takes longer t' find another horde if ya get "lucky" ... assumin' you're not usin' a sweet scent Poke. Also, why the 'Karp is a move with 90% accuracy missin' 1/5th (or more) of the time? ._.;

GGs t' Mr. John. Not gonna lie, that wavedash performance with Fox was epic. I could never do that online... probably.
Takes longer t' find another horde if ya get "lucky" ... assumin' you're not usin' a sweet scent Poke. Also, why the 'Karp is a move with 90% accuracy missin' 1/5th (or more) of the time? ._.;
It's not a good idea if it's a rare horde, but if it's something common like Whismur it's my preferred approach.

it's how I got my vanillish and my vanilliuxe in modest so obvs effective strat is effective
Thus far in Tales of the Abyss.


90 eggs into my shiny Mareep search. The Masuda rate (among other shiny rates) has increased, and according to one source it has increased to 1/683. I'm about 13% to that number so far.
I've spent a couple of hours or so just browsing and downloading Skyrim mods as I prepare for the inevitable playthrough. Not as many to choose from compared to Oblivion, but still great.

Birds in Skyrim, **** yeah!
Oh my. There's a cliffracer mod. I do wonder how that'll affect the dragon population. They need to take that into consideration.

The REAL improvement right now is the location damage mod, which should fix the problem of having to fight people with a bunch of arrows lodged in their skull. There's more radical ones, but they seem to make the game needlessly difficult, and I wanna just have improved combat, without the redesign from the ground up. Also got a UI mod which fixes the console-ness of menus and some climate/weather effect mods. Frostfall in particular makes the weather actually affect characters, so it's a win-win.

Replaying AA5 with the alt costumes. Phoenix's original/trilogy suit feels more natural.
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Decided t' make a Rath Soul set in preparation for G-rank, not that I'm anywhere near said rank yet. Got my second Rathalos Ruby on the third Azure Rathalos capture. What is this desire sensor hunters speak of?

Also, Deviljho is still a pushover in Tanzia High-rank. Nothin's gonna fission mail me 'til G-rank, I reckon.


Saw that somewhere. Looked cool (hah) as 'Karp.

Mods like that are what make me most envious of PC gamers...

90 eggs into my shiny Mareep search. The Masuda rate (among other shiny rates) has increased, and according to one source it has increased to 1/683. I'm about 13% to that number so far.

You're still better off chaining.