The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

So what's the key to their abilities? Are some just more adept at this game then others? Is it the shoes?

The dude that has been killing me, is gilligan.
Sure it came in the midst of a lazy grinding session.
Still even at the top of my game i'm thinking he'd own me good.
Better connection, quicker reflexes and mostly the ability to play with the WiiMote.
Something i've never been able to conquer.

the one thing they now how to do with perfection, and something i'm trying to improve on
is the kill and run. (Wondering what i mean?)

--> When you kill some1 in a gun batlle you often get killed as well when your line of sights are a match.
That is when you linger to long after putting enough bullets for the kill.
So basically you need to change your trajectory the moment you poured in enough bullets to secure your kill.
Ofcourse if you change your trajectory too soon, the other one survives...

Also they know their running lines to perfection.
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I played against [Next aka Prince-Luigi's alt]. He was okay, but I've seen better. He wasn't outplaying me. Mind you he was still lower lvl so he was using lower lvl guns against my strata...

The dude that has been killing me, is gilligan. Sure it came in the midst of a lazy grinding session. Still even at the top of my game i'm thinking he'd own me good.

I never said Prince-Luigi was the best ever, just that he was "quite skilled" and that it was nice to have him back in the game.

Gilligan is a beast, pure and simple. I'd rate him in the top percent of elite 56's. Very nasty!
Xanax always fun to play with a clan member.
Aside from the occasional lag we had some good games.

I don't know about you but i smiled when that lvl 42 XX'whatshisnameXX haxor left without obtaining a single win.
Spawning Proxys and using the silenced ivana and still but barely getting an even score....

ow yeah, for the fun of it i decided to play a bout of goldeneye after only playing conflict/TC the past couple of weeks.
I immediately went 66/11 on archives with the anova.
The anova is a beast in close quarters.
Goldeneye is a nice mode for raking up easy kills though in comparison to some conflict.

@alexwendo i'd play with ya, but there is an FC code thread for this.

@Karp: the noobtube is hated, because it is a weapon that does not require any aiming skills.
Basically it allows players who can't aim to save their lives kill you in quick 1-shot.
Whilst you need several seconds to pump enough bullets in a player.

And whilst it is justifiable when going up against equally overpowered masties.
it is just irritating to see players resort to the noobtube to get kills instead of learning how to aim.
Especially since noobtubing breeds like fungus.
Where one pops up, others are quick to follow.
Soon you have a game filled with noobtubers. Causing explosions left and right.
And the game (aside from the intial 5 minute of fun a noobtube can provide) is reduced to something less fun.
That is probably the biggest thing. Noobtubing, along with excessive proxytonning, makes the game less fun.
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Thanks Koopa... i notice the effect the Anova makes when u using it, but i cant choose it yet. its a little harder as am using my 64 classic remote, haven't become really useful with the nun chuck yet. But i still working on getting to know how to become a better player.
i know men i saw the fight u guys had, i was trying to bit up Bryan and Joker but they good too; lol... i loved when we were playing at archives and everybody was just changing from automatics to shot guns and i brought the smoke just to piss them off but they seem to like it .. good games body...hope to see you tomorrow at the practice with the rest of the members ( if the hurricane hasn't hit here yet and i still have power ).

Sit and Duck, we play once and u left.. i suck that bad broh? lol good game tho!

hahahaha peace :devil:
@Karp: the noobtube is hated, because it is a weapon that does not require any aiming skills.
Basically it allows players who can't aim to save their lives kill you in quick 1-shot.
Whilst you need several seconds to pump enough bullets in a player.

And whilst it is justifiable when going up against equally overpowered masties.
it is just irritating to see players resort to the noobtube to get kills instead of learning how to aim.
Especially since noobtubing breeds like fungus.
Where one pops up, others are quick to follow.
Soon you have a game filled with noobtubers. Causing explosions left and right.
And the game (aside from the intial 5 minute of fun a noobtube can provide) is reduced to something less fun.
That is probably the biggest thing. Noobtubing, along with excessive proxytonning, makes the game less fun.

ADSing ain't very difficult anyways... IMO, sniping is the only truly difficult sort'a weapons to use. Aiming is more practice makes perfect than actual skill, I'd say. Reflexes and steady hand easily obtained through enough experience. Obviously it takes more skill to kill with a weapon that takes multiple shots than a single projectile, but I don't personally feel that gap in "skill" between both weaponstyles is at all very large for any shooter.

