The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

I'd like to thank Tampa for playing ith the PP9 and letting me get some wins in conflict.
Much appreciated.
No problem bud! :thumbsup: I figured your 37th profile could use some extra xp on the way to 56!
Don't make his head get any bigger than it already is. There isn't room on wiichat's server for it. :yikes:
Mod edit: Wrong thread for that.
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Good team games this afternoon [E7]. Good to finally play with you Yoshi. Sorry to hog all the noobs on that first team match in the club - guess no one cared to knock me off my roost. Sometimes it pays to be a sniper. :thumbsup:
Good team games this afternoon [E7]. Good to finally play with you Yoshi. Sorry to hog all the noobs on that first team match in the club - guess no one cared to knock me off my roost. Sometimes it pays to be a sniper. :thumbsup:

Yeah, nice, sneaky 15-0 in that match! I was kinda hopin' you'd do a repeat performance in the 2nd match for the 30-0 kill streak (well, 2 15's back to back). Good job, Duckie! :)
After playing with nsac a couple of games.
I must now retract my earlier statement, that he often uses the proxyton.
I am hereby eating my own words, and apologizing for jumping the gun after clearly misremembering.

I look forward to playing with/against you again.
Proxyton? Rarely ever see "TOPRAMEN925" without it, either. Boooooo... Used the wolfe to teach him a lesson...again... :rolleyes5: For a while there, I thought he was learning his lesson. Too bad RamenNoodleBoy...
Proxyton'ers and noobtubers, make me feel we should create an official GE Hall of Shame.
Orb likes the above post because he knows he would be nominated for the above Hall of Shame...LOL :thumbsup: