Wii Freeze with a beep...wtf is it really? Besides the best part of the game???

Lack of RAM results in the technology physically breaking... ?

Made me lol'd.

On Topic: The only time I remember Wii disc drives getting broken over a game was when black ops came out.
That and if I remember right first GEN (launch Wiis) had that buzzing noise/disc drive breaking problem the most out of all other Wii models /DuhMuchKinda?
Last night I power cycled my FIOS modem (removed the battery too) and installed a new router. When I connected to the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection the Starting Server..., Authenticating... and Testing Connection... process was about 5 times as fast as it used to be.

Not sure but possibly data is getting hung up if your networking devices haven't been cleaned out in a while with a good power cycle?

I'll chime in again later to report if I see a reduction in crashes and dropped connections. As some have eluded to, I suspect that the wii hardware wasn't designed to take the beating the GE Multiplayer can deliver. As far as I understand the wiil was meant to be more of a motion/physics rendering machine as opposed to intensive graphics rendering.

By the way, why aren't you guys playing on an XBox? At my house the wii was initially meant for the kids/family when we got it so that's the console of choice here. Would like to move to playing on my PC (007 legends) or get an XBox (no money for that right now thought).

Also got a continuous beep and screen freeze today at lunch after a game was over and scores were posted. So looks like this has nothing to do with the quality of the connection.
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The "Wii Freeze with a beep" at the scoreboard happens when the host quits as the scoreboard comes up, and is due to the the host machine not sending the "proceed to lobby" packet when needed. I find it happens for one of two reasons:
1) The host was being polite and waiting for the game to end before quitting, but quit before the "lobby" packet could be sent.
2) The host left at that time on purpose, knowing it would screw with people and "wii freeze/beep" them...which also happenz...

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