I can see explosions goin' off everywhere degrading the game a tad, but that's cause and effect of irrational hatred for n00b tubes among the community. It's the same damn thing with every top-tier weapon in every damnable multiplayer shooter. People need t' choose weapons they ****in' enjoy and are good with 'n go to bloody town for some fun, rather than be assed with switching weapons solely to make the firefight "more fair" when someone uses the better weaponry.

In Red Dead Redemption, people outright rage when ya use either Dynamite (the only tool to stop the "unbeatable" strategy of camping) or the Mauser pistol, the best gun at mid-range. Neither weapon is overpowered; hell, Dynamite is bloody risky to use and ya usually die after throwin' a stick since you're left wide open during the throw. But regardless, hatred for 'em is aplenty because the former is an explosive and the latter is statistically the best weapon.

I've brought up this lil' topic before: skill before weaponry. In RDR, I take a revolver which isn't in the top 10 weapons of the game to every gun fight and come out on top nigh-always. People can have a bloody sniper at long range, a Mauser at mid range, or the best shotgun at close range and I often still win due to "skillful" aiming and proper use of my environment. I wreck players regardless of what weapon I have unless I'm usin' literally the worst guns in the game. Weapon advantage comes after skill advantage. There's nothin' wrong with playin' to win, but when switching weaponry instead of relying on skill takes away some of the fun, don't it?

It's obviously not that black 'n white in all games what with annoyin' or outright broken things like proxyton in most shooters, but I feel players make things far more complicated and far less fun than they should. ... Then again, that's what happens when games are filled with kids who only play t' win since they ain't mature enough to have fun and lose at the same time. And we all know shooters attract kids like a carcass attracts flys. =/

/rant from a gamer who's never played GE herpaderp
For the first time ever in over a year of having Goldeneye.. all of the other team left. For about 5 minutes we were just standing there shooting each other and throwing grenades :p
Last night i entered the following lobby (see image).
So i thinking i was gonna play a new map, created by this uploader got all excited.
To the point i quickly took out my camera to take the pic.
Instead all i got was a hacked docks....

That's not a hacked Docks. That's the offline version (local multiplayers split screen) of Docks. People have worked out how to get those maps online. And they (I know them from Faqs) are working on getting unused maps online (maps that are hidden on the dosk, but are never seen in the game). One of those maps is the other side of Out Post too, it looks really cool but is only 40% complete. There are You Tube vids of these maps, you should see them.
Sit and Duck, we play once and u left.. i suck that bad broh? lol good game tho!

Yeah, I had enough time to play a couple of games. Saw your invite then there you were in the Club team game. Did you notice that most times you guys got to the upper level the other team would often die right in front of you. Well, that was me sniping from the round catwalk opposite that main hallway. I picked off at least 15 guys that way. They just kept coming back for more - poor saps. Good thing we weren't playing with friendly fire cause I was shooting right through you a lot of the time.


  • club-snipe.jpg
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That's not a hacked Docks. That's the offline version (local multiplayers split screen) of Docks. People have worked out how to get those maps online. And they (I know them from Faqs) are working on getting unused maps online (maps that are hidden on the dosk, but are never seen in the game). One of those maps is the other side of Out Post too, it looks really cool but is only 40% complete. There are You Tube vids of these maps, you should see them.

No the game was hacked.
It may be as you say that, that was the offline version of docks.
But aside from that, we where sliding like crazy, getting propelled into the air, unable to kill anyone, ...
But aside from that, we where sliding like crazy, getting propelled into the air, unable to kill anyone, ...

I always wondered what the point was of hacking a FPS game so you couldn't kill anyone...duh...:rolleyes: Silly hackers, tricks are for kids... smh
That's not a hacked Docks. That's the offline version (local multiplayers split screen) of Docks. People have worked out how to get those maps online. And they (I know them from Faqs) are working on getting unused maps online (maps that are hidden on the dosk, but are never seen in the game). One of those maps is the other side of Out Post too, it looks really cool but is only 40% complete. There are You Tube vids of these maps, you should see them.
Wow, that ship level looks quite creepy!

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