We'll I guess i got my anwser from Freak. It seems to be a common problem. Also seems like someone would do something about it. Funny thing is ...it hasn't happened to me since I posted...hmmmm?:sick:
i havent had my wii freeze on ge but i have alot on excitebots stunt racing. once online it was time to start racing and when the start clock turned 0 someone left. and i hate hackers. they cant stack up to real game play. tht and when the host on ge dies after the first kill he quits the game and we all have to pay the price
Good point, badbigt. Perhaps they should make a simple change to the GE game:
If you are the host and someone ADS's to you, your name should appear as "HOST SHOOT ME" instead of your actual name. This way we can test if host quits really do increase! hahaha
In any case my wii usually freezes when it needs to calculate lots of data (i think).
For instance it was running just fine. Even hosting i didn't get much lag.
Now in the tenth game or so a hacker comes along, he starts spraying explosions, resulting in a lag increase.
Then another dude joins, and i'm thinking he had a crappy connection cause from that moment on the game's lag increased to the point that i got a new screen every second or so. then the wii freezes.
The other times it froze was also when i'm thinking the wii was receiving/reading new data. Like at game ending, someone new joining, getting exp from a killing spree, lots of explosions in the game, that sort of stuff.
So basicaly i think my wii freezes when it's just unable to properly process all the data.
Im a hacker and there are definitely no hacks that allow you to do this. This happens to me too and I know why. I used to be on a wired connection, everytime I played golden gun or heroes it would freeze b4 i joined a lobby. Sometimes it would happen in the middle of a game to. Just reboot your wii. Now I have an extremely good wireless connection, it doesnt happen NEARLY as often. Maybe once or twice so far but not NBEARLY as much. It has to do with the connection so dont worry about it.........its eurocoms fault lol
This has happened to me as well. In fact for a while, it would occur 1-2 times a week. I have to say though, that it hasn't happened for quite some time. I really have no solution, but I can relate to your predicament. It is frustrating.
Mine will freeze aswell doesnt matter if I run the game straight or thru gecko OS. It happenes when a hodt quits or they loose connection. Mine will also freeze when the wii is looking for a game to put me in. and no hacks are written that would caise this. So please dont blame hackers it happens to us too its a easy as getting of the couch and resetting you wii.
Wii freeze with a beep...ah yes...this always seems to happen to me:
1) Right before I get to the "testing connection" message when signing on to online gaming. Then I have to reboot to connect.
2) Between matches when the host suddenly quits right as the scoreboard is going away.
3) Anytime I am running up a huge lead early in the match and the host blows up the world (or quits).
Nothing you can do about it. Unfortunately it is as much a part of the game as host quits, game lag, and noob tubers.
I know, this thing just pi55es me off. Like when you get so much xp and the game ends: BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. Once I was in a hacked XP lobby and when I finished the game I was 56 but then it beepd and wen I logged back on: guess what? I was still a 55. Damn!
I think it should BEEEEEEEEP every time someone plays a hacked xp game, just to keep things fair. XP hacking is cheating, and you shouldn't be allowed to complain when fate deals you a hand you deserve. :devil: