The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

I would like to thank Trollface and S P A R K z Z for brightening up an otherwise unremarkable but productive(15k in 2h lazy grinding session.)
It was nice to see you revolverblazing. Where it not for the fact that i just bycicled for 3 hours and had just installed myself in my comfortable chair for lazyly shooting people in my grinding quest for the strata(now needing only 75k). I would have joined you.
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Yeah, Top Man's been playing with E7 a lot lately and has definitely been carrying his weight in-game! I thoroughly enjoy our games together! :thumbsup:
@xplode I was getting around 1000+exchange exp per game.
For a lazy grinding session with lower lvl weapons that is imo productive enough.
(oh and i am talking real hours, not gaming hours ofc.)
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Right, yesteray in TC i ran into this Yoda guy who basically played the game by sitting in convenient hiding spots, picking on unknowing players who pass by.
He stayed in one spot till he got killed, then moved to another, and so on.Which is all well and good where it not for the fact (to my own surprised dismay)
that i could not find him in facility.

I found him twice near the walks on either side where you can jump over. As well as on other sniping spots.
Near the end of the match though, he had hidden somewhere where i could not dinf him.

He was not near the number 3 hack, he was not on either side where you can jump over to the ledges. He was not on the ledge where you can climb on with a ladder.
Yet he was clearly killing the people who enetered the zone near the left side of the stairs on top of the number one spot.
Any ideas? SittingDuck, as a fellow sniper maybe you know?
He was using the silenced Talon. So i could not really pinpoint his location. I found him before by checking the sniping spots i know of.
Could he have been glitching? ...hard to find people who hide inside walls and textures...:rolleyes5:
Sometimes facing a proxyton'er can be a compliment in and by itself.
When you're facing a lvl 56, who suddenly feels the need to go masty, you know you're doing something right.
In Facility the high walkway accessible by the ladder is only one place that is worth sniping from so if he was sniping from somewhere else and unseen I'm not sure.

Referring to this map could identify exactly what you mean by the "zone near the left side of the stairs on top of the number one spot"?

Right, yesteray in TC i ran into this Yoda guy who basically played the game by sitting in convenient hiding spots, picking on unknowing players who pass by.
He stayed in one spot till he got killed, then moved to another, and so on.Which is all well and good where it not for the fact (to my own surprised dismay)
that i could not find him in facility.

I found him twice near the walks on either side where you can jump over. As well as on other sniping spots.
Near the end of the match though, he had hidden somewhere where i could not dinf him.

He was not near the number 3 hack, he was not on either side where you can jump over to the ledges. He was not on the ledge where you can climb on with a ladder.
Yet he was clearly killing the people who enetered the zone near the left side of the stairs on top of the number one spot.
Any ideas? SittingDuck, as a fellow sniper maybe you know?
@Duck Next to the upper left blue area on the map (the left stairs to the central stairs), was where i got shot.
I don't think he was in the ladder area, unless i overlooked him in a too quick glance.
It is definitely a challenge to spot people on that walkway. Did you check "the grassy knoll"?

Here are some graphics that might help us solve this mystery. There are actually at least five good spots spots where he could have been hiding assuming you didn't look for him there.

@Duck Next to the upper left blue area on the map (the left stairs to the central stairs), was where i got shot.
I don't think he was in the ladder area, unless i overlooked him in a too quick glance.


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  • facility2.jpg
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:) wow Duck, great job at that.
Whilst i cant be sure, it is probably amongst one of those spots.
If he was wearing black clothes, it is possible i overlooked him at a quick glance.

After today's gaming only 39k left from the strata on my [x]ZombiE profile.
After that, my next goal is getting the ivana with Koopa[E7] :)
It's all about the little extra incentive, too add to the fun.
And with the leaderboards hacked the incentive of getting most exp/kills/ wins is gone for me.
So unlike tampa, who plays with 1 profile, i like to get 56 with my 4 run&gun profile.
(Not sure what i want to do with my sniper profile)
That way i can moan every now and then about ppl who would have nothing on me if i got to play with equal weapons,
scratch my head at how long exp grinding takes, .... .
Strange how certain stuff are addictive.
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He was using the silenced Talon. So i could not really pinpoint his location. I found him before by checking the sniping spots i know of.

You can use hitmarkers on you and how he killed your team mates to work out where they are. Works well for me...

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