The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)


Finally fixed the Samurai. They're not winning as much now, at least.
From what I've seen, the Pirate is lamesauce. Just too easy t' hit with their firearm... though an expert archer is obviously more deadly.

There's a retarded influx of newbies in AC:III multiplayer. Everyone's buyin' it rather than the newest one. wtf y? ... I also feel terrible for the noobs, as playin' against someone who knows what they're doin' really isn't much fun at all. Worst of all is that I absolutely cannot avoid said noob lobbies, they're everywhere. Only time I encountered anyone above first prestige today was when four high-prestiged clanners came int' the lobby, and ragequit five minutes in after I man-handled 'em a bit. I'm kind'a hesitant t' play any more today, but I'm sure a few high-ranked players should be around now that it's late at night.

I have to force myself to play it. It's not working.

Did ya beat the Champion yet?
I think I'm still at victory road. Difficulty ceiling is virtually nonexistent, so there's little incentive to do anything. Gameplay follows the same path. And narrative... well, I won't go into that. More amounts of Pokemon just doesn't cut it. Strange Journey is virtually the opposite in every aspect. Then Resident Evil showed up. Ace Attorney 5 may just be the best in the series.
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I think I'm still at victory road. Difficulty ceiling is virtually nonexistent, so there's little incentive to do anything. Gameplay follows the same path. And narrative... well, I won't go into that. More amounts of Pokemon just doesn't cut it.
I disagree with the last part which I believe implies that new Pokemon are the only thing added, though obvious issues are obvious. Things like the Team Flare scientists only having one Pokemon really grinds my gears. That doesn't even qualify as a miniboss. Pretty sure they all had two Pokemon in their second encounter, which is barely an improvement. How irritating. Don't even get me started on most of the AI, ugh. Calem, your Greninja is not going to hurt my Clawitzer with Water Shuriken.

I've been over my annoyance with Game Freak continually failing to correct what I believe are obvious issues with the series, so I'll leave it at that. Besides the story (though it was good in a few condensed parts), difficulty, and maybe something else I was rather pleased with XY. The narrative was a mixed bag. I recall the random NPC's having better quotes than the actual characters for some reason, I dunno.

you're allowed to not like XY but that doesn't stop me from being sadface

Edit: I know that narrative =/= dialogue, so if you mean the way the story was formatted, yes, that was rather meh too.
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The noobs have been replaced by slightly higher level noobs. Still easy pickings... so easy I'm startin' t' get bored already. The only new prestiged player I ran into was one'a those horrendously defensive players that would rather let their team lose than take one for the team... ever. Those sorts'a dirtbags ruin the fun for everyone, 'specially their team mates who keep runnin' to their deaths in vain.

I'm happy he wasn't ever on my team, and therefore got pulverized int' dust every match, be it a team mode or FFA session.

I think I'm still at victory road.

Ya ain't missin' much anyways. After beatin' the Champion, there's ****-all t' do in the post-game 'sides complete the Pokedex.

my annoyance with Game Freak continually failing to correct what I believe are obvious issues with the series

You imply Game Freak ever attempted t' fix these obvious issues, which they're clearly aware of; and they clearly don't want to. Pokemon's in-game content bein' difficult is exactly what they don't want. A complex story is exactly what they don't want (which is somewhat contrary to what they accomplished in BW...).
Ya ain't missin' much anyways. After beatin' the Champion, there's ****-all t' do in the post-game 'sides complete the Pokedex.
Hey, I liked the Looker sidequests...but aside from that there isn't that much to do. Aside from the usual screwing around (ie: battle frontier esque thing, training more Pokemon, etc). Finding the mega stones falls into the category of "training more Pokemon" since even if you want said stones merely for collection purposes, most of them barely even count as a sidequest, if they count at all. Maybe the mega stone hunting counts as a quest if you actually look for them as opposed to just using the internet, but eh.

Pretty sure there's some stuff involving your rival, but I haven't gotten around to that yet, so I can't say much about it.

You imply Game Freak ever attempted t' fix these obvious issues, which they're clearly aware of; and they clearly don't want to. Pokemon's in-game content bein' difficult is exactly what they don't want. A complex story is exactly what they don't want (which is somewhat contrary to what they accomplished in BW...).
I didn't mean to imply that. They should want to correct them, though, imo.
Satisfying their older fanbase at the risk of losin' the younger/casual gamer audience ain't a smart business strategy.
I don't see why the difficulty mode feature of BW2 should stay exclusive to said games, if that's what they're thinking (shrug). Sure, the ones in those games were pretty meh, but the basic concept is what matters. And while eventually I would like a really great story, I really think they could have made a better story than what XY had without confusing the kids.

I'm not overlooking what I find to be faults in the series, but they don't make the games unenjoyable for me.
Suddenly, prestiged players everywhere. Where the 'Karp were they yesterday... ?

Also encountered the strangest glitch. One'a my team mates during a Manhunt session never spawned for both rounds... that, or after spawnin' he was stuck in limbo forever. What confused me even more is that he didn't leave the session, and appeared next round. i dont even

I really think they could have made a better story than what XY had without confusing the kids.

And that's a damn fact. BW1 managed just fine in that regard.
Unable to find Assassinate sessions. Can't have fun with Poison Dart since it's garbage in Wanted (and blatantly unusable in every other mode). sadfaec

Also, noobs everywhere with a notable lack of prestiged players again. I guess everyone plays on Saturdays... ?

This would explain the oddly somewhat numerous Metal Gear references thus far.
GGs to Mr. MR and Sundown (not so much, since I only played like 2 or 3 rounds with him).

My Wolf isn't as bad as 'Karpmod says it is, is it, MR?
My Falco sucks. I was just trying to practice tech on WiFi. Most of the time I was focused on Advanced Tech Skills.

I need to learn how to Pillar and stuff. Wavedashing out of Shine on WiFi is hard